Unit 11 A visit to the--park of opposites 课件


名称 Unit 11 A visit to the--park of opposites 课件
格式 zip
文件大小 3.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 剑桥版
科目 英语
更新时间 2017-06-13 12:46:58



课件49张PPT。unit11 A visit to the park of opposites音标复习长元音:/ɑ:/ /u:/ /?:/ /i:/ / ?:/
短元音 :/?//?//u/ /?//?/

双元音/ei/ /ai/ /au/ /?u/
/i?/ /u?/ /?i/ /e?/
清辅音 /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /s/ /h/
/?/ / t? / /tr/ /ts/ /θ/
浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /z/ /r/
/ ?/ / d? / /dr//dz/ /e/
/ m / / n / / j / / w / /l//?/
T h r e e
two Threefourseveneight看数字猜成语seven
eight 七上八下五颜六色四通八达六六大顺十拿九稳十全十美五光十色五花八门三心二意四分五裂七擒七纵 把成语中两个数字相加用英文说出,can you?One ,two,three,four,fiveonce I caught a fish alive.
Six,seven,eight,nine,ten,but I let it go again.
Why did I let it go?Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?The little one upon the right.
happy sadtall shortlong short new oldThis is little and that is bigFind the differences找不同同学们看图片 两只象有什么区别?两只气球有什么区别?Big 大的 little 小的Big 大的 small 小的Find the differences找不同Happy 快乐 开心
Sad 悲伤 难过Hot 热的
Cold 凉的 冷的Find the differences找不同young 年轻的
old 年老的long长的
short 短的quick 快的
slow 慢的Find the differences找不同tall 高的
short矮的left 左边
right 右边 big small left right
quick slow old young
old new long short
hot cold tall shortWhat is hot? The sun is hot.
What is big? The elephant is big.
What is long? The ruler is long .
What is quick? The rabbit is quick.let's practice
bow crowd
sow town
flowerWhat can you see in the park?
I can see an old man and a young woman.
This is cool.
I've never been here.
let's practicedown how
now vow
wowLet's run up and down .
Let's hide back and front.
Let's eat hot and cold.
Let's wear new and old.
Let's go left an right.
Let's sleep day and night.
Let's be quick and slow.
Let's say YES and NO.Let’s play单词蹲游戏
分组角色扮演每个单词 被叫到的单词做蹲起
相反两词分别放在左右手 答对的同学可任意委任下一位继续 答对加分
单词接龙 我说完 然后指任何人~跳格子游戏If you throw 246 move forward if you throw 135 move backward
分组比赛 两个同学同时开始 看谁先到达终点
Find your pairs找到另一半采用你说我猜形式
分组比赛 得分制
每个人用英语简单介绍自己的单词组成及首字母拼写 描述单词特点
轮流介绍后 选择自己的伙伴homeworkTHE END