课件22张PPT。Unit 2 Good habits Sound time& Cartoon time Let's review!There’re many rooms in the house. What are they? Can you say?你还记得你学过的房间类的单词吗?roomskssd快速说出你所知道的房间类单词。我只提示首字母呀!bbbathroomdining-room studybedroomkitchensitting-roomliving roomLet's predict!看到这些图片,你想说些什么?你能提出哪些问题?提出问题可比回答问题难呀!下面这些词也许对你有帮助。小组内先讨论讨论吧。这些是我的问题,你会回答吗?
1.Who comes to see Tina?
2.How many rooms do they talk about?
What are they? How are they?
3.Where is Bobby?What(什么) Where(在哪里) Who(谁)
Whose(谁的) How(怎么样) How many(多少)Let's watch!Let's learn!1.Who comes to see Tina?自己阅读书中第一幅图内容,找出第一个问题的答案!并用笔画出来。2.How many rooms do they talk about?
What are they? How are they?阅读书中第二、三、四幅图内容,尝试画出思维导图!记得小组合作呀!Let’s go into the house.进入living roombigcleanTina’s bedroomBobby’s bedroomsmallnicemessy dirty现在你就蒂娜了,你能介绍一下这三个房间吗?
Let’s go into…
This is …
3.Where’s Bobby?自己阅读书中第五幅图,用笔画出答案!朗读指导,我们一起来模仿蒂娜教育鲍比吧,注意语气语调呀!Help Bobby.Bobby, you should put the football in the box .Bobby, you should … 你能告诉Bobby怎么整理房间吗?Summary Tina’s bedroom is nice. Why? Bobby’s bedroom is messy. Why? Good habits. Bad habits. 给这个故事加个标题吧!
可以是自己想的,也可以是摘抄故事中的短语或句子做标题呢!Tina’s horse house A. B. 这是我想出来的题目,请帮我选择一下吧。house horse 这两个单词太像了,注意区别呀!Ask and answer.I can see
They’re on the
They’re 在这幅图中你能看到什么?有多少?是高还是矮?什么颜色?在哪里?他们在干什么?他们跑得快吗?……下面的句型也许能帮到你。………………four horses.short.brown.grass.running through the grass.running very fast!Sound time.Four short horses,
Running through the grass.
Four short horses,
Running very fast!读一读小诗,想想小诗中这些单词中的“or”发什么音?还有哪些单词中含有“or”,也发这个音?shorthorsesportforor /?:/ Let's watch!Four short horses,
Running through the grass.
Four short horses,
Running very fast!练读这首小诗,注意节奏呀,可以自己读,也可以小组内练读。正跑过草地。正快速地奔跑。Read the rhyme.Look and read.
(摘苹果)Tip:你看词能读吗?如果你会读苹果上的单词,苹果就被你摘下来了。里面有生词呀!or /?:/ Listen and write.
(挂灯笼)Tip:你听音能写吗?快速拿出你的本子,写下你听到的单词。如果你能写出听到的单词,请把它们挂到树上吧。听到的单词都是没学过的呀!or /?:/ Find a different.
(找不同)Tip:这四只小动物身上的单词,有一个单词中的or发音与众不同,你能找出来吗?forhorsewordshort /?:/ /?:/ /?:/ /?:/ 1234Do exercises. 完成补充习题第八页的练习
(F Read and answer) 1. What bad habit does the pig have? Tip: 先看问题,再读短文,画关键句,回答问题,读文检查。He does not wash himself.2.Why don’t the rabbit and the cow want to play with the pig?Because the pig is dirty.3.What should the pig do? He should brush his teeth and take a bath every day.4.Who makes the pig clean? The elephant does.5.Do the rabbit and the cow play with the pig finally? Yes, they do.Homework. 1.Read sound time and the story three times.
2.Tell the story to your parents.