Chapter
Nobody
wins
Teaching
aim:
1.
Teach
how
to
make
intelligent
guesses
about
a
passage
before
reading.
2.
Train
students’
skill
of
listening,
speaking
and
reading.
3.
Help
to
form
the
cooperative
and
harmonious
atmosphere.
Teaching
procedure
Pre-task
preparation
1.
Enjoy
a
joke.
2.
Match
the
words
with
the
pictures:
comet,
rocket,
telescope,
astronaut
.
3.
Predict
the
story
with
the
help
of
the
title,
subtitle
and
the
picture.
Captain
King’s
life
has
probably
been
_________.
a
exciting
b
dull
c
quiet
The
story
probably
takes
place
on
____________.
a
earth
b
another
star
c
another
planet
The
people
in
the
picture
are
probably
__________.
a
having
fun
b
in
trouble
c
fixing
a
cage
The
monster
in
the
picture
is
probably
___________.
a
harmless
b
afraid
c
dangerous
While-task
procedure
Learn
the
new
words
Have
a
vocabulary
competition.
Listen
and
Find
the
information
from
line
1~18.
Name
Job
Sex
Answer
the
questions.
Where
did
the
story
take
place
(P1)
Was
Peters
a
good
navigator
(See
P1)
Lam
was
a
good
pilot,
wasn’t
she
(P1)
How
many
people
were
there
in
the
ship
(P2)
Were
they
going
to
leave
or
stay
Find
the
facts.
Post-task
activity
Use
the
imagination
to
complete
the
summary
of
the
passage.
Captain
King
and
his
crew
landed
on
an
unexplored
planet
and
entered
a
huge
c____.King
and
his
n
_______
,
Peters,argued
about
staying
or
l_______,but
they
stayed.
Animals
like
huge
k_______
and
a
one-eyed
m______entered
the
cave.Gork,the
monster,
r______with
anger.King
said
his
name
was
N____.Gork
said
it
was
their
custom
to
kill
a_____,so
King
and
his
crew
would
all
die
at
d____
the
next
day.He
trapped
them
in
a
c
___and
used
a
m____
to
take
away
their
guns.Lam,
the
p___,
asked
King
why
he
gave
his
name
as
N____
.King
said
it
was
part
of
his
p___.
Consolidation
1.
Oral
work
Read
P79
in
2.
Written
work
P80-81
反思:
以前这一课我曾经开过区级公开课,虽然当时的那个班级生源很差,学生在预备班时在长宁区位于倒数的数一数二,但是因为那个班级是我两年多带下来的,学生的学习风气在不断的改善中,虽然基础差,学生在老师的引导下,还是可以跟上进度的。
然而在初二(6)班的试讲课上,明显地感到上不下去,虽然初二(6)班的程度要比初二(3)班高,于是修改教案,降低难度-------
即使如此,学生学习基础之差还是令人震惊,即使句句英文都请同学翻译成中文,方便更多同学能听懂,然而会翻译的同学也屈指可数------
其实初二(3)班的大多数同学智力属正常范围,但由于各自不同的原因,不能适应普通学校教育条件的学习生活,最终导致“学业不振”或“品行不良”,属于”潜能生”。
产生潜能生的原因很多,有的属于接受语言知识的能力、读写能力、理解能力较差,有的经历父母离异的创伤,更多的同学自身学习目的不明确,自控力差,造成成绩落后。
平时接触下来,发现他们的主要心理表现:灰、自暴自弃。认为自己给同学、老师、家长留下“差生”印象,前途一片黑暗,缺乏前进的动力和目标。“背不出单词、课文,不是我不努力,小学时妈妈在家给我背过,我背不出的!”“没用的,现在背好了、过一会儿又忘了!”
美国著名教育心理学家布卢姆认为:“优等生”和“后进生”没有严格的界限,每个学生身上都蕴藏着一些智慧和才能有待开发。因此我们教师有必要采取以下措施:
树立正确的“潜能生观”,
欣赏潜能生。
建立潜能生成长档案,重视早期的发现和矫治。
重视对潜能生的心理健康教育,区别对待,分别矫治。
教师实施分层教学,重视个别,因材施教。
在班级中开展“一帮一”活动,建立学习上的伙伴关系。
加强与潜能生家长的联系,取得共识,家校联合,形成教育合力。
找出产生潜能生的原因后,在以后的教育教学过程中,尽量走近学生,增强教师的亲和力,通过研究“潜能生“的产生原因和心理表现,对其进行学习策略指导,尽可能从初二年级起,进行早期而有系统的干预,探索高效率地解决问题,达到最终成功转化潜能生”,使包括”潜能生”在内的全体学生都能受益,真正做到“以人为本”“有教无类”的理想境界。