7上 Unit 2 Let’s play sports Study skills Vowels(Ⅱ) 公开课课件


名称 7上 Unit 2 Let’s play sports Study skills Vowels(Ⅱ) 公开课课件
格式 zip
文件大小 2.3MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2017-09-20 12:11:47



课件29张PPT。 Study skills Vowels(Ⅱ)7A Unit2 Let's play sports! If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap, clap).
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap, clap).
If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap, clap). If you're happy A a / ? /
cap cat dad man map
〔A〕1.准确朗读并会书写单词中含有元音字母的重读闭音节/?/, /e/, /I/, /?/, /?/。
目标定向—— Is my red pen on the desk, Mum??? —— Yes, there is also an egg. E e / e /
desk egg pen red yes
发音时,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,上下齿之间可容一个食指。The girl sits with the boy and she tells him Nanjing is a big city. I i / I /
big city him sit with
发音时,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形扁平,发此音时要短促而轻快。My dog is in the box for a long time. It does not stop barking(狗叫). O o / ? /
box dog long not stop
发音时,口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩,双唇稍微收圆。Sandy is drinking a cup of tea in the house, but her two ducks are running in the sun.U u / ? /
but cup duck run sun
发音时,舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌后部靠前部分稍抬起,口形稍扁,开口度较大。Game time!Be loud!Tips:1. Work in pairs of two. (两人一组。) 2. Read the phonetic symbols to your partner loudly and correctly.(把音标准确大声地读给同伴听。) 3. Your partner should point out the symbols you read.(同伴指出你读的音标。) 4. Exchange your role.(交换角色。 )clockclubfungethappylistenbadoftenswimwellRead the words below. Then put them under the correct sound groups.Game time! Part B 1. Hand out five phonetic symbol cards. (将五张音标卡发给五名同学。)
2. Hand out some word cards. (将一些单词卡任意发给二十名同学。)
3. Read the word in your card and find the correct sound of the red letter. (读你卡片上的单词,找出单词中红色字母的发音。)
4. Choose your leader from the five students and stand behind him or her.(确定红色字母的发音后,站到对应的同学身后。)Tips:The sounds of the letters a, e, i , o , u.AEIOUhand habit lab mad
help lend test wet
film bill risk silk

hot job top rock
mum gun just luck/ ? // e // I // ? // ? /Read the phrases below. Pay attention to the different sounds of the letters. 1. take this bag
2. these eggs
3. a nice picture
4. open the box
5. a music club/ ?//e// ? /
/i:// eI //aI // I /
/?u//ju:// ? /
bagtakepictureniceboxopenclubmusic eggthese闭音节
(closed syllable)开音节
(open syllable)/ ? // eI // e // i: // I //aI // ? //?u// ? //ju: /Can you find out the rule?重

go be me by cry student baby辅音+元音+辅音+e 注意:词尾e不发音
name time make like在重读的开音节中元音字母发字母表音。Aa /eI/Ee /i:/Ii /aI/Oo /?u/Uu / ju:/辅音+元音+辅音
map,desk, sit元音+辅音
is, it在重读的闭音节中元音字母读做短元音。
即:A, E, I, O, U要读/?/, /e/, /I/, /?/, /?/.重

节Show time 读一读,判断下面每组词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同写T, 不同写F。
(1) five fish ( ) (2) cup duck ( )
(3) three we ( ) (4) cake apple ( )
(5) those sorry ( ) (6) much uncle ( )FTFTFT1. A. late B. cake C. rabbit D. make
2. A. see B. help C. bed D. get
3. A. big B. it C. little D. kite
4. A. got B. those C. lot D. clock
5. A. but B. student C. use D. huge
找出下列划线部分发音不同的单词。The little cat.
The little cat is mad.
The little cat is sad.
The little cat feels very bad.
Little cat, little cat,
Why are you so mad and so sad?/ ? /Let's chant(诵扬)!Good better best ,
Never let it rest.
Till good is better,
and better best./e/ 精益求精, 永不歇停。 锲而不舍, 炉火纯青。 Six pink pigs, Sit in a pitch, Picking up sticks, For a big switch./?/六只粉红猪,坐在球场上,拾起小棍子,做个大折棍。 /?/
Frog frog frog .
The frog is on the log.
Log log log.
The log and frog.
Three, two,one,
Go, rabbit, run and run
under the hot , bright sun!
well done, well done!
Rabbit you won.
Running is great fun !/?/
Homework :
4.继续练习几首韵律诗,尽量读出英语语言之美。Thank you for your attention!