Unit 5 Let's play with letters! 课件


名称 Unit 5 Let's play with letters! 课件
格式 zip
文件大小 3.3MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 剑桥版
科目 英语
更新时间 2017-06-12 14:52:48



课件26张PPT。unit5 let's play with letters让我们跟字母玩游戏dress up盛装打扮letters 字母carefullywriteboxtheir 他们的
want 想要
say 说
get 得到他们的盒子
their boxes
their namesI can write T.You want it.
You say it and
you get it.All the letters are dressed up.
Please look carefully and write their names in the boxes.
I can write T. 我能写T。
You want it. You say it and then you get it.
Aa is for an apple. 字母Aa代表苹果。Aa is for apple.
Bb is for banana.
Cc is for….Aa 代表苹果
Bb 代表香蕉
Cc 代表…….?Dd is for dog
Ee is for elephant
Ff is for fish
Gg is for giraffe
Hh is for horse
Ii is for ice cream
Jj is for jacket
Kk is for kangaroo
Ll is for lemonMm is for mango
Nn is for nose
Oo is for orange
Pp is for pineapple
Qq is for queen
Rr is for rabbit
Ss is for snake
Tt is for turtle
Uu is for umbrella
Vv is for vest
Ww is for window(2)Study pronunciation:①字母组合ir在重读音节中发 的音,发 时嘴型扁平,上下齿微微张开,舌身放平,舌中部微微抬起。 ir
dirty shirt
a dirty shirt
girl skirt
The girl is wearing a skirt.②Look, listen, point and say.ir/?: /birdbirthdaycirclegirlfirstdirtyT-shirtskirt③Tongue twisters.先生,穿着脏裙子的女孩不是第一,是第三。(3)Look, act, say and match. Interesting letters!(4)Match the right sound. 答案:(5) Alphabet actions. act bendclapdrinkeatfly hideironjumpkicklistenmovenodopenpaintqueuereadsleeptouchvisitMm is for Moon.
Xx is for Xylophone. [‘za?l?’f??n]