课件20张PPT。lesson2Unit 4 Put on Your Clothes let’s sing a songGood morningMy name is...! Good morning to you! Good morning ....! Good morning to you! Good morning! Good morning! Good morning to you! Good morning! Good morning! Good morning to you! Vice to say wordsLet’s welcome 陈郅轩 and RubyDuty Report1、Be quiet !(做文明的听众) 2、Don‘t forget your applause!(不要吝啬您的掌声哦!!!)Fashion Show Let’s go shopping!123456123456dressskirtshirtcoatshirt读对了,
才能进入哦!shirtT-shirtcatcacapbeareaweasweasweatercarcarfscarfsk1、teach your group(2分钟内教小组成员单词,为参加游戏作准备)2、wolf is coming!!!
游戏规则:由1人扮演灰太狼,任意抽1组上来,这组同学站在离灰太狼1米远,开始读教师手里的单词,读对可后退1步,读错灰太狼可前进1步,当教师手里出现羊图片时,灰太狼可抓小组成员,回到安全区前被抓到者为新的灰太狼。没被抓住可为小组获取奖励。Look for the pattern !(帅哥美女来找规律了!)1、2、3、Discuss first,say your answer after the music stops!(先讨论、音乐完了说单词!)???Works in pairs1、Draw the clothes .
(画画今天学的服装)sweaterscarfcapT-shirt Who is the winner!!!Congratulations
Don‘t forget your applause!
(不要吝啬您的掌声哦!!!)Homework 1.listen and read the words on page 36.
2、make your money.
(制作道具钱,下节课对话用.1美元=6.1793人民币元 )
3、parents' name (家长签字)