Caught
by
Gork教学说明及教案
1.素材分析
选用上海版牛津八年级第一学期Module3的阅读文本。本单元主题为Science
Fiction,由古希腊神话故事改编的科幻故事Nobody
wins的两个部分组成两个单元的教学内容,第一单元为Caught
by
Gork,第二单元为Escaping
from
Gork。主要讲了一批宇航员被迫着陆在一个未探索过的星球,被一个巨大的怪兽捕获然后设计巧妙逃脱的故事。本课是第一单元Caught
by
Gork的阅读部分。本课时是第一教时,主要初步理解故事内容,掌握故事开头的时间、地点、人物,故事起因,理解生词含义,培养学生对英语科幻故事的阅读兴趣。
1)文本特征
本文有标题Caught
by
Gork,导言以及Part
和Part
II两个小标题,有助于学生了解文章的叙述者和体裁。Part
II处有一幅插图描绘了一批宇航员被一只巨大的独眼怪兽用铁笼捕获的情景,结合标题可让学生预测故事情节。
2)文本特点
(1)从本文的语言来看,全文词汇量较大,如navigator,
alien,
unexplored,
cliff,
rock,
storey,approach,
partly,
roar,
magnet等等。对事物的描述性的语言很丰富,如a
valley
close
to
a
great
cliff
of
smooth,
black
rock,
in
the
cliff
there
were
doors—each
two
storeys
high等。可以将部分词汇分散在读前活动时处理,对场景的描述通过读中活动学习,对部分词汇也可通过故事插图来学习。Part
II人物对话较多,可以让学生进行角色扮演和朗读体验。
(2
)
从本文的结构来看,是一篇脉络清晰的科幻类冒险故事。第一部分首段交代故事背景(时间、地点、人物,故事起因),然后讲述了宇航员们进入怪兽Gork住所的过程。第二部分叙述了宇航员们被怪兽Gork捕获的过程。本课时为第一课时主要解决全文的内容理解。
(3)从本文的内容来看,Captain
King
的这个冒险故事,内容紧张惊险,故事中人物性格鲜明,戏剧冲突强烈,因此抓住宇航员们身处的险境这条主线来开展阅读活动。指导学生体会Captain
King身处险境,临危不乱的智慧。
2.
教学策略
从本文主题引出部分相关词汇;通过图片辅助等方式帮助学生理解场景描述;指导学生利用注释和上下文理解词汇;通过朗读和交流分析文本中人物的性格特点。
首段交代故事背景(时间、地点、人物,故事起因),可以通过抓住Wh-question帮助学生理解。故事的第一部分对场景的描述非常详细,因此利用图片纠错以及判断正误的方式让学生理解文本,并在上下文中学习生词。第二部分人物对话较多,通过查找人物语言,信息配对以及分角色朗读等活动深入了解人物并能推断人物性格。
文本是科幻探险故事,
有性格鲜明的人物和大量对话,非常适宜于表演。可以渗透戏剧表演技巧,指导学生朗读人物对话,运用恰如其分的语音语调体验语言表达的内涵和乐趣。
3.
学情分析
初二学生第一次接触科幻故事,对太空探险类词汇不熟悉,本文的生词较多,可以要求学生在课前预习词汇表中的生词词组。
重点和难点
1)教师需要帮助学生在有限的课堂时间内通过有效教学活动扫除词汇障碍,理解文本内容。对文中的词汇的处理以有利于学生对文本的理解为原则。
2)教师需要引导学生通过人物对话和细节描写来体验危险情境,并尝试分析故事人物的性格特点。
Nobody
wins
(I)
【阅读素材】
来源:牛津英语Oxford
English
8A
Module
Science
fiction
Unit6
Reading
Nobody
wins
(I)
Caught
by
Gork
【教学目标】
At
the
end
of
the
lesson,
students
are
expected
to
1.
understand
the
story
and
know
the
new
expressions:
navigator,
captain,
run
out
of,
unexplored,
alien,
close
to,
cliff.
storey,
approach,
roar,
magnet,
spring.
2.
analyze
the
description
of
the
settings
and
the
characters’
personalities
by
reading
in
roles
3.
develop
proper
attitude
towards
danger
or
troubles
Teacher’s
guide
Students’
activities
Objectives
I.
Pre-reading
Ask
Ss
to
guess
the
name
of
the
movieHave
Ss
know
some
of
the
vocabulary
on
the
topic—an
unexplored
planet,
space
adventure,
alien,
monster
Take
a
guess
about
the
video
clipRead
the
new
words.
To
elicit
the
theme—Science
fictionTo
help
students
understand
some
of
the
new
words.
While-listeningtasks
Encourage
the
students
to
predict
the
story
and
ask
some
questions
about
it.Have
students
read
paragraph
and
find
out
the
place,
time
and
characters
of
the
story.
Show
two
pictures
of
the
landing
place.
Have
students
read
paragraphs
1&2
and
choose
the
right
picture
of
the
settingsHave
Ss
read
the
rest
paragraphs
of
Part
and
find
the
features
of
the
monster’s
cave
and
the
monster’s
appearance.Ask
Ss
to
read
Part
and
find
the
paragraph
which
the
illustration
shows
and
label
the
picture.Show
the
conversations
of
the
characters
and
ask
the
students
to
match
the
words
with
the
charactersEncourage
the
students
to
analyze
the
personalities
from
the
words.
Ask
questions
before
reading.Read
the
title,
the
introduction
and
the
picture
to
predict.Read
and
answerRead
and
chooseRead
and
find
the
description
of
the
monster’s
cave
and
the
monster.Read
and
find
the
paragraph
which
the
illustration
shows
and
label
the
picture.Read
and
match
the
words
with
the
characters
with
highlighters.Read
and
discuss
in
pairs.
To
help
the
students
get
into
the
habit
of
predicting
before
reading.To
practice
skimmingTo
develop
the
students’
ability
of
reading
for
details.To
help
the
students
know
about
the
features
of
the
monster’s
cave.To
learn
new
words
from
the
illustrationsTo
help
students
analyze
the
personalities
of
the
characters
according
to
the
responses
to
the
danger..
Post-reading
1.
Have
students
read
and
act
in
roles
.2.
Encourage
the
students
to
predict
what
would
happen
afterwards.
Read
in
a
group
of
four
and
act
the
story
out.Discuss
in
a
group
To
help
the
students
experience
the
characters
by
role-playing.To
practice
predicting
based
on
the
1st
part
of
the
storyTo
arouse
the
interest
of
reading
the
next
part
of
the
story
Assignment:
1.
Read
the
story
times
2.
Prepare
for
the
class
play
Caught
by
Gork
3.
Finish
Exercises
(on
P94-95)