必修五Module6 Animals in danger introduction and fast reading课件


名称 必修五Module6 Animals in danger introduction and fast reading课件
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2010-11-17 19:37:00



课件24张PPT。MODULE 6Animals in DangerPeriod OneIntroduction & Fast-reading◆知识与能力:1. 熟记【知识链接】中的单
2. 通过多样化练习提高口语
境况。学习目标endanger 使处于险境 reserve 保护区,保护圈 habitat 栖息地 extinct 灭绝的,绝种的 struggle 挣扎,斗争 wildlife 野生生物 protect 保护 poacher 盗猎者,偷猎者 antelope (藏)羚羊 battle 战斗 plateau 高原 知识链接ideal 理想的 shawl 披肩 herd 牧群,兽群 worth 值…钱 skin 剥皮,去皮 spot 现场,准确地点 raid 突击搜查 confiscate 没收 meanwhile 同时 dealer 商人 知识链接in danger 处于危险中 according to 根据thanks to 幸亏,多亏 put down 放下 give one’s life to 为做…而献出了生命 on the spot 当场 come into fashion 成为时尚 take an active part in 积极参加 be ready to 准备做…… raid on a shop 突击搜查一家商店 get tough with 采取强硬措施 知识链接Siberian tiger
Giant pandaIntroduction: Vocabulary and speaking
1 : Introduce some animals in danger
2 : Match the words in the box with their meanings.
conservation endangered extinct habitat reserve
species struggle survival wild wildlife1 a type of animal or plant ( )
2 the place where an animal lives naturally ( )
3 protection ,especially of natural things ( )
4 in danger ( )
5 a fighter which lasts a long time ( )specieshabitatconservationendangeredstruggle6 an area of land where animals are protected
7 dead (for a species, not a single animal)
8 continuing to live
9 living in a natural state, away form people
10 wild animalsreserveextinctsurvivalwildwildlife3 Look at the reasons why some animals are
becoming extinct. Which is the most important?
They are killed for body parts or food .
(2) People want them for pets .
(3) People have moved into their natural habitat .
(4) They are killed by pollution .
(5) They are killed by climate change .
Now work in groups. Discuss your ideas with other
students. Tibetan antelopeSaving the AntelopesFast-readingMatch the general idea of each paragraph:para 1 A. the reason why the number
of the antelopes is falling
para 2 B. the way the poachers
deal with the antelopes
para 3 C. the role the government played
in protecting the antelopes
para 4 D. sth. about Jiesang Suonandajie
para 5 E. volunteers and international co-
operation 4 a group of animals which live or move together
5 to cut the skin off an animal ________
6 an order not to do something ________
7 a surprise visit (especially by police) ________
8 take away officially __________
9 hard ________
10 working together ___________ herd skin ban raidconfiscated tough co-operationRead the passage and try to find the words in the passage which mean:
1 high ground ________
2 a piece of cloth people wear on their shoulders _______
3 money you make by selling something _________ plateau shawlprofitChoose the best answers:
1 ( )How did Jiesang Suonandajie die ?
a. He froze to death b. He was killed by criminals
c. He had an accident in his jeep.
2 ( )Why are Tibetan antelopes in danger ?
a. They have lost their natural habitat
b. They are killed for their wool
c. They cannot survive at high altitude b b3 ( ) What has the Chinese government done to
help the antelopes ?
a. It is protecting the antelope in a natural reserve.
b. It has sent police to countries where “shahtoosh”
is sold.
c. It has closed the border with India.
4 ( )What’s happened to the trade in “shahtoosh”?
a. It has grown quickly b. It has become legal
c. It has become harder to sell “shahtooh”.
a c5 ( ) What will happen to the Tibetan antelope?
a. Its number will continue to increase .
b. It may survive.
c. It will soon become extinct. aLet’s finish the following exercises quickly.
当堂检测1. In the first paragraph, the writer hints that .
A. only Jiesang Suonandajie was chasing those poachers
at that time
B. the poachers were killing the antelopes
C. Jiesang Suonandajie died at last
D. Jiesang Suonandajie also had a gun
2. Which is wrong about the shawls made from the wool? ____.
A. The shawls made from the wool is very expensive.
B. The shawls is known as “shahtoosh” or “king of wools”.
C. The shawls are sold in South America and Europe.
D. The shawls are made in India.当堂检测AC3. Which is not the reason why the antelope population slowly
begins to grow again? .
A. Government’s taking an active part in
B. International co-operation
C. Volunteers’ help
D. Little interest in the shawls
4. What advantage for the poachers in the battle? .
A. There were more of them.
B. They had guns.
C. They were calm.
D. They were strong. 当堂检测DASave the antelopes!