课件24张PPT。Unit 3 My faceJack的脸被魔术师设魔法,不见了,魔术师说“魔语”是用英语介绍Jack五官,我们一起努力学习,帮Jack找回他的脸吧!Let’s help JackfaceThis is my face.Touch your face.This is my face.mouthThis is my mouth.Flowers are getting bigger and bigger.Touch your mouth.This is my mouth.noseThis is my nose.Magic fingersTouch your nose.This is my nose.eyeThis is my eye.High and low noice.Touch your eye.This is my eye.earThis is my ear.Touch your ear.This is my ear.Whack-a-moleT:This is my ______.Ss:This is your ______.Hide and seekThis is your…
Touch your…This is your .eyeLet’s help JacknosemouthfaceearMake a Snowman Group work
1,Make the snowman.
2,Introduce the snowman.(This is his..)
3, Introduce yourself to your partners.(This is my…)
4, Do actions in your group. 1. Give the snowman two eyes.2. Give the snowman a nose3. Give the snowman a mouth.4. Give the snowman two ears.Enjoy a songHomework1, Introduce your face to your parents.3, Make a funny face.2, Read page 10 and 11 of the student book.Make a funny face.Thank you!