Unit
My
family
教案
课时1
1教学目标
1、在语境中学习、理解、运用词汇father,
mother,
me,
family,
beautiful,
lovely,
cool.
2、在语境中学习、理解、运用句型
-
Who
is
he/she
-
He/She
is
…
.
语言技能目标
能结合新旧知识来询问人物的身份,并描述人物的能力、喜好及外貌、形体特征,以及能熟练地运用核心语言谈论家庭的照片;
学习策略目标
通过课堂小组活动,学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,培养学生
的合作策略;在课堂教学中,引导学生注意倾听,积极思考,积极运用所
学英语进行表达和交流,培养学生的听说策略及交际策略;创设真实的语
境,在逐层递进的语言活动中,培养学生的认知策略及写作策略;
◇情感态度目标
通过创编的语篇及丰富的课堂活动,培养学生关爱家人、热爱集体、热爱祖国的美好情感和积极乐观的生活态度;
◇文化意识目标
通过课堂教学,自然渗透西方人对赞美会用Thank
you表示感谢。使学生体验到中西方文化对于接受赞扬的方式的差异。
2学情分析
上学前很少接触英语,家人文化程度浅,部分学生的家长在外务工,没有一个好的家庭环境和学习氛围。学生基础弱,底子薄。
3重点难点
1.
To
pay
special
attention
to
the
pronunciation
of
the
new
words.
2.
To
pay
special
attention
to
the
sentences:
This
is
my
family.
She
is
my
…,
he
is
my
…
4教学过程
活动1【导入】导入
Let’s
sing
a
song《Dear
mother》
Dear
mother,
Dear
mother.
Can
wear
my
new
dress
today
Yes,
you
can.
Yes,
you
can.
You
can
wear
your
new
dress
today.
《Dear
father》
Dear
father,
Dear
father.
Do
you
like
my
red
jacket
Yes,
do.
Yes,
do.
They
are
very
cool
on
you.
In
these
two
songs,
they
refer
to
dear
mother
and
father.
Now,
let’s
read
it
together:
Mother
Father
Let’s
turn
back,
face
to
your
parents
and
say:
Dear
father,
Dear
mother.
Welcome
to
our
classroom.
Thank
you
for
coming.
{purpose}课前的songs
为学生巩固旧知识、热身操练口语搭设了展示自我的舞台;歌曲Dear
father
,Dear
mother既活跃了气氛又直揭本课主题并为新知做好铺垫,而且缩短了与家长间的距离。
活动2【讲授】讲授
(1).
To
review
the
words
of
father
and
mother
Show
the
word
cards:
father
Mother
(2)Introduce
one’s
father
and
mother:
T:
Whose
mother
is
he
S:
My
name
is
Zou
Shengyu,
she
is
my
mother.
T:
Whose
father
is
he
S:
My
name
is
Liu
Jiahui,
she
is
my
mother.
(When
the
students
say
family
members.
The
teacher
put
the
word
cards
on
the
family
tree.)
Guess
a
riddle:
“who
is
father’s
father
Who
is
mother’s
father
”
S:爷爷,外公.
T:因为我们知道:爷爷是爸爸的
T:爸爸的爸爸是grandfather.(注意元音/
/的发音,纠正发音)
T:
Who
is
he
He
is
my
grandfather.
(When
the
students
say
family
members.
The
teacher
put
the
word
cards
on
the
blackboard)
T:
who
is
father’s
mother
grandmother
(Show
the
word
card)
{purpose}家长走进课堂,为了增进家长与学生的距离,通过旧知识来学习新的内容自然水到渠成,用猜谜语的形式来引进以激起学生的学习兴趣。
活动3【活动】活动
1、与学生做一个快速反应游戏,事先将本班学生的家人照片扫描到电脑里,然后教师用多媒体逐一呈现并提问,让相关学生自动站起来回答屏幕上显示的是谁,操练新授句型。
2、学生以小组(五人一组)为单位进行表演比赛,如:A同学(第一小组)一家人一起去公园,在路上碰到B同学(第二小组)一家人去超市购物,互相打招呼并介绍家庭成员。哪一组的表演得最自然、口语最流利,哪一组就获胜。
活动4【练习】练习
a.张口型
b.加减法
c.千里传音
d.表演猜单词
father
He
is
a
father.
mother
She
is
a
mother.
grandmother
She
is
a
grandmother.
grandfather
He
is
a
grandfather.
(Showing
the
pictures
by
using
the
computer,
The
teacher
put
the
word
cards
on
the
family
tree.)
(3)Learn
the
words:
family
T:
Look
at
the
black
please,
what’s
this
S:
Tree.
T:
When
put
these
card
on
it,
it
turn
to
a
big
family
tree.
T:
Family.
(4)Read
these
words
on
the
family
tree.
{purpose}词汇是组成句子的基本元素,在游戏中共同学习,体会学习的快乐!体现出学生学习的主体地位。