外研版五年级英语下册教案Module 8 Unit 1 what do you suggest
题目 Discussion
语言功能 学会如何向别人征求意见、建议和表达自己的意见。
学习任务 What do you suggest What about … Why don't you … How about a …
运用任务 在小组讨论中表达自己的意见和建议;讨论准备化妆舞会;讨论物体的大小、长短等。
教学目标 通过交流讨论,学会向他人征求意见和表达自己的意见,学会相关的语言。
模块分析 本模块围绕Daming将要带到美国去的礼物展开讨论。Unit 1 通过Daming和Sam 的讨论,学习如何征求意见和提出建议;Unit 2通过对物体大小、长短等的讨论复习形容词比较级longer, shorter, bigger 和smaller,以及学习the same as 的用法;同时介绍另外两种询问意见的方式:What do you think Do you agree
课时划分及教学内容 第一课时:suggest, quickly, excited, America, Chinese, kind, dragon, same, circle; 及征求意见的语言“What do you suggest ”和给他人建议的语言“What/How about … Why don’t you … ”;初步呈现对话内容。第二课时:学习并操练对话,做“活动用书”中相关的练习题。第三课时:学习并练习第二单元。第四课时:复习本模块并做“活动用书”中相关的练习题。
题目 Discussion(讨论)
题材(主要)内容 Daming要去美国了,他想给堂兄带一件礼物,可是他不知道该带什么,于是打电话给Sam征询意见。Sam建议带筷子。但是Daming说他的堂兄已经有了。最后,Sam建议Daming 带一个有中国特色的龙风筝,Daming同意了。
语言知识目标 功能 表达观点、提出建议。
语法(结构、句子) What do you suggest What about chopsticks How about a dragon kite Why don’t you give him a kite That’s a good idea.It’s the same as Line B.I think so. / I don’t think so. I agree.
词汇 听 能在句子中听懂单词:suggest, quickly, excited, America, American, China, Chinese, kind, dragon, same, circle, present, chopsticks, kite, line, agree, think, phone
说 能够在句子中使用单词:suggest, America, American, China, Chinese, dragon, same, circle, present, chopsticks, kite, line, agree, think
读 能在图片等的提示下,认读单词:America, Chinese, dragon, same, circle, present, chopsticks, kite, agree, think
写 会写单词:America, Chinese, kite
语言技能目标 听 能够听懂用What do you suggest 询问别人意见的相关表达;能够听懂用What about… How about… Why don’t you… 提出建议的相关表达;能够听懂用I think so. I don’t think so. I agree.表达同意和不同意的相关表达。
说 能够用What do you suggest 询问别人的意见;能够用What about… How about… Why don’t you… 提出建议;能够用I think so. I don’t think so. I agree.表达同意和不同意;能读小诗。
读 能读出课文Unit 1中有关提出建议的句子;能跟录音朗读课文Unit 1;能分角色朗读课文Unit 1。
写 能够抄写课文Unit 1中有关提出建议的句子;能够仿写2—3个提出建议的句子。
学习策略 积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。
文化意识 加深对中国文化的理解。比如:外国人对中国的筷子、中国龙风筝等感兴趣。
情感态度 遇到问题时,能主动向老师或同学请教。
任务 该怎样准备化妆舞会?向同学征集建议,并提出自己的看法。
教学内容 学习如何向他人征求意见以及给他人提供建议;单词suggest, kind, same, quickly, excited, America, Chinese, dragon, circle
教学目标 能听读会说新单词。会向他人征求意见和给他人建议。乐于与人沟通。
教学重点和难点 重点:What about chopsticks How about a dragon kite Why don’t you give him a kite What do you suggest 难点:I want to take/ buy a … for …. What do you suggest Why don’t you …
教学手段 图片(练习提供建议时用)单词卡片(呈现新单词)录音机(初步呈现对话内容)挂图(呈现对话情境)
教学步骤 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 二次修改
1.Warm-up(热身准备)2.Leading-in(导入)3.情景操练4.课文学习5.小结 1.Free talk:What day is it today/tomorrow/next Sunday What’s the date today/the day Today/That day is a special day! Do you know why 2.Today is ….’s birthday.Let’s say Happy Birthday to him/ her!(Next Sunday is Mother’s Day.)3.I prepared some things to be the present for him/her. But I don’t know which one I should give him/her. Can you help me (Let’s give a present for your mothers. I’ve taken some good things for you to choose.)4.Show the pictures or cards of the things.5.Let’s discuss what you will give for him/her.(板书课题:Discussion)6.…, what do you suggest (Show the structures of “What about … / How about … / Why don't you give him/her a … )7.讨论片刻后教师向学生征求建议,看学生们各自为自己的父母或同学选了什么礼物。让学生体会三种建议方法语气的轻重。8.Daming is going to go to America this summer. Do you still remember he has a cousin in America What present will he take for him Now you know how to make some suggestion to others. Answer the questions.Guess: Because today is …..Say: Happy birthday!Look at the cards and say the words.Repeat the topic of this module.在教师的启发下用三种句式说出自己的建议。学生说并体会三种建议方法的语气强烈程度。Listen to the dialogue. Then, say the present Daming will take.Underline the sentences with “What about… /How about … /Why don’t you … ”
板书设计 Module 8 Discussionsuggestquickly (贴物品图片)excitedAmerica What do you suggest ChineseKind What about … Dragon How about … Same Why don’t you give him/her a … Circle
作业设置 听读课文对话。抄写本课时学习的主要语言。和爸爸一起商量母亲节要送给妈妈什么礼物,将提到的物品名称写进新学的语言结构中。
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