课件15张PPT。Module 5 Unit 9Was I a good girl back then 词的多种用法Let's Learn!waterdrink waterwater flowersrainIt rains quite often.heavy raincoolThe man is coolCool wintershortshort hairyellow shortsboata boatboatingLet's practiceAnswer my questions.(回答.v)
His answer is right.( 答案.n)Park your car.(________)
Play in the park.( ______)停车.v公园.nAir the room.(________)
Fresh air.( ______)通风.v空气.nWarm the soup.(________)
The weather is warm today. (_________)加热.v温暖的. adjLet's thinkWhat have we learnt in this class?Homework试着写5个这种类型的单词,并使用单词的两个意思分别造一个句子。Thank you