Lesson 1 Skirt and trousers 课件+教案


名称 Lesson 1 Skirt and trousers 课件+教案
格式 zip
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 冀教版(三年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2017-08-04 11:23:39


冀教版 四年级上册
Lesson 1:Skirt and Trousers
知识与能力目标:能够听、说、读有关服装的单词和相关句型:shirt, T-shirt, skirt, sweater, trousers. This is a _______. These are _______. She/He is wearing _________.能够根据图片信息和实际情况正确使用所学单词和句子。21cnjy.com
Step I Class Opening:
教师与学生互致问候,然后播放一首学过的颜色歌曲,学生一起唱,并以提问的方式复习学过的内容:What's your favourite colour? What colour is it? 请学生自由回答。
Step II New Concepts:
1. 用ppt出示一幅图片引出本节课的新内容:Today is Monday. Kim will go to school. What will she wear? Let's help her.21世纪教育网版权所有
2. 用ppt逐一呈现新单词渗透新句型。(每一个新单词教师在板书时要求学生拼读)。在领读时强调个别字母组合的发音:ea ir sk tr ou)21教育网
T: What’s this? This is a sweater. (板书)
T: (板书:sweater, 领读)
T: What colour is the sweater?
S: It’s yellow
T: This is a yellow sweater. (领读)
②T-shirt: This is a white T-shirt. Who is wearing a T-shirt? (指一些同学说:She/He is wearing a T-shirt.)2·1·c·n·j·y
③shirt: This is a pink shirt. T: Who is wearing a shirt?(指一些同学说:She/He is wearing a shirt.)【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
④skirt: This is a yellow skirt.(指一些同学说:She/He is wearing a skirt.)
⑤trousers:These are trousers. They are blue.
(ppt出示图片)She is wearing a pink shirt and a yellow skirt. She goes to school.
3. Game: What’s missing? (用来练习和巩固新学过的单词)
4. T: Who is wearing blue trousers?(ppt出示一组人物图片Jenny, Guo Yang, Li Ming,然后圈出Guo Yang) He is wearing blue trousers.(板书)T: What is she wearing? (圈出Jenny) She is wearing a purple skirt.21·世纪*教育网
Step III Practise
活动一:教师走到学生中间进行提问:What is she/he wearing? 学生能够做出适当的回答。
活动二:Team work.(ppt出示例句)He is Danny. He is wearing a white shirt。小组内仿照例句对组内同学的着装进行简单的介绍。最后找几组同学进行展示。2-1-c-n-j-y
活动三:Guessing game. ppt出示四组图片,每组有三到四个人物,分别穿着不同的衣服,学生观察一会儿后掩盖其中的一个人,并提问What is she/he wearing? 学生开始回答。
Step IV Class closing
1. ppt出示一段话,并配上相应的图片,把整堂课的内容做一回顾和总结:This is Kim. She is a student.She is ten years old. Today is Monday. She goes to school. She is wearing a pink shirt and a yellow skirt. This is Jenny. She is wearing a white T-shirt and a purple skirt. This is GuoYang. He is wearing a shirt and blue trousers. This is Li Ming. He is wearing a shirt and red trousers. They are in the same school. They are good friends. 【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】
2. 听录音跟读课文。
3. Homework:介绍你的三位朋友,写下他们今天的着装。
This is ________. She/He is wearing _________.
This is _________.
She/He is my friend.
She/He is wearing ___________.
Lesson 1 Skirt and Trousers
This is a ________.
These are __________s.
T-shirt shirt skirt
He is wearing blue trousers.
She is wearing purple skirt.
课件23张PPT。冀教版 四年级上册Lesson 1
Skirt and Trousers
1Today is Monday. It is sunny and hot. Kim will go to school.1sweaterThis is a yellow sweater.This is a white T-shirt.s irtT-hkThis is a yellow skirt.This is a pink shirt.1trousersThey’re blue.These are trousers.What’s this? What are these?
This is a _____. These are ______.skirtT-shirttrouserssweatershirttrousers1She is wearing a pink ____ and a yellow ____ .shirtskirt1He is wearing blue trousers.She is wearing a purple skirt.1He is Danny.
He is wearing a white shirt.1guessing gameHe is wearing a green shirt and blue trousers.She is wearing a white T-shirt and a purple skirt.He is wearing a green T-shirt and purple trousers.1She is wearing a pink T-shirt and a purple skirt.1This is____. She is a student. She is ten years old. Today is Monday. She goes to school. She is wearing a pink_____ and a yellow ______. shirtskirtKim1This is Jenny. She is _______ a white
_______ and a purple skirt. wearingT-shirt1This is Guo Yang. He __ wearing a shirt and blue _______. istrousers1This is Li Ming. He is wearing a shirt and ____ ________. redtrousers1They are in the same school. They are good friends. 111
This is _________.
She/He is my friend.
She/He is wearing ___________.Homework