Learning plan for A TRIP ON “THE TRUE NORTH”
◆Learning aims (学前知目标,学习有方向)
1.Know the geography of Canada--- a multicultural society.
2. Study how to describe Direction&Position.
3. Develop our learning strategies(策略) further.
◆A quiz before reading(课前测一测,你对本课的话题有多少了解?)
1.the national flag of Canada 2.the national flower of Canada
3.What language(s) do Canadians speak 4.the capital of Canada
5.national animal of Canada 6. What is the leader of the country called
7. How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada and what are they
◆Predict to learn (学会画概念图,预测文章内容)
Trip to Canada--- What might be included in this travel journal
◆Skim to find (快速阅读文章和图片查找相关信息)
1. What does “The True North” refer to in the text
2. Draw the route of the two girls traveling across Canada.
◆Read to know (自我思,手拉手,细节处理各部分内容)
Para 1: Something about the trip
①Purpose________________ ②Ways of traveling __________________ ③Which continent to cross _________________
Para 2 : Their first stop---V
A.distance (from coast to coast) _________________________
___________ →Going eastward, you’ll pass ①________________②lakes & forests ③___________________
B.Vancouver →①________________②________________③one of Canada’s most popular cities ④oldest&most beautiful forests ⑤_______________________
C.Population:______________________ Trees:__________________________
Para 3: Their next stop---C
1. What animals did they see when crossing the Rocky Mountains
2.What is Calgary famous for 3. What happens at the Calgary Stampede
Para 4: Their third stop---T
1.Thunder Bay is ______________city. 2.How are ocean ships able to reach the center of Canada 3. What can we know about the Great Lakes from this para 4. What does “empty” mean in this para
Para 5: Their last stop---T
◆Challenge to review (挑战自我,我怕谁)
Choose one as your group challenge,and then prepare to answer it,Come on !
①Canada’s population is only slightly over thirty million. The underlined word means________.
②Which sentence in Para.1 could replace the following one
They decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the cross-Canada train instead of taking the plane all the way.
③Look at the picture and make a sentence using the following words:---be famous for; cowboys; be surrounded by
④Say something about Vancouver: ---Vancouver is in the__________ part and is considered as the most__________ city in Canada, surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. ________ in the Rocky Mountains and ______ in the harbour make Vancouver one of the most ________ cities to live in.Vancouver has some of ___________________________forests.
⑤Fill the blanks:--- Calgary is________ for the Calgary Stampede. Cowboys who have a gift for riding wild horses from all over the world come to________ in the Stampede and can______ a lot of money. Thunder Bay is a busy ____ city at the top of the Great Lakes, from where the ocean ships can reach the center of Canada.
◆Act to improve (学以致用,我是主角)
Here is Canada’s international airport and a tourist from abroad just gets off the plane. Now 3 guides rush to surround him and every one of them wants to attract him. Which one can succeed
Notice: 6 students (A, B, C, D,E,F ) a group
A,B,C are the guides separately from Vancouver, Calgary and Thunder Bay;D is a tourist (a rich businessman/ an accountant会计/a student);The other two are assistants.
Requirement: While making the dialogue, you’d better include location, size, population, natural resources,etc.
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