Lesson 3 What’s your father’s job? 教案


名称 Lesson 3 What’s your father’s job? 教案
格式 zip
文件大小 122.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 川教版
科目 英语
更新时间 2017-11-28 17:45:32



  (一). 知识目标:
  词汇: a policeman, a policewoman , a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, an engineer, a farmer, a postman, a cook. (听、说、读、写 四会掌握 )
  句子:A. What's your / his / her job ?
  I'm / He's / She's a / an ….
  What are their jobs ?
  They're ….
  How old are you / is he / she /
  I'm / He's / She's ….
  What do you want to be ?
  I want to be ….
  It's cold today, isn't it ?
  ( A、 B、 C根据学生的实际情况尽量要求四会掌握,D 、E、 F三会掌握)
  语音: 辅音字母组合dr和 tr在单词中的发音. (能听后辨认,会读)
  歌曲: They sing happily.(会唱,基本了解歌词大意)
  (二). 功能目标:
  学会表达: 我将来想做…。(职业)
  二.本单元教学重点: 询问和介绍他人的职业:
  What's your /his / her job ?
  I'm / He's / She's ….
  What are their jobs ?
  They're ….
  语音: 辅音字母组合dr和 tr在单词中的发音.
  反意疑问句的初步了解和使用: It's cold today, isn't it ?
  导入新授、创设情景也相对比较容易。(但课本上给出的情景是: 一个小男孩与一个机器人的对话, 如果照搬这个情景本人认为不合适, 因为不但难度大,而且显得不自然21·cn·jy·com
  五.课时安排: 四课时
  The First Period
  (一). 学会询问他人的年龄: 句子: How old are you / is he/ she ?2-1-c-n-j-y
  I'm / He's /
  She's ….
  (二). 学会询问单数人称的职业 :词汇::a waiter , a waitress , a policeman, a【出处:21教育名师】
  policewoman , a driver , a worker.
  句子: What's your / his /
  her job ?
  I'm / He's /
  She's ….
  二. 教学用具: 自制单词卡片、事先收集的一些能表现人物职业的图片。
  ( 提前布置预习作业: 1. 为自己的爸爸或妈妈设计一张名片。
  Age : __________________
  Job: ___________________
  E-mail: _________________
  (一). 导入新课, 直奔主题: ( 新授)
  T: What's the homework of yesterday ? Yes, design two names cards: one is for21教育名师原创作品
  your father or mother, the other is for yourself (after twenty years). Are you21*cnjy*com
  ready now? OK. Now let's try to talk about them. Please take them
  out.(昨天的家庭作业是什么? 对,设计两张名片。 一张是为你的爸爸或妈妈设计的,另一张是为二十年后的你自己设计的。
  你们都完成了吗?现在就让我们一起来讨论一下你们的作品吧。 请把它们那出来吧。)
  T: First take out the name card of your parent. First of all : please tell me:
  What is your father's / mother's name ? What's his / her name? (
  先把你给爸爸或妈妈设计的名片那出来, 首先: 请你告诉我你爸爸或他*的名字, 告诉我他们的名字。)
  Ss: My father's / mother's name is ….
  His / Her name is ….
  ( At the end: we can play a game : Whose memory is the best? Use the sentences:2·1·c·n·j·y
  1. What's A's father's /
  mother's name? Do you know? 2. Is his / her father's /
  er's name B ? 这一内容结束前可以使用下列句子安排一个小小的游戏: 看看 谁的记忆力最棒!
  你记得吗: 某某同学的爸爸或他*的名字?
  2. 他/她爸爸或他*的名字是_____ 吗? )
  3. T: OK. I know your parents' names now. But I want to know more about
  them. Would you mind tell me : How old is your father/ mother ? ( 现
  在我已经知道你们爸爸他*的名字了,但我想了解更多一些, 你可以
  告诉我: 你的爸爸/他*的年龄吗?
  New sentence: How old is …? ( 新授 )
  (1). Ss: He's / She's ….
  (2). Play a game: try to guess( 游戏: 猜一猜):
  How old is A's father / mother?
  Ss: He's / She's ….
  Sa(被猜的同学回答): Yes, you're right. ( Sorry, you're wrong.)www-2-1-cnjy-com
  (3). T: OK, now please take the card of yourself , can you tell me , after21教育网
  twenty years: How old are you ? (请把你自己的名片那出来,你能
  New sentence: How old are you (in your card)? I'm ….(新授)【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
  Ss : I'm ….
  T: Now tell me : Now : How old are you ?
  Ss: I'm ….
  T: How old is he/ she ? ( 同桌或周围同学)
  Ss: He's / She's ….
  4.T: OK, let's go on. What do you want to be in the further ? Would you mind【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】
  tell me : What's your job ( in your card)? ( 让我们继续吧, 你将来打算做
  什么呢? 你能告诉我们你的名片上写的工作吗?)
  New sentence: What's your job ? I'm a / an ….(新授)【版权所有:21教育】
  5.What's your father's/ mother's job?
  New sentence: What's his / her job ? His / Her job is ….(新授)
  在4-5 的过程中可灵活掌握, 在适当的时机新授新单词: a policeman , a policewoman , a waiter, a
  waitress, a driver, a worker. 并可采用各种方法来及时巩固,让学生加深印象。 例如: 游戏: 看看少了谁?方法:
  先向学生一一出示表示各种职业的图片, 抽掉一张后,将剩下的一起出示给学生看,让他们回答少了谁?
  (二). 给个机会, 小试身手 ( 巩固)。
  在新授阶段,学生已经经历了一些比较机械的练习, 在接下来的巩固
  Work with your partner: Ask and answer: ( with the two cards)21世纪教育网版权所有
  (1).What's your Father's name? How old is he ? What's his job?
  (2). What's your job? How old are you?
  Try to introduce your parent and yourself (in the further ) for us.21*cnjy*com
  Try to guess :the job of your good friend , what does he/ she want to be ?
  ( 猜一猜: 你的好朋友将来想做什么工作? 他的名片上写的是什么 呢?)
  (三). 给个任务, 我来完成 ( 创设情景, 学以致用)
  任务1.: 小记者 ( 采访一位同学后完成这张表格)
  NameHis name:_____________
  His father's (mother's )
  His age: ______________
  His father's (mother's) age:__________________
  His job: ______________
  His father's (mother's)
  job: _______________
  二十年后偶遇小学同学! 与你的搭档一起设想一下二十年后如果你们在大街上偶遇的情景,编一段小对话,练习后给大家表演。21·世纪*教育网
  For example:
  A: Hello, B.
  B: Oh, who are you? Oh, it's you A.
  A: Nice to meet you.
  B: Nice to meet you ,too.
  A: What's your job now?
  B: I'm a policeman. What's your job?
  A: I am a driver. How is your father?
  B: He's fine, thank you.
  A: How old is he now?
  B: He's sixty-five. And I am thirty – five now.
  A: Now yes, I am thirty-five ,too. OK. See you !
  B: See you.
  四.Copy : A. Words: B:a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker.
  B. Sentences: A: Picture 1 to Picture 3.
  Try to know your parents' and grandparents' ages, jobs use the English sentences after school. ( 回家后试着用英语来了解一下你父母和爷爷奶奶的年龄和工作.)