

名称 英语一年级下剑桥版Unit1--8课件(101张)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 剑桥版
科目 英语
更新时间 2017-06-12 14:48:00



课件101张PPT。Unit 1
School opening dayNice to see you again.Nice to see you,too.How’s your
holiday?It was great. Don’t worry.
Let me help you.Thanks.You are welcome. I’d like you to
meet my new friend.How do you do?How do you do?Nice to see
you back.It’s nicegood
great to be back.How’s your arm?It’s better now.
Thank you.You are welcome.What can bring to class?We can can’t
bring … to class.picture booklemonadetoilet paperradioexercise bookglassescrayonseraserrubber toy car pencil-case ruler penRead ruler pen pencil-case toy carexercise bookglassescrayonseraserrubberpicture booklemonadetoilet paperradioLet’s chantHow are you?
Fine, thank you.
It’s great to see you!
It’s great to see you!
You look fine.
You look strong.
It’s great to see you!
It’s great to see you! Unit2
“Doing English”
in the classroom.Stand up.Sit down.Look up.Bend down.Look right.Look left.Put your arms up.Put your
arms down.Put your hands on
your head. Put your hands
behindyour back.Stand on
your left leg.Cross your armsLet’s chantLet’s sing and dance.
Let’s sing and dance.
Let’s play games in our
English class.
Let’s draw and colour.
Let’s draw and colour.
Let’s draw a garden and
colour its flowers.1.What would you like?
Sure. B No problem. C I like a burger.
D I’d like a burger.
2. Can I have a burger?
A . Here you are. B yes, I like a burger.
C . No problem. D Well, let’s buy some.
3.Do you often eat shark?
A . Yes, I do. B Not often, but sometimes.
C .No, I do. D No, never.
4.Choose one word that is different from others.
A tomato. B pea. C cookie. D pumpkinDDCC Unit 3
in the garden.What would you like?
I’d like a …Can I have some…?Can I have some…?Sure. No problem!Do you often eatdrink…?Yes, I do.Not often,but sometimes.No, never.burgerpizzanoodlesricehot dogcakebuttercheesesandwicheschickenfishbreadchocolatesausagechipscandiescookieseggchipshot dognoodlespizzaricechocolatecheesebuttercookiesbreadchickenfishcandydrinksmilkbeerwaterteacoffeejuicelemonademilkbeerwaterjuicelemonadecoffeeteavegetables pumpink tomato potato bean pea onion carrot onion carrot potato bean pea pumpink tomatoLet’s chantApples, pears, lemons
and mangoes
Peaches, grapes, oranges and
They are all fruits,
they are all fruits.
Chicken, rice, cakes and bread.
Burgers, potatoes, pizzas and
They are all food,
they are all food. Unit 4
We are having
an English class.long shorttallshorthappy sadquickslowoldyoungbigsmallCan I ask you a question?Yes, please.What’s the Chinese
for “eraser”?
Xiangpi.What’s the English
for “Qianbihe”?Pencil-case.Let’s chantLetters s-h-e-e-p.it’s a,
it’s a sheep.
Letters b-r-e-a-d,it’s our,
it’s our bread.
Letters c-l-o-c-k, It’s our,
it’s our clock.
Letters g-r-a-p-e,it’s a,
it’s a big grape.Be动词填空I ____ dancing .
He ____ flying a kite.
She _____ jumping.
We _____ learning English.
They _____ drawing pictures.
Jane and Mary ______ talking.
My father _____ reading newspaper.
My friends _______ swimming.
You and my mother ______ playing in the park.
_____ you a teacher?amisisareareisareareAreare Unit 5
Let’s play
with letters.All the letters
are dressed up.actbendclapdrinkeatflyhideironjumpkicklistenmovenodopenpaintqueuereadsleeptouchvisittouchvisitqueuereadsleepnodopenpaintkicklistenmovehideironjumpdrinkeatflyactbendclapThere was a farmer who had a dog.
And Bingo was his name-oh.
B -I- N- G- O, B -I- N- G- O, B -I- N- G- O,
And Bingo was his name- oh!
-I- N- G- O, -I- N- G- O, -I- N- G- O,
- - N- G- O, - - N- G- O, - - N- G- O,
- - - G- O, - - - G- O, - - - G- O,
- - - - O, - - - - O, - - - - O, Unit 6
More fun
at “Word Factory” bat
add a bed
set e pig
bit i box
fox o duck
hut uLet’s chantWords, words, let’s make words.
Big words, small words,
long words and short words.
New words, old words,
interesting and boring words.
Words, words, let’s make words. Unit 7
I like this
reading-room.I like this reading-room.It’s very nice.I come here every day. What books do
you like reading?I like (reading)
picture books.Which book
would you like to read?I’d like to read
a book on animals.
I’d like to read
the story book.Which book
would you like to read?What’s it about?It’s about …. story book animal book cartoon Music book picture bookEnglsih bookMaths bookChinese bookLet’s chantBooks, books, I like reading books.
Animals ,fruit, clothes and food.
Books, books, I like reading books.
Books, books, I like reading books.Choose the right answers:Which book would you like to read?
A I like books. B I’d like to reading a book
C I’d like to read story books.
2. What’ s the story book about?
A It about a story. B It’s about a story.
C. It is a story
3. I can _________in the reading room.
A read a book. B sing a song. C dance
4. What do you like doing?
A I like sing. B I like to sing. C I’d like to singBACB Unit 8
Our colour fairblackredgreenwhiteblueindigopinkpurpleorangeyellowgraygreybrownWhich coloured parrot
do you like?I like this … parrot.Which colour
do you want to see?
I want to see…blackredwhiteblueindigopinkorangeyellowbrowngraygreygreenWhich coloured balloon
do you want?I want….Listen ,point and sing.Red and yellow and pink and green.
Purple and orange and blue.
I can sing a rainbow.
Sing a rainbow. Sing a rainbow, too!
See with your eyes.
Listen with your ears.
And sing everything you see.
I can sing a rainbow.
Sing a rainbow. Sing along with me.Thank you!1.Can you see an____ lady?
A old. B ugliest. C oldest
2.What books do you like______?
A to reading. B to do reading.
C read. D to read
3.How many ____ can you see?
A child. B chick. C chicken. D children
4.What can you do? I can ______.
A to sing a song. B sing a song.
C singing a song. D to singing a songABDD5.Can I have some apples?
A OK, let’s go. B Yes, please.
C No, thank you
6.Can you dance?
A Yes, I do. B No, I don’t. C Yes, I can
7.What’s she doing?
A He is paint a horse. B She reads a book.
C They are kicking the ball.
D She is smelling the flowersBCD8.How many children can you see?
A seven child. B I saw eight children.
C I can see a child.
D I can see three children
9.There are four _____ playing games.
A child. B girls. C boiles. D dog
10.Lisa is _____ on her piano.
A played. B plays. C playing
11.Please look___ the blackboard.
A at. B for. C to
DBCB12.The playground is _____ the swimming
pool. A do. B next to. C on. D singing
13.Let’s draw a ____.
A stare. B yellow. C fishing. D square
14.What are they doing? They are_______.
A listening music. B listening to music.
C paint a picture. D to paint a pictureBDB15._____ is this wall? It’s in Beihai park.
A When. B What. C Where. D Who
16.What is the boy doing? _____ is drawing
a picture. A He. B She. C They. D We
17.Can you _____?
A sing. B song. C sung. D dancerCAA18.What’s the Chinese_____ ‘ eraser’?
A to. B for. C of
19.The elephant is very ________.
A small. B thin. C short. D big
20.How many _____are there in your
A peoplese. B people. C peoplesBDB