Unit 6 Let’s play football
lesson 1 教案
(1) Knowledge goal:
Phrases: play football, play basketball, run, jump,21cnjy.com
can, can`t, let`s, good idea, then.
Can you …? Yes, we I can. No, we I can`t.
Let`s …. Good idea.
(2) Ability goal: Enable students use new sentences and phrases to communicate with each other freely.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
(3) Emotion goal: Make students have a sense of keeping healthy by doing sports.www-2-1-cnjy-com
Students are interested in English which is a new subject for them. They are active in class. They may meet some problems in learning. We should often encourage them.21教育网
Teaching key points: knowledge goal and ability goalTeaching difficult points: ability goal and emotion goal21*cnjy*com
活动1【导入】Unit 6 Let`s play football
开始布置黑板: 板书课题Unit 6 Let`s Play Football Lesson 1
课前2分钟互动 Warming-up activity
T: Hello, I am Miss Jiang. Nice to see you again.
T: Thank you. Before class, let`s enjoy a song. Do a warming-up activity. Everybody, stand up. There are four actions to prepare, action1: running; action 2: jumping; action 3: stand up; action4: sit down. Now let`s do together.播放幻灯片 2,播放视频21世纪教育网版权所有
T: Good job. Sit down, please. Look at the blackboard. As you see, in this class, you are divided into group 1 and group 2. 正如大家所见,这节课呢同学们将被分成一组和二组进行比赛.【出处:21教育名师】
最后获胜一组和积极回答老师问题的同学都将会得到老师的奖品,所以大家一定要积极地参与到课堂中来,和老师一起学习一起玩儿,OK? (至于奖品是什么,暂时保密。It`s a secret. )21教育名师原创作品
OK. Boys and girls, are you ready for class now?
STEP1: Lead in (3 minutes)
T: OK. Let`s begin our class. Good morning, everyone.www.21-cn-jy.com
T: Today I am your new English teacher, and I wish we could have a nice time together.
T: At the beginning of this class, let`s enjoy some pictures. (播放幻灯片3, 4)
Look at this girl, is she Miss Jiang? What is Miss Jiang doing?
T: Yes, you got it, it is me. This is Miss Jiang`s daily activity. After class, I often play ping pang, play basketball with my colleagues to make my body healthy. So I wonder what sports you often do after class. You can tell me in Chinese if you don’t know how to say it in English. OK?
T: What sports do you often do after class?
(请3个同学回答) 可能出现的答案:
skip rope(跳绳), play badminton, do morning exercises, play the drum(打鼓), play games. ……
活动2【活动】Unit 6 Let`s play football
STEP2: Play the game “I SAY, YOU DO” & “I DO , YOU SAY” (10 minutes)
T: Thank you. You are so good. I am glad to hear that you like sports and do sports almost everyday. Life is movement. Doing sports can make us more healthy. Today Miss Jiang will show you some more sports. 播放幻灯片5,6,7,821·世纪*教育网
T: Picture 1, what sports?
S: Play football. (带着学生一起回答)
T: Read after me: play football.
T: Picture 2, what sports?
S: Play basketball. (带着学生一起回答)
T: Good job! Thank you.
T: 播放幻灯片9的超级链接,教读词组两遍。Now read after me.
操练短语:play football, play basketball, run, jump
T: Let’s play a game. If I say “play football”, you should do like this.做踢球的动作。21*cnjy*com
If I say “play basketball”, you should do like this. One, two, three(做拍球投篮动作).
If I say “run”, you should do like this. 做跑步状。
If I say “jump”, you should do like this. 做跳的动作。
播放幻灯片11 的超级链接:请6个同学上台,听其他同学的指令(看着黑板上的图片和词组发口令),如果做错动作或者做的最慢的同学将会被淘汰回到座位上。
T: OK. This time, I need 6 students (3 girls, 3 boys), stand up, come here. Other students say the name of the sports on the screen, the 6 students acts. If you can`t do it correctly and quickly, sorry, you will be out of the game. And back to your seat.
Understand? Ok! Ready? Go. 播放PPT图片。
S: Play football.
活动3【讲授】Unit 6 Let`s play football
STEP3: Look, listen and say ( 15 minutes)
T: You did a good job. Look at the picture, this is a primary school, after class many students come to the playground. What are they talking about? Let’s listen and find out the answer.2·1·c·n·j·y
T: What are they talking about? Now tell me.
T: Yes, they are talking about sports.
T: In this part, there are some new words and phrases, look, and follow me.
教读新单词:can`t, can, good idea, then, let`s, we
Follow me(教读课文) 两遍
给2分钟准备,老师则趁机将单词卡片(play basketball, play football, run, jump)贴在黑板上,同时下去看看同学们的准备情况,并提供帮助。
播放幻灯片13 最后,请3组同学进行对话练习展示
T: In this dialogue, there are some useful sentence patterns. 播放幻灯片14
Can you …? Yes, we I can.
No, we I can`t.
Let`s …. Good idea.
活动4【练习】Unit 6 Let`s play football
STEP4: Play the game “FIND FRIENDS” (7 minutes)
T: 发放卡片,卡片上有运动项目,如: play basketball, run, jump, play football. 两人一组利用黑板上的就行那个和短语进行问答, 如果被问到的同学手里也有同样的卡片,那么你们就是朋友。如果不是,就说byebye。21·cn·jy·com
Find out your friend by making up the dialog according to the sentence structures and phrases on the blackboard. For example,2-1-c-n-j-y
A: Hello.
B: Hello.
A: Can you …?
B: No, I can’t
A: Goodbye.
B: Goodbye.
A: Hello.
B: Hello.
A: Can you …?
B: Yes, I can.
A: Let’s …
B: Good idea. T: Congratulations! You have found your friend.
活动5【作业】Unit 6 Let`s play football
STEP6: Summary and homework ( 5minutes)
T: OK, you did a good job in this part. Thank you.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】
T: It`s time to summarize what we have learnt today.【版权所有:21教育】
播放PPT15, 16. 如果还剩5分钟, 可以齐读一遍短语,句子。
T: As we know, life is beautiful. At school, we can study, we can play. But if we don`t have a healthy body, life will be terrible. So I hope that all of you can have a healthy body. But how to keep healthy?
T: Do sports. Life is movement, to make our body healthier we should do sports everyday. Remember? Good.
T: Here comes your homework: Do a survey about sports. Check out: how many students can play basketball, how many students can play football …
T: Now, let`s check who is today`s winner. 数分数
T: So today`s winner is ….
Congratulations…. You can get your prizes from me after class.
T: OK, so much for this class. Thanks a lot. Goodbye. 播放幻灯片19
STEP 7: Blackboard design
STEP 8: Feedback