课件72张PPT。 UNIT 12 I like
lessons. =circleringThe watch is a .circlesquareThe clock is a .squaretriangleThe pizza is a .triangle pentagonThe chair is a .PentagonstarThis is a .starrectangleThe clock is a .rectanglecirclesquaretrianglepentagonstarrectangleA circle in a square ,
a circle in a square.
Rectangle , triangle
can be all in a circle .
Pentagon and star
can be all in a circle .Chant and sing scissorssticky tapeMay I use the
sticky tape?Here you are.You are
Thank you.eraser/ rubbercrayonsexercise bookradiolemonade toilet paper picture bookMay I use
your pen ?Here you are.You are
Thank you.I love
lessons.So do I.UFOU=unidentifiedF=flying O=objectImportant sentence structure1. We are going to…
2. I love….
3. So do I
4. My UFO is flying now.
5. May I use…
12345678910111213harefare mare pare flare bare hardware care dare glare rare snare
/e?/are→( )A.window B. grow
C. town D. snow
( )A. how B.coat C.go D.road
( )A、boat B、town
C、goat D、yellow
( ) A.fish B. listen
C. like D. big
( ) A.dinner B. sit
C.wish D.rightBCDACYesNoYesNoYesYesUnit12squarestarcirclepentagonrectangletrianglepentagonrectangletrianglesquarecirclescissorMay I use your scissor?
Here you are/ No problemsticky tapeMay I use the sticky tape?
Here you are!
Thank you!
You are welcomecircleringsquarestartrianglerectanglepentagonshapesHow many stars in the picture?What kind of shapes can you see in this picture?I love paper-folding lessons.
So do I! A circle in a square,a circle in a square.
Rectangle,rectangle can be all in a circle.
Pentagon and star can be all in a circle.Look! My UFO is flying now.Guess, how far will it fly ?Part 1
We are going to make a paper UFO today.
make a paper UFO做一个纸做的UFO
be going to...
We are going to Beijing tomorrow.This UFO is easy to make...
=To make this UFO is easy.
...and fun to fly.
=To fly this UFO is fun.
Just follow the steps.
跟着步骤来。Part 1
We are going to make a paper UFO today.
be going to...
We are going to Beijing tomorrow....and make your own paper UFO.
May I use the sticky tape?
['st?k?] [te?p]
May I use the scissors?
May I...?我能......?Here you are!
You are welcome.
=Not at all.
How far will it fly?
它能飞多远呢?There are some carrots There are some bananas.There are some apples There are some tomatoes next to the box.There isn't a TV in the house. Are there any chairs in room? No, there aren't any chairs in the roomare [e?] Homework
2.听读签背 U12。Thank You !HOMEWORK1.第二部分的单词5英1汉。