仁爱版英语九年级上册Unit4
Topic3
Section
教学设计
教材分析
本课是仁爱英语九年级上册的Unit4
Topic
Section
部分。CSection
C中1a,通过问题“What
do
you
know
about
Mars?、What
does
it
look
like?”引出本话题的主题“Mars”,进而对火星进行了简单的介绍。1b是通过阅读1a,对所获得的火星的信息进行整理和写作训练(如火星的直径、颜色、形状、气候、重力、离太阳的距离),1c是对1a所获得信息的拓展,2则是听力阅读练习,是对1a所学知识的巩固练习。3是写作训练,让学生通过在1a所获得的火星信息,发挥自己的想象力,写一段文章想象一下在火星上的生活。
教学目标Ⅰ.
Teaching
aims
and
demands
教学目标
1.
Learn
a
new
words:
storm、gravity
2.
Learn
some
useful
sentences:
(1)
Its
diameter
is
53%
as
wide
as
that
of
the
earth.
(2)
It
has
been
two
days
since
we
landed
on
Mars.
(3)
It
is
six
weeks
since
we
had
a
proper
shower.
3.
Learn
something
more
about
Mars.
II、情感态度:培养学生热爱科学、积极探索的学习态度及与别人的合作精神。
III教学重点和难点
重点:掌握新单词的基础上了解课文大意。
难点:继续学习含有情态动词的被动语态。
教学过程
Step
Review
and
lead
in
T:
What
are
you
going
to
be
when
you
grow
up,
S1
S1:
I’d
like
to
be
a
teacher.
T:
Good
job!
What
about
you,
S2
S2:
want
to
be
an
astronaut.
can
travel
to
space
by
spaceship
and
discover
something
new
about
space.
T:
What
a
great
dream!
Our
country
has
launched
three
manned
spaceships.
In
2007,
we
sent
up
our
country’s
first
lunar
probe.
In
the
future,
the
astronauts
fromChinawill
fly
to
Mars
to
explore
it.
They
will
discover
something
new
about
it.
Do
you
know
anything
about
Mars
Ss:
No.
T:
let’s
learn
it
from
Section
C.
(教学理念:通过师生共同谈论理想,并探讨火星等太空知识,导入新课。)
Step
Presentation
1.Show
the
pictures
and
teach
the
new
words
:
solar
Roman
Diameter
T:
During
spring
and
summer,
strong
storms
can
cover
the
whole
surface
of
Mars.
The
gravity
on
its
surface
is
about
40%
as
strong
as
it
is
on
earth.
storm,gravity了
T:
Do
you
want
to
know
something
more
about
Mars
Ss:
Yes.
T:
read
1ato
grasp
the
main
idea
of
the
text.and
answer
the
questions:
(1)
What
does
Mars
look
like
(2)
How
far
is
Mars
from
the
sun
(3)
What’s
the
temperature
on
Mars
2.
Read
the
text
again
and
finished
1b、1cand
find
out
the
important
language
points.
(教学理念:分别设置略读和阅读任务,让学生带着问题看1a,提高学生的阅读能力。)
Step
Consolidation
(出示幻灯片,完成对火星的介绍,巩固1a内容。最后核对答案。)
Mars,
the
planet
of
the
solar
system,
goes
around
the
sun
at
a
of
about
million
kilometers.
Its
is
53%
as
wide
as
that
of
the
earth.
It
looks
like
a
and
ball.
It’s
very
beautiful.
But
during
and
,
strong
can
cover
the
whole
of
Mars.
The
gravity
on
the
surface
of
it
is
about
as
as
it
is
on
earth.
(教学理念:通过复述巩固1A的内容,加深学生对火星的了解和口语复述能力)
Step
Practice
1..
(让学生听2的录音,然后回答问题。)
T:
In
dialog1a,
Kangkang
wants
to
be
an
astronaut
when
he
grows
up.
He
wants
to
do
some
research
in
space.
Here
is
an
e-mail
from
Mars.
Let’s
listen
to
the
tape,
then
answer
the
following
questions
on
the
small
blackboard:
(1)
Who
is
this
e-mail
from
and
to
(2)
How
long
did
it
take
them
to
get
there
(3)
Did
everything
go
well
during
the
journey
2.completed
e-mail
and
pick
out
the
difficult
points.
Difficult
senctences:!.It
has
been
two
days
since
we
landed
on
Mars.
2.
It
is
six
weeks
since
we
had
a
proper
shower.
(教学理念:通过听力训练和填空,提高学生的听力能力和对文章的理解能力)
Step
composition
通过设计火星上的生活区,对1a的内容进行拓展应用,写一篇作文。
1.
(设计火星上的生活区。以图画的形式展示出来。)
T:
Boys
and
girls,
if
we
can
live
on
Mars,
can
you
design
a
place
where
we
live
Don’t
forget
to
add
schools,
shops,
gardens,
etc.You
can
discuss
with
your
partner
and
arrange
everything
well,
then
you
can
exchange
the
pictures.
2.
Homework:
Suppose
you
are
an
astronaut
and
have
just
come
back
from
Mars.
Please
write
a
report
about
the
living
conditions
in
the
spaceship
and
the
information
about
Mars,
including
its
color,
shape,
climate,
distance
from
the
sun…
(教学理念:通过学生自画的图片引导学生完成关于火星的文章,提高学生的写作能力。)
板书设计:
China
is
the
third
nation
that
sent
a
man
into
spaceSection
Cat
a
distance
of…
Mars
goes
around
the
sun
at
a
distance
of
about
…It
has
been
two
days
since
we
landed
on
Mars.It
is
six
weeks
since
we
had
a
proper
shower.