外语教学与研究出版社 国家地理·儿童百科 小学英语五年级下册
What makes seeds grow?
Instructional Design
I. Teaching material:
外语教学与研究出版社 国家地理·儿童百科 21cnjy.com
Ⅱ. Analysis of the lesson:
The title of the picture book is Hairy Harry. It mainly talks about how to make a Hairy Harry, and from making it, the pupils can get the answer of “ What makes seeds grow?”. The title will arouse the pupils’ interests in reading the book, “ What is Hairy Harry?What will we need to make a Hairy Harry? How to make a Hairy Harry? ” The pupils will want to make a Hairy Harry. So the teacher tresses the importance of doing things in order. www.21-cn-jy.com
Ⅲ. Analysis of the learners:
Students of Grade Five are interested in learning English. They are active to express their opinions. They mastered lots of words. It’s not difficult for them to understand the picture book and talk about the new project in this class. But it is really a challenge for them to read the book and do the exercise correctly.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
Ⅳ. Teaching goals:
1. Knowledge goals
1) All the pupils will be able to follow the text and choose the right tools to make a Hairy Harry.21教育网
2) 95% of the pupils will be able to make a new project of growing plants.
3) The pupils can read and say out the following words and sentences: seed, grow, grow into, soil, stocking, jar, tie, toe, add, later, start. Grass seeds grow into grass. Put grass seeds in the toe of the stocking. Put soil in the stocking. Tie the stocking. Put the stocking in a jar of water. Keep adding water.
2.Science goal: Plants grow from seeds.
Plants need soil, water and air to grow.21·世纪*教育网
3. Ability goal: Pupils can grow plants one step by one step according to the steps of making a Hairy Harry, and they can experience the importance of doing things in order.www-2-1-cnjy-com
4. Emotion goal: Call out pupils’ love of science inquiry and find more scientific phenomena in life.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】
Ⅴ. Key points and difficult points
The pupils can master the tools and steps of making a Hairy Harry and try to make one after class.21·cn·jy·com
Ⅵ.Teaching Preparation
Teacher: HiteBoard , the tools and procedure of making Hairy Harry , some word cards【出处:21教育名师】
Ⅶ.Teaching Method
Task-based Language Teaching; Cooperative Language Learning; Communicative Approach;【版权所有:21教育】
VIIITeaching procedures:
Step 1. Pre-reading
1. Greetings.
2. Introduce the book《Hairy Harry-What makes seeds grow?》.What is Hairy Harry? 21世纪教育网版权所有
【Purpose】Make pupils relax. Arouse their interests in learning English.
Step 2. While-reading
1. Introduce Hairy Harry.
Demonstration: Show pupils the Hairy Harry. What is its hair?
What does the grass grow from?
Task 1: Observe Hairy Harry carefully and say out what we need to make a Hairy Harry?21教育名师原创作品
【Purpose】 Lead pupils to observe carefully and learn the tools of making Hairy Harry.21*cnjy*com
Task 2: Try to order the pictures.
Ask pupils to order the steps of making a Hairy Harry.
Demonstration: Get pupils stick the pictures in right order.
【Purpose】 Lead pupils try to find out how to make a Hairy Harry.
Task 3: Watch and check
Watch the video and find out the right order of making a Hairy Harry.
Demonstration: Ask pupils to watch the video and check the answer of the last task, then check the answer together.
【Purpose】 Lead pupils to know the right order of making a Hairy Harry. At the same time, lead pupils to learn the new words and key sentences.
2. Look back the text together.
Demonstration: After the whole text, lead pupils look back the text according to the blackboard.2-1-c-n-j-y
【Purpose】Pupils can understand the contents of the text very well.
3. Ask pupils to listen and imitate.
4. From making Hairy Harry, we proved that grass seeds grow into grass. Give the other examples and get the conclusion: Seeds grow into plants.
5.Get the pupils think :What makes seeds grow?
【Purpose】From making Hairy Harry, get the conclusion: Water, soil and air make seeds grow.
Step 3. Post-reading
1. Make a Hairy Harry together.
Choose the tools they will need. And then make a Hairy Harry in groups. One pupil makes Hairy Harry one step by one step, the others say out the steps together.
Demonstration: Consolidate the steps of making a Hairy Harry.
【Purpose】 Lead pupils to know the steps of making a Hairy Harry.
2. Make a new project.
1) Demonstration: Ask pupils to make a new project about planting trees. Choose the tools they will need. Stick the procedure in right order.
