课件197张PPT。Good morning everyoneMr.MissboygirlHello ! Everyone ! Nice to meet you here ! I am Lucy ! I am seven .
Thank you ! appleappleappleBig letter “a”Small letter “a”bagSmall letter “b”catccdogDdddDDapplebagcatdogelephante5fivegirlGhandinsect Hello ! How are you ?Hello ! Good afternoon ! How are you ?I’m so so.I’m super.How are you?I’m fine, thank you.
And you?Hello ! Good afternoon. Hello ! Good afternoon ! What’s your name ?I’m Jim. What’s your name?I’m tom.You are jack?Yes. I’m jack.You are Mary?No, I’m jack.One two three, I see a ____________________!What do you see?jamkitekiteK12lionmousevery verylateMay I come in?Come in please .close the door.Look at the clock. You are very late.Don’t be late for school again.windowdoortableboxblackboardopenclosecleanopenclosecleantennineeightsevensixfivefourthreetwoone12345671089twothreefouronefivesevensixeightninetenHave a rest!9 ninepencilpenqueenrulerthe suntable12umbrellavanruler sunvanumbrellatablewindowx-rayyellowzebrazebrayellowx-rayumbrella字母的书写格式bookdeskrubberpencildeskbaghandWhat is your name?How are you ?An apple Mary?What colour is it?What shape is it?Eight apples,Alice.Is it a umbrella?I’m fine, thank you .It’s red.Yes, it is.Yes, please.I’m kitty.No.thank you .It is a circle.kitelionmousejamwindowtabledoorboxblackboarddogelephantfivegirlhandinsectqueenpencilpen9 nineorangeA balloonA cakeAn ice-creamAn applefruitbananapearappleThe end!Thank you!Words list1. classroom2. hall3. tall4. library5. toilet6. playground8. office9. flower7. W.CI am a boyYou are a boy.He is my father.She is my sister.It is a rubber.happysadhungrythirstycirclestarsquaretriangle circlesquaretrianglestar12345678pinkredorangeyellowgreenblueblackwhitewhiteredyellowpinkblackblueorangegreenwhiteWhat colour is it?It is blue.?What color is the desk?What color is the chair?
What color is the blackboard?
What color is book?
It is ______.balloonballtreeskycloudboatkitesunboatfatthinbigsmalltallshortfatthinshorttallsmallbigHello ! Everyone ! I am a boy ! I am _____.
I am ______,I am ______, I am ________.IntroductionI am a__________I am_______.
I am_______.
I am_______.Can you description yourself?DescriptionHe is _____________.
He is _____________.
He is _____________.
He is _____________.10He is _____________.
He is _____________.
He is _____________.
He is _____________.9She is _____________.
She is _____________.
She is _____________.
She is _____________.7She is _____________.
She is _____________.
She is _____________.
She is _____________.6happysadVocabularyhappysadthirstyhungrythirstyhungryAre you happy?Yes, I am happy.Are you sad?No, I am not.rainBow Bow and bowBow and bow and bow again.Thin girls Small babies Tall teachers Two fat boys in the rain, bow and bow and bow again.Two thin girls in the rain, bow and bow and bow again.Two tall teachers in the rain, bow and bow and bow again.Two short mothers in the rain, bow and bow and bow again.Two small babies in the rain, bow and bow and bow again.An ice-creamAn appleA balloonA cakeIce creamcakeballooneggbookorange__ ice cream an or a__ cake__ book__ egg__ apple__ orangeanananaanaa or an__book___apple__ice cream__elephant__cake__orangeaananaanana or an__hand___ruler__ice cream__ice-box__jam__queenaananaaanHere you are.Thank you!An apple, tom?Yes, please.a cake, tom?no, thanks.Here you are.Thank you!A pen tom?Yes, please.What is it?It is a cake.What’s it?
It is a____.
it is an____.Is it a cake?Yes , it is.Is it a ruler? Yes, it is a ruler.Is it a book? no, it is a ruler.Is it a _____? Lottery games~~(E) Say the letters : E e ; G g; F f(e) Say the words: pen ; bag ; apple(G) Can you describe yourself?(g) Can you describe your mother?(F) Open the door, please.(f) Say the letters: H h; I i; K k.Lottery games~~Choose the different one:
book, dog, ruler, pencil, rubber(K) choose the right one: how are you?
I’m nine. b. I’m fine, thanks.
c. good afternoon
(L) Say the words: pencil, jam, lion(M) Say the letters: M m, N n, O o.Lottery games~~(H) Choose the different one:
book, cat, elephant, dog.(h) choose the right one: good afternoon?
I’m mary. b. I’m fine, thanks.
c. good afternoon
(I) Say the words: insect, queen, table.(i) Say the letters: P p, Q q, N,nLottery games~~(N) Choose the different one:
Orange, apple, jam, kite(n) choose the right one: are you tom?
Yes, I am tom . b. I’m fine, thanks.
c. it’s a book.
(O) Say the words: orange, queen, pen.(o) Say the letters: D d, O o, I i.Lottery games~~(P) Can you describe your father?(p) choose the right one: what’s your name?
I am tom . b. I am five.
c. I am fine , thanks.
(Q) Say the words: window, door , ruler.(q) Say the letters: P p, N n, Q q, A ,aLottery games~~(R) Choose the different one:
Window, door ,blackboard, cat(r) choose the right one: are you tom?
Yes, I am tom . b. I’m fine, thanks.
c. it’s a book.
(S) Say the words: orange, queen, pen.(s) Say the letters: D d, O o, I i.Lottery games~~(D) Choose the different one:
Write the letters from E-H(C) choose the right one: How are you?
I’m five. b. I’m fine, thanks.
c. I’m sorry , I don’t know.
(d) Say the words: book pen, rubber.Together: say the letters form A-Z