课题
Unit
My
friends
课时
1课时
备课人
学校
教材分析
本节课主要让学生能够熟练地向别人介绍自己的朋友,并对他们的外形作一些简单的描述。
学情分析
三年级学生对英语学习都比较感兴趣,所以本节主要通过听歌曲、玩游戏、角色扮演等活动完成教学,提高学生们学习英语的兴趣。
教学目标
1、呈现代表高矮胖瘦的典型人物,引出Look
and
learn中的描述人物体形特征的四个形容词,帮助学生达成词汇学习的目标。
2、通过
Listen
and
say的情景对话,帮助学生学习本单元的核心句型句型This
is
....(name)
He's/She's
...(adj)
教学重难点
重点
词汇tall,
short,
fat,
thin,
he,
friend,
is,
my,
she,
this.句型This
is...
(name)He’s/She’s...(adj)
难点
在He’s/She’s...的句型中正确运用专有名词(姓名),可数名词(单数)以及形容词。
教学准备
课件
光盘
多媒体
教学流程
Pre-task
preparations1、播放Listen
and
enjoy的儿歌,让字生听并跟唱,活跃课堂气氛。2、用多媒体呈现分别代表高、矮、胖、瘦这四种体形的典型人物形象,让学生通过图片直观地感受tall
short
fat和thin这四个形容词的意思。While-task
procedures1、分别呈现Joe和Peter的图片,但是遮住人物的脸,让学生猜猜照片中的人是谁,通过这一活动引出一对反义词fat和thin,然后出示更多多不同体形的人物图片,让学生说说谁瘦谁胖。
T:
(show
the
picture
of
Joe)
Who
is
this
S1:
Peter.
T:
No,
he
isn't
Peter.
S2:
Joe
T:
(show
the
full
picture
of
Joe)
Yes,
this
is
Joe.
Joe
is
fat.
T:
(show
the
picture
of
Peter)
Who
is
he
Is
he
Joe
S1:
No.
T:
Who
is
he
S2:
Peter.
T:
(show
the
full
picture
of
Peter)
Yes
.this
is
Peter.
Peter
is
not
fat.
He's
thin.
(point
to
the
thin
pupils
in
the
class)...
is
thin.
...
is
thin
too.\
T:
(show
more
pictures
of
fat
or
thin
people)
Who
is
fat/thin
S1:
...is
fat.
S2:
...is
thin.2、一一呈现教材的主线人物(Peter
Kitty
Joe和Alice),通过问答学习本单元的新句型This
is
...(name)和He's/She's...
T:(point
to
Peter)
Look!
Who
is
he
Is
he
Peter
Ss:
Yes.
T:
Right.
This
is
Peter.
Follow
me,
class.
This
is
Peter.
He's
thin.
Ss:
This
is
Peter.
He's
thin.
T:
Who
is
she
Ss:
Kitty.
T:
Yes,
This
is
Kitty.
She'
thin.
Ss:
This
is
Kitty.
She'
thin.
播放Listen
and
say的动画,让学生听并跟读,然后请几个学生表演对话。Post-task
activities
1、用一首儿歌操练Look
and
learn中任意一对反义词(tall/short
fat/thin),然后让学生模仿创编儿歌。
T:(show
the
picture
of
a
tall
boy
and
a
short
boy)
Tall
boy,
short
boy.
One
and
two
Tall
boy
,
short
boy
see
you.
Ss:
Tall
boy,
short
boy.
One
and
two
Tall
boy
,
short
boy
see
you.
T:(show
the
picture
of
a
fat
girl
and
a
thin
girl)
S1:
Fat
girl,
thin
girl
One
and
two.
Fat
girl,
thin
girl.
see
you
.
2、让胖瘦或身高方面有明显差距的两个学生结对上来,两人轮流用I'm
和He's/She's...向班上其他同学作介绍。
S1:
Hello,
I'm...
This
is
...
He's/She's...(adj)
S2:
Hello,
I'm...
This
is
...
He's/She's...(adj)
作业设计
1、
Listen
and
read
Page
18.
2、Introduce
your
friend
to
your
parents
with
a
photo.
板书设计
4.My
friend
词汇tall,
short,
fat,
thin,
he,
friend,
is,
my,
she,
this.
句型This
is...
He’s/She’s...