Unit
In
the
future
教案
课时2
1教学目标
语言知识:
1.理解并初步使用文章中的短语和单词:exercise,
early,
hard,
do
exercise,
(be)weak
in,
not...any
more.
2.帮助学生阅读Look
and
read部分的内容。通过阅读活动,引导学生
通过阅读抓住关键信息,了解文章大意,并用自己的语言描述文章。
语言技能与运用:
1.
能够使用中心句,用自己的语言描述文章。
2.
会模仿课文描述自己的现在与未来。
情感态度:
通过阅读短文(现在与未来),帮助学生进一步巩固新学语言知识,并培养阅读技能,养成良好的生活和学习习惯。
学习策略:
1.通过文章的阅读,制作海报等教学活动,提高学生阅读能力。
2.通过根据图片和关键短语和句型,学习用英语叙述,提高英语的口
头表达能力。
文化意识:
同学之间交流对未来的憧憬,并描述同学未来的生活。
2学情分析
五年级学生的年龄在十一到十二岁左右,虽然处于高年级学段,但仍然活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维和抽象思维相结合,对游戏、竞赛、画画还有兴趣。大部分学生对英语有着较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣会随之减弱。本节课尤我课上多以表扬为主,注重对学生英语学习兴趣的培养,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、认真想!让学生们在玩玩、做做、说说中学习英语。
3重点难点
重点:
理解本课文章的大意。
难点:
学生能够根据自己的实际情况用简单的语句总结自己的长处和不足,结合自己的现状,合理想象,描绘对未来的憧憬和愿望。
4教学过程
Step1.Pre-reading
1.
Greetings
2.
Review.
T:
Yesterday
we
learned
something
about
Kitty’s
future.
What
will
Kitty
be
like
in
years
【设计意图】通过师生之间自然的交流,形成了良好的互动氛围,拉近了师生的距离,同时也复习了旧知,为新课学习作准备。
3.
Lead
in:
This
is
Kitty
in
the
future.
How
about
Bobby
Step2.
While-reading
1.学习Bobby’s
now(课文第一段)
(1)(CAI)由Bobby’
terrible
dream
引出Bobby’s
now。
(2)Watch
and
think.
What
is
Bobby
good
at
(Bobby
is
good
at
Maths.)
What
is
Bobby
weak
in
(Bobby
is
weak
in
English.)
What
does
Bobby
not
like
(He
does
not
like
sport.)
What
does
Bobby
like
(He
likes
watching
TV.)
【设计意图】通过几个简单的问题,让学生带着目的去阅读,对主题有一个整体理解。
(3)Think
and
write.
(4)Watch
again.
(5)Ask
and
answer.
What
is
Bobby
good
at
(Bobby
is
good
at
Maths.)
What
is
Bobby
weak
in
(Bobby
is
weak
in
English.)
What
does
Bobby
not
like
(He
does
not
like
sport.)
What
does
Bobby
like
(He
likes
watching
TV.)
(6)第一段中的重难点词、句进行讲解分析及运用。
be
good
at
与be
weak
in
not
get
up
early
get
up
late
have
no
time
for
breakfast
not
have
breakfast
2.
Let’s
talk.(拓展练习)
(1)Bad
for
healthy
(2)Pair
work:
Give
Bobby
some
advices:
Good
for
healthy
1.
You
should
_____________
2.
You
should
_____________
3.
You
shouldn’t
_____
______
【设计意图】在带领学生学习的过程中,没有完全以解决重点单词和句子为主要目的,而是把许多引发学生深度思考的问题作为教学的主线,引导学生去阅读、去想象、去思考,去表达。
3.
Check
the
answer.
4.小结:You
are
right.
Bobby
will
try
his
best
in
the
future.
What
will
he
be
like
in
the
future
Do
you
want
to
know
5.引导学生自学Bobby’s
future(课文第二段)
(1)出示学习步骤提示。
(2)学生小组内交流讨论学习。
(3)Watch
a
video.
(Bobby’s
future)
(4)Check
or
F.
Bobby
will
study
hard
in
the
future.
(T)
Bobby
will
read
more
Chinese
books
in
the
future.
(F;
Bobby
will
read
more
English
books
in
the
future.)
Bobby
will
try
to
get
up
early,
but
he
will
not
have
breakfast.
(F;
Bobby
will
try
to
get
up
early
and
have
breakfast.)
Bobby
will
do
exercise
every
week.
(F;
Bobby
will
do
exercise
every
day.)
Bobby
will
not
watch
too
much
(T)
(5)Read
Bobby’s
future.
【设计意图】通过小组讨论合作学习课文第二段,培养学生自学能力,把自己的理解、新学的词汇以及记忆中的语言积累进行加工处理,最后进行语言输出。
6.
Choose
a
title.
7.(CAI)完整地呈现整篇短文。
Step
Post-Reading
在学生熟悉课文的基础上,让学生合上书本,根据提示说说Bobby的现在和未来。
S1:
Bobby
is
good
at
Maths,
but
he
is
weak
in
English.
S2:
In
the
future,
he’ll
study
hard.
He’ll
read
more
English
books.
S3:
Bobby
doesn’t
like
to
get
up
early,
so
he
has
no
time
for
breakfast.
S4:
He’ll
try
to
get
up
early
and
have
breakfast
in
the
future.
【设计意图】通过板书提示让用自己的语言复述课文,考察学生对文章理解程度。
Step
Summary
Ji
Yuchen’s
now
and
future
【设计意图】通过班级同学的now
and
future,激发学生的兴趣,思考自己的现状和将来。
2.
Make
a
poster:
…’s
now
and
future
3.
Show
time
:
Talk
about
your
future.
【设计意图】引导学生对文章的进一步思考,让学生发现文章的深层含义,得出文章的主旨。
4.总结:Everyone
has
a
dream.
Hold
your
dream
and
make
your
dream
come
true.
Step
Homework
1.
Listen
to
and
read
Student’s
Book
pages
and
19.
2.
Finish
Workbook
pages
and
19.
3.
Draw
and
write
your
now
and
future.
Board
design:
Unit
In
the
future
Now
and
future
Now
Future
good
at
be
read
more
English
books
weak
in
late
get
up
early
have
breakfast
watch