

名称 高一Unit21-22语言知识要点复习课件
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版
科目 英语
更新时间 2010-07-01 10:36:00



课件26张PPT。Units 21-22圣诞快乐顾客 customer 疯狂的 crazy 握手 handshake 鞠躬,弯腰 bow 拳头 fist 忿怒 anger 发生 occur 焦点,焦距 focus 明确的,具体的 specific 吸引,吸引力 attraction 城堡 castle 震颤,激动 thrill 海岸的,沿海的 coastal 受伤处,损害 injury 火箭,烟火 rocket 雕刻,切 carve 成就,成绩,完成 achievement 想象,想象力 imagination 1.You can pass on m ________ to others by your expressions and body movements, even if you can't talk.
2.In some Asian countries s ________ the head means “agreement”.
3.People now c _______ _ over long distances by means of telephone, telegraph, radio, television and E-mail as well.
4.The g ________ people use for “yes” and “no” are different around the world.
5.As is known to all, love and hate are opposite e ________.messages shaking communicate gestures emotions 6.The young lady went over to the window and l ________ against it.
7.I can still remember every ________(详情)in my old dormitory room at school.
8.From this time on the man ________(避开)fruitless discussions with such kind of people.
9.It is d ________ to talk of your headmaster as “the old man”.
10.It was c ________ of you to go skating on such thin ice.leaned detail avoided disrespectful crazy 以…为基础 __________
与…结合 ___________
过桥 ______________
动感电影 ____________
体验、穿过 _________
危险状态 __________be based on
combine… with…
go over the bridge
thrill rides
go through
in danger 路过 ________________
按顺序 _____________
弄倒、拆除 ________
对…笑 ______________
帮助某人 ___________
表达情感 _________walk past
in order
tear down
smile at
give sb. a hand
express emotions[过关题]-Can you __________ here a little longer?
-No, my parents expect __________ home early.
A. remain; my coming B. remain; me to come
C. stay; my coming D. stay; me to come
[过关题]-Where is George? He said he would meet me at 3 o’clock.
-He seems __________ with Mr. Brown in the office.
A. to talk B. to be talking
C. to have talked D. talking
答案:BA narrow strait __________ Europe from Africa.
A. separates B. divides
C. makes D. takes
I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer, __________ ?
A. do I B. don’t I
C. will they D. won’t they
答案:C1. He came ________ to tell us the news.
A. run B. ran C. running D. runs
答案 C
2. ________, he stayed at home.
A. Not feeling well B. Not feel well
C. Don’t feel well D. No felling well
His father died and __________ him a lot of money.
A. give B. left
C. sent D. offered
Do you mind __________ alone at home?
A. Jane leaving B. Jane having left
C. Jane’s being left D. Jane to be left
答案:CI would appreciate __________ back this afternoon.
A. you to call B. you call
C. your calling D. you’re calling
The squirrel was lucky that it just missed __________ .
A. catching B. to be caught
C. being caught D. to catch
答案:CIt is my suggestion that the plan __________ carried out.
A. will not be B. must not be
C. not be D. be not
The doctor insisted that he __________ seriously ill and that he __________ operated on immediately.
A. be; should be B. was ; be
C. was; must be D. should be; should be
答案:B—Shall I come in?
—I’d rather you __________ .
A. didn’t B. don’t
C. won’t D. wouldn’t
答案: A
How I wish every family __________ a large house with a beautiful garden!
A. has B. had
C. will have D. had had
答案: BⅡ.句型转换:每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同。
1.They will try to get it for you.
  They will ________ ________ ________ to get it for you.
2.About 2,000 people worked on the project, many of them came from Europe.
2,000 people ________ ________, many ________ ________ were ________ , worked on the project.
3.It's better for you to leave now.
 You ________ ________ ________ now .
4.I don't want to have a walk there tonight.
  I don't ________ ________ ________ a walk there tonight.
5.Now the girl doesn't want to watch TV. She wants to read newspapers instead.
 The girl ________ ________ read newspapers ________ ________ watch TV now.
Make every effort or so, of whom,
Europeanshad better leave feel like having prefers to, rather
than 1.这些身势语对说汉语的人和说英语的人来说,都具有相同的意思。
  These gestures ________ ________ both by Chinese and English speakers ________ having the same meaning .
 In some parts of Asia, you ________ ________ sit ________ your feet ________ ________ another person.are accepted,
as must not,
with, pointing at 3正确运用身势语使人在外国逗留时感到轻松而愉快。
  Using body language ________ ________ ________ way ________ the stay in a foreign country ________ and ________.
  This oil-picture ________ better ________ ________ ________.
 Do you have ________ ________ to ________ about this accident? in a
correct makes
easy comfortable looks at
a distance anything else explain有他坐在身旁,她感到很安全 With him sitting next to her,she felt safe. 家庭作业做完后,他上床睡觉 Homework finished,he went to bed. 走过公园时,我们看到了很多鸟儿。Walking through the park, we saw a lot of birds. 站在塔上我们能俯瞰全城。Standing on the tower, we could see the whole city. 独立主格结构的句法功能
e.g.The meeting over,they left the hall.
e.g.My watch having been lost,I don’t know what time it is.
e.g.Time permitting,I shall go to the cinema with you.
e.g.Mary entered the room,with a big apple in hand.
玛丽手里拿着一个大苹果走进了房间.分词短语在句中作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、让步等,其结构相当于一个状语从句。他们坐在房前又说又笑。They sat in front of their house laughing and chatting. (表伴随) 那时我们那么穷,没钱送那孩子上医院。Being so poor in those days, we couldn’t afford to send the boy to hospital. (= As we were so poor …) (表原因) 和你比起来我们还有很大差距。Compared with you, we still have a long way to go. (表条件) 一旦发现敌人,就把他们彻底歼灭了。
Enemies, once discovered, were completely wiped out. (表让步)
She risked her life trying to save the drowning child.
Eg .
He saved my life at the risk of losing his own.
他冒着失去生命的危险救了我。她冒着生命危险去救那个溺水儿童这间房是那间房的四倍大 This room is four times as big as that one.
=This room is three times bigger than that one.
=This room is four times the size of that one. 我们安排在旅馆同他见面。
We arrange to meet him at the hotel.
He offered to drive us the station. 我不习惯吃这种食物
This food disagrees with me.首先允许我向你们表示我们最热烈的欢迎.
First allow me to express our warmest welcome to you.
Traffic in Britain keeps to the left.这双胞胎个性不同.
The twins are unlike in character.1. __________This morning I went to a food store nearby buy some steamed 1. __________
bread. Before the man in the store packed the steamed bread in a 2. __________
small bag for me, I began to walk home with a bag in my hand. 3. __________
On my way I met Miss Wang, my next-door neighbour, was taking 4. __________
a walk with a dog. We greeted to each other and began to talk about 5. __________ buy前加to Before→After a→the was前加who或去掉was 去掉第一个to the weather. As we were talking her dog came up at the bag in my 6. __________
hand because the steamed bread gave up a delicious smell. As a result 7. __________

some of the bread fell to the ground and the dog began to enjoy them 8. __________
What could we do? Miss Wang had to say sorry in a red face. I 9. __________
gave the steamed bread up to her dog happily and turn to go to the 10. __________
food store again.√ up→off them→it in→with turn→turned Bye-bye