课件40张PPT。 Unit14 Everything is fun.Have you ever taken any photos?
Do you like taking photos?
Let's enjoy some super pictures.
1necessary/ 'nes?s?r? / ~+介词
necessary for?对…是必要的
necessary for health?对健康是必要的
necessary actions?必要措施 necessary information?必要的信息
necessary skill?必需的技能
It is/was+~+(for sb) to- v
Do you have the?necessary?skills for this job? ?你具备做这项工作所必需的技能吗?
It is necessary for us to learn Enghlish well.survival/ s?'va?v(?)l / V. : survive
The old man was a?survival?of a past age. ?这位老人是上一代的遗老。
sideways/ 'sa?dwe?z / The boy gave the girl a?sideways?look.这男孩斜视了那姑娘一眼。
详细用法请参看课本Unit 14主页 upright/ '?pra?t/ upright piano?竖型钢琴
He stood in an?upright?position. ?他直直地站着。
详细用法请参看课本Unit 14主页view/ vju? / at first view?初见 in sb‘s view?在某人看来
His?view?of life is different from yours.他的人生观与你的不同。
I'll sit here and look at the?view. ?我要坐在这里观看景色。reflection/ r?'flek?(?)n / 例句:
The?reflection?of the sun on the glass wall was blinding. ?玻璃墙上反射的太阳光令人目眩。
You can see your?reflection?in a mirror. ?你能在镜子里看到自己的映像。
This is a?reflection?of their frailty. ?这是他们虚弱的反映。flash/ fl??/ Did you use?flash? ?你有没有用闪光灯?
In a?flash?he remembered everything.一刹那,他记起了所有的事情。
详细用法请参看课本Unit 14主页
size up/ sa?z ?p / 例句:
He has the ability to?size up?a situation.他会估计形势。
详细用法请参看课本Unit 14主页
frame/ fre?m / 例句:
In a silver?frame?on the table there was a photograph of his son. ?在桌上银相框里有张他儿子的相片。
This old bed has an iron?frame. ?这张旧床的床架是铁制的。
详细用法请参看课本Unit 14主页
series/ 's??ri?z / a series of?一系列的
a series of meetings alphabetical/ ?lf?'bet?k(?)l/ n. alphabet
alphabetical order字母序列?
alphabetical flag字母旗
Put these words in?alphabetical?order.把这些字按字母表顺序排列起来。
dictionary/ 'd?k??n?r? / 在表示“查字典”时,
须用动词consult, search, turn up或use,
不可用look for,?
This?dictionary?is very helpful to your English study. ?这部词典对你学习英语很有帮助。rhyme/ ra?m / Do you understand the?rhyme?of this poem?你理解这首诗的韵吗?
Shakespeare sometimes wrote in?rhyme.莎士比亚有时用韵文写作。Don
swan pairwork timeIn our daily life ,we have lots of things to do.
Do you think these things are fun?animal fun cooking funschool fun winter fun I think school is fun.
Becouse we have many different
kinds of classes.
We can make friends with students,
play together and have fun together.Which team is the fastest?Read,think and complete the part3 Are you ready?
Come on! Go!!
1 Show timeRead and act. (Part 4)
Look at the story,you can act it.
I believe you.Everyone you are good actors. Have a try!!
ink pad/ ??k p?d / The shop only sells ink pads.
本店专营打印台。Part 6Read and write.(Part 7)Dear Aunt Sarah
Thank you for the___you sent me for my
____ . I bought a CD,a video player,
some books and some sweets."What a lot of things!"said Mum.I even had 10 pounds left.Mun told me to put the money in the
___.So I did.I had
a great birthday party.A lot of my friends came and we had a nice time.We ate the birthday__ , played computer games and in the afternoon we went to the ___to see animals.Will you come and see us soon?We have a big surprise for you .
moneybirthdaybankcakezooInteresting finger show!Can you tell what they are?
Listen,read and retell.(Part8)Answer some questions
5.A gift for mum“How much have you got, Michael?” asked Betty, looking into her own piggy-bank.
“Not a lot,” said Michael. “Do you think we’ll have enough to buy Mum a good birthday present?”
Betty didn’t think so, but she wanted to make Michael happy and cheer him up. “We’ll get her a lovely card,” said Betty, “and then see how much is left.”
The children put on their coats and Betty carefully put the money into her outside pocket. Mummy waved them off from the door. “You be careful,” she said to the children. “And don’t be late for tea.”
“We won’t,” waved Betty.
“Bye,” shouted Michael.
A gift for mumHand in hand, brother and sister went off to the shopping centre. They walked for a few minutes and Michael suddenly spotted something on a big board.” Fun for children!” “Betty, can we go?”
“We should go into town,” said Betty, who secretly wanted to go and have fun, too. “But I think it won’t matter if we only take a look.”
Michael and Betty quickly went into the funfair. There were so many interesting things for children to play on. “Can we try out a ride?” asked Michael. Betty put her hand in the pocked and felt the money for Mummy’s birthday present. “Well, I guess one try won’t make much difference,” she smiled. Soon Betty and Michael hopped onto the wooden horses and had a ride. Round and round they went, they laughed and laughed until the horses came to a stop. Michael quickly got off and went to a car ride.
A gift for mum“Wait a minute,” said Betty, quickly counting the money. “We don’t have the money for another ride.” But Michael wanted to have the ride so much and in the end Betty said, “OK.” It was great fun.
Next, Michael just had to have an ice cream because he was so thirsty. By the time the children were ready to leave, there was only twenty pence left in Betty’s pocked.
“Oh, no!” cried Betty. “That won’t even buy Mummy a card.” The children did feel bad about it. “Maybe I can win Mummy something,” said Michael, as he pointed to one of the ten pence pieces and handed it to a man on one of the side-show.
A gift for mum“If you hit in the duck’s head, you can get something nice.” But the duck was moving all the time, it was difficult to hit it. And Michael lost the game.
Just the, a lady selling raffle tickets said to Betty. “Like to buy a raffle ticked, dear? It’s my last one.” Betty decided she couldn’t buy anything else for ten pence, and so she bought the last ticket.
“Number 66, red,” said a voice. “Wins the star prize.”
Betty couldn’t believe it. “That’s my ticked,” she shouted as she ran to get the box.
Inside was a beautiful cake, just like a birthday cake. The children carried it carefully home and gave it to Mummy. “Oh,” she said. “You must have saved for a long time to buy this.”
Betty and Michael smiled at each other, for only they know what happened only half an hour earlier.
Part 8 A gift for mum“你有多少钱,迈克尔?”贝蒂问。并向她的存钱罐里看。