课件46张PPT。求点击!Unit 4
Road safetyStory timeLook and read!a pavementLook and read!a roadLook and read!a zebra crossingLook and read! green mantheDo you konw?Look and read! red mantheLook and read! traffic lightstheLook and read!Do you konw?什么意思?等待Do you konw?Translation
(翻译)Do you konw?Do you konw?So遵守规则保证安全Translation
(翻译)Think and writeComplete the notes below.zebra crossingtraffic lightspavementleftrightleftother peoplerunplayYou get it right?Look and sayWhat must you do to cross the road safely? What must you not do on the road?Unit 4
Road safetyGrammar time关系?Tip:can的后面加动词原型。
如:What we do to the room clean?cankeepDo you konw?关系?Tip:否定问句里有must,最好写成must not。
如:What you do in the classroom?mustnotDo you konw?答一答??!! 虽然must在否定问句中是must not, 但是must在否定答句中可以使用mustn’t。Do you konw?Do you konw?Unit 4
Road safetyFun time示意图抢椅子游戏
每组派上一名同学参加抢椅子游戏,当我们说“Green man, go!”时,每个人开始围绕椅子走动,当我们说“Red man, stop!”时,开始坐下,输的人请回答问题“What mast you do on the road?”,并请本组另外一个人参赛。每组只有更换2人权利。Please read the following poemStress
Stop! There’s a red man.
We mustn’t walk now.
We must wait for the green man.
There’s he is! Now we can walk.
But don’t run!Please?mark the stress Stop! There’s a red man.
We mustn’t walk now.
We must wait for the green man.
There’s he is! Now we can walk.
But don’t run!Please?mark the stress ’Stop! There’s a ’red man.
We ’mustn’t walk now.
We must ’wait for the ’green man.
’There’s he is! ’Now we can walk.
But ’don’t run!Standard for you?Look and sayDo you konw?Translation
(翻译)Unit 4
Road safetyCartoon time One day,?Bobby and Tina?to?their aunt?Alice.?On the way,?what?happened to?Bobby and Tina??Together into “Cartoon time" have a look.By?our knowledge,?from the?"Cartoon?time"?have you learned?what?two?traffic knowledge?
通过我们学习的知识,从“Cartoon time”你学到了哪两点交通知识?Translation
(翻译)Read and circleRead and circleRead and circleYou picked the right?请同学读一读句子并翻译此读句段。二人一组,三组。Think and writeComplete the poster with “must” and “must not”.must notmust notmust notmust notmustmustmust请同学读一读句子并翻译此读句段。一人一句。√√√Bye Bye ~We must
We mustn’t
Follow the rules and stay safe on the road.Be a good student