2) Talk about the project in groups.
3) Show in class.
4) Imagine: What will happen to the young tree ten years later?
【Purpose】Experience the importance of doing things in order, practice the language pattern and consolidate pupils’ understanding of the order. Arouse the consciousness of protecting trees.2·1·c·n·j·y
3. Enjoy another story: Making raisins.
Demonstration: Show another picture book about science inquiry. Read the book and answer the questions.21*cnjy*com
What will we need to make raisins?
How to make raisins?
What makes grapes dry?
【Purpose】Lead pupils to know the sun dries the grapes into raisins. Experience the importance of the order again. Ask pupils answer the questions and check if they understand the picture book.
Step 4 Summary
Water, soil and air make seeds grow.
The sun dries the grapes into raisins.
【Purpose】Call out pupils’ consciousness of the orders of doing things and help them develop the habit of doing things in order.
Step 5 Homework
1)Make the Hairy Harry in different types of soil and observe the differences of them.
2)Read more books of science inquiry.
【Purpose 】Develop pupils’ ability of reading and go on the science inquiry after class.
Blackboard Design
外语教学与研究出版社 国家地理·儿童百科 小学英语五年级下册
What makes seeds grow?
What makes seeds grow? 教材分析
我执教的《What makes seeds grow?》是外语教学与研究出版社 国家地理?儿童百科 What makes seeds grow?的绘本阅读课。21世纪教育网版权所有
本课选自《国家地理儿童百科》,这套书是外语教学与研究出版社“国家地理”的儿童英语系列读物,共三套: 入门级—Emergent,提高级—Early和流利级—Fluent。本课选自适合五年级孩子阅读的《提高级》,并根据学生现有的知识水平,进行了适量的删减和改编,本书是一本科学探秘类的绘本,采用大幅图片配上简短句子的形式,儿童可以通过图片获得大量信息,更易于理解句子内容,为孩子开启科学探秘的窗口,封二的“看看我们能学到什么”提出了本册图书的学习重点,封底的提问则进一步延伸了书上内容,便于学生方便记忆且提高学习兴趣。通过这本书的阅读不仅培养孩子的听、说、读、写等全面语言技能的同时,也注重孩子的自然、社会百科知识与生活常识的积累以及对孩子交际、生存能力的培养。21教育网
本课的话题是What makes seeds grow?
1) 所有的学生能根据绘本提示选择材料并制作 Hairy Harry。
2) 95% 的学生能够通过阅读正确排列植树的过程。
3) 学生能够认读下列单词、句子:seed, grow, grow into, soil, stocking, jar, tie, later, start. Grass seeds grow into grass. Put grass seeds in the stocking. Put soil in the stocking. Tie the stocking. Pour water in the jar. Put the stocking in the jar.21·cn·jy·com
3. 能力目标: 学生能够根据绘本提示按顺序做Hairy Harry, 并且体会做事情的重要性。
4. 情感目标: 激发学生对科学探究的兴趣,并主动在生活中观察、发现更多的科学现象。
本节课,我没有将教材内容按部就班地呈现给学生,而是在充分研读教材、把握好教学重难点的基础上,对教材内容进行了整体再构。Pre-reading 环节,直接点题,We’ll talk about 。From the book ,we will get the answer. While-reading环节,呈现老师做好的Hairy Harry,让学生观察,说一说做Hairy Harry需要什么,然后猜测做Hairy Harry的步骤,按顺序贴图片,完成绘本制作,充分激发学生思维。并且通过文本阅读和制作Hairy Harry,了解种子生长过程需要什么:water ,soil and air。Post- reading部分拓展“如何植树”, 能够“身临其境”地运用和感受所学语言的功能意义并进行交际活动,培养学生运用英语的能力。通过植树,了解树木生长需要什么。然后利用文本阅读中掌握的阅读方法进行另外一篇同类绘本的阅读,《Making raisins》,再次巩固阅读方法及此类文章阅读技巧:做手工的顺序和需要的材料,从中获取什么让葡萄干燥,变成葡萄干的相关信息。既充实了本堂课,又提高了英语课堂的趣味性和有效性。课后作业除了让学生复习巩固课本上的知识外,我还鼓励学生阅读更多关于科学探秘的书籍,把本堂课作为开始阅读的起点。
外研社教学与研究出版社 国家地理·儿童百科 小学英语五年级下册
What makes seeds grow?
