课件41张PPT。Let’s sing a songBoom gameReady?Go!dogfishduckcathencatfishduckdoghencolorcolorsUnit 6 ColorsPart Ablueblue blue dog blue monkey blue fishGame: 小猫钓鱼blueTraffic light 交通信号灯Red lightredred red applered egg red fishredTraffic light 交通信号灯Yellow lightyellowyellow Yellow bananaYellow
ice creamYellow duckyellowTraffic light 交通信号灯Green lightgreengreengreen
applegreenListen carefullyTraffic LightsA red light say, ‘‘Stop!”Stop,stop,stop.stop 停A green light say, ‘‘Go!”Go,go,go.go 走wait 等A yellow light say, ‘‘Wait!”Wait,wait,wait.We must obey the traffic rules. When we go across the road, we must wait for the green light.我们要遵守交通规则。要等绿灯亮了才能过马路!Learn the letters学习字母 umbrella violinReview 复习巩固redbluegreenyellowlightumbrella violinThe light is red. Stop!
The light is green. Let’s go.Homework回家用今天教的颜色制作色卡,并加上单词。Goodbye!