Unit 12 In the park 教案


名称 Unit 12 In the park 教案
格式 zip
文件大小 123.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2017-12-09 19:07:03



Lesson Plan
BOOK: Oxford English Grade 1 A
TOPIC: Module 4 The natural world Unit 3 In the park【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
Learn the new words: red, green, yellow, blue
Learn the sentence: What colour is it? It’s…
Learn how to find out the colours of objects.
Period 1
Grammar and expressions
What colour is it?
It’s …
red green blue yellow
SB: pp.46 and 47
WB: pp.l46 and 47
Parts A, B and C
Colour the …(thing)…(colour)
orange brown
SB: pp. 47, 48, 49 and 53
WB: pp.48 and 49, Part D and task
T: Look at the rainbow. It is very nice. We can see red, yellow, green, blue, orange and purple.
T: Look! This is an apple. It is red. Look! That’s a banana. It is not red. It’s yellow.
1. T shows the picture of a park to the students and describe the rainbow in it.
2. T shows the Ps a plate of fresh fruit and describe the fruit.
While-task procedure
Content 1: red, green, yellow, blue
T: Red.
Ps: It’s red.
1. Ps repeat the names of the colours after T while T raises the corresponding coloured card.
Mechanical Practice
2. Ps listen to ‘Look and say’ and ‘Look and learn’ on SB P46 and 47. Ps repeat after the recording.
P1: What’s this?
P2: It’s a pear.
P1: What colour is it?
P2: It’s yellow.
Pairs work:
Ps act out the dialogue on SB P46 in pairs.
Period 2
Meaningful Practice
P1: What’s this?
P2: It’s an apple.
P1: What colour is it?
P2: It’s red.
P1: Yes, it’s a red apple.
4. T shows the Ps a picture of fruit. Ps make a dialogue in pairs.
Post-task activity:
1. Ps do Part A’ Listen and colour’ on WB P46.
P1: What colour is Number 1?
P2: It’s red. What colour is number 6?
P3: It’s green.
Ps do Part B’ Listen and answer’ on WB P46. Then Ps ask and answer in turn.
3. Ps do Part C’ Listen and draw’ on WB P47. Ps help them check the answers.
P1: What colour is it?
P2: It’s yellow.
P1: No, it isn’t.
P2: What colour is it?
P1: It’s red. What is it?
P2: It’s an apple.
P1: Yes, it’s a red apple.
Pair work:
4. Ps draw a picture of some kinds of fruit and colour it. Ps play a guessing game in pairs.
Listening: Listen to the tape on P46, P47 A
Speaking: Make a dialogue with your classmates. B
Reading: Read the text on P46, P47 A
Recite the text on P46, P47 B
Pg (學生小組) Pp (學生兩兩) P1 (某個學生) Ps (全班學生) Pn (若干個學生) Bs (男孩們) Gs(女孩們) 21世纪教育网版权所有
Period 3
BOOK: Oxford English 1 A
TOPIC: M4 The natural world U3 In the park
Learn the sentence: Colour the …(thing)…(colour)
Learn how to give simple instructions.
Learn how to find out specific information about an animal.21教育网
T: It’s yellow. It’s small. It goes’ Peep…Peep…’ What is it?
Ps listen to the riddle and then try to find the corresponding animal picture on the blackboard.
T: Colour the kite red.
Colour the kite blue.
Colour the kite orange.
Ps listen to the rhyme on SB P49. T asks several Ps to colour the kites on the blackboard.
While-task procedure
Content 1: Colour the …(thing)…(colour)…
Ps listen to ‘Ask and answer’ on SB P48, and repeat after the recording.
Mechanical Practice
P1: Colour the book red.
P2: Colour the pencil green.
P3: Colour the rubber yellow.
P4: Colour the ruler blue.
Group work:
Ps say the sentences on SB P47 in turn in groups.
Period 4
Meaningful Practice
P1: It’s big. It’s fat. It goes’ Oink…Oink…’ What is it?
P2: It’s a pig.
Group work:
Ps choose one of four animals(cow, pig, chick, duck) and make a riddle about it.
T: The tree is green.
P1: Colour the tree green.
Ps: (clolour)
T: The flower is red.
P2: Colour the flower red.
Ps: (colour)
Ps work in groups and colour the picture of a park according to the clues T gives.
P1: It’s green. It is tall and big. What is it?
P2: It is a tree.
P1: Yes, it’s a tree.
Ps make a riddle about it and let others guess what the riddle is about.
Post-task activities
T: Colour number 1 yellow. What’s this?
P1: (colour and says) It’s a chick.
Ps do Part D’ Colour and say’ on WB P48. Ps tell you what animal it is.
P1: Look! This is a chick. It’s yellow. It goes’ Peep…Peep…”
Pair work:
Ps talk about the pictures:
P1: What’s this?
P2: It’s a kite.
P1: What colour is it?
P2: It’s…
Ps perform Task ‘Colour, ask and answer’ on WB P49
P1: What’s this?
P2: It’s a panda. It is fat. Is this a tiger?
P1: No. It’s a monkey. It’s brown.
Group work:
Ps do Project 4 on SB P53 and ask and answer as follows.
Listening: Listen to the tape on P47, P48, P49, P53 A
Speaking: Make a dialogue of Project 4 on SB P53. B
Reading: Read the text on P47, P48, P49 and P53. A
Recite the text on P49, P53 B
根据“Task-based learning ”的教学理念,我把Unit的let’stalk作为学生学习这个单元的“主题”,将教学要求设置为该阶段的学习任务,以强化英语语言学得和习得的过程,充分体现语言的交际本质。21cnjy.com
Pre-task preparation环节主要的教学内容是导入新知识。这个环节不仅需要我们为学生创设适宜的教学环境,使学生的注意力高度集中,输入的新内容能够引起学生足够的重视,使学生处于积极、自觉学习的心理态势,充分准备去感知新的内容。在呈现新的内容时,将构成任务内容的新的语言材料的音、意(、形)和语言使用环境同时输入给学生。此外,我们还需要为学生输入一定量语言材料以确保他们准确地掌握、成功地使用新学的语言。21·cn·jy·com
这个单元的新授课,课堂的气氛非常活跃,其中有亮点也有不足。以欢快动听的歌曲开场,孩子们以一种愉快的心情上这堂课。这节课给人感觉层次分明,课堂活跃,体现了在玩中学的理念。另外本课教具也是一大亮点,我准备了颜色鲜艳的图片,还有小组的代表标志图,都是一些孩子喜欢的图案,适应孩子们的年龄特点,也激发了孩子们学习英语的积极性。在游戏中,充分利用了图片,既复习了前面学的单词,又巩固了red,blue这两个颜色的单词,而且孩子们在游戏中自然而然就记住了这些单词,更加活跃了课堂气氛。本课另外一个亮点是巩固课文时用的一个游戏 Guessing game 在激烈地寻找东西时下面学生也能巩固所学单词,等找到之后,这位学生举起物品问What colour is it? 其他学生回答“It’s red/blue/red and blue” 这个游戏充分练习了本课的对话,这样为后面读课文表演对话打下很好的基础。 这节课也存在着不足,板书设计的不够合理,应该把重要语句和单词板书出来,这样能让学生更好的认读单词和句子,教具使用还应再充分利用一下,课文操练再多一些,让学生在课上充分练习。www.21-cn-jy.com