What makes seeds grow? 课后反思
本节课我执教的是外研社国家地理·儿童百科里面的《What makes seeds grow?》,选用五年级的学生。根据教学中的实际反馈,对于不同阅读水平的学生进行了个性化调研。结果发现,学生普遍喜爱图文并茂的绘本阅读。所以我选取了这个英文绘本教学。有趣而又富有操作性的绘本能成功的激发孩子们的阅读乐趣,并能在无形中拓展语言能力。我没有一味的关注阅读策略和技巧的培养而是关注了阅读在小学阶段最真实、最自然、最本真的状态,故我把本课设计成为一节绘本故事的兴趣导读课。21世纪教育网版权所有
一.用悬念推进情节发展。我在教学中多处设置悬疑,首先出示绘本《Hairy Harry》,What is Hairy Harry?激发学生思维,引起好奇,揭示答案,激发兴趣。其次制作Hairy Harry 需要什么,怎么做,再次为绘本的阅读奠定基础,让学生通过“观察,说一说”等一系列环节,找出答案,然后猜测制作Hairy Harry的步骤,激起阅读绘本的欲望。21cnjy.com
二.以主题探究贯穿始终,我不让学生做“匆匆而过”的读者,而是“深入其中”,跟随绘本一起了解如何制作“Hairy Harry”,并动手做一做,做阅读的体验者和绘本的建构者。将制作Hairy Harry 的过程跨越过去,为学生留白,这种方式给学生创造了想象和思维的空间,让学生主动参与到学习中,并且激起学生阅读和朗读句子的兴趣,由于前面的良好基础,学生句子朗读熟练,并且积极性高。将绘本梗概部分文字抽出并配图,学生在图片和支架语言的帮助下简单的复述故事,完成教学目标。通过思考预测、阅读检测、跟读绘本三个环节,增加了学生与绘本的互动,让学生能更进入到文本中,体验制作Hairy Harry的完整步骤。这样的阅读课可以帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯,让学生爱读,会读,感悟文本背后的深意。并通过阅读、制作总结出“What makes seeds grow?” 通过“Make a new project of planting trees.”总结出“What makes trees grow?”通过“Making raisins.”总结出“What makes grapes dry?”总之本节课学生从读图、排图,到阅读文字,体现了他们由易到难、由浅到深的学习过程。21·cn·jy·com
三.让思维绽放开放的火花,因为每个学生对绘本有着不同的看法和理解。拓展环节在学生交谈完“怎样植树”之后,戛然而止,我适时引导学生抓住主题,10年之后这棵小树会发生什么变化,引发学生对今后进行预测,不断激活思维。学生在此环节表现出更高的积极性,充分发挥想象,小组成员相互帮助,完成本环节任务。拓展环节,拓展另外一篇同类型的绘本《Making raisins》,了解做葡萄干需要什么以及怎样制作葡萄干,2·1·c·n·j·y
语言来源于生活,并运用于生活。英语课堂只有走向广阔的生活空间,才会充满活力。因此在拓展环节我创设了两个活动,第一个活动是“Make a new project of planting trees”。学生从“植树的过程”中提高了实际应用英语的能力,达到了对所学知识举一反三、融会贯通、巩固提高的目的。第二个活动是拓展阅读《Making raisins》让学生利用阅读第一篇文章所用的方法阅读本篇绘本,使他们充分体会到故事学习不仅可以收获知识,阅读技巧,更多的是乐趣。
1、在“制作Hairy Harry”环节,如果让每个小组做一个“Hairy Harry”,学生的兴致会更高,并且能充分操练语言,语言会更加丰富。www.21-cn-jy.com
外语教学与研究出版社 国家地理·儿童百科 小学英语五年级下册
What makes seeds grow?
What makes seeds grow? 评测练习及结果
练习1 Read and tick the tools we will need. 基本涵盖了本单元所有的重点词汇和句型,有效的弥补了学生在课堂上只谈论自己已有物品的缺陷,可以全面的检查学生对本单元基础知识的掌握情况。21世纪教育网版权所有
练习2 Read and number. 此题考查学生在具体的语境中运用英语的能力,同时检测学生规范书写的能力。21教育网
通过测试卷的答题情况来看,参加检测学生共有24名,练习1全部学生能够听懂购物常用语,并从中捕捉主要信息,正确率为100%。 练习2主要检测学生用英语和规范书写的能力,90%的学生都能正确排列顺序。本节课学生对重点知识掌握的很好,达到了预期目标。