Unit
I’ve
had
this
bike
for
three
years.
Section
3a-3c阅读课
学习目标:
知识目标:
通过阅读与朗读文章,能过熟练认读本课的生词及短语,并能够通过理解文章来理解生词在句中的含义。
能力目标:
(1)通过阅读文章的简介及读前的讨论,快速确定文章的作者、来源等相关信息。
(2)通过快速浏览文章圈画关键词来快速找到“yard
sale”所涉及的第一个关键词“What”。
(3)通过分段阅读,完成回答问题、判断正误、选择正确答案等不同形式的阅读任务,
学会借助问题中的关键词快速到文中找到答案的阅读策略。
(4)借助微课的帮助来学习阅读中遇到生词怎么办,学会猜测新词词义的方法。
情感目标:
通过背景知识的介绍及对于文章的阅读思考了解美国人“yard
sale”的相关信息,学习不同的人文知识。
(2)通过对于旧物的处理方法的讨论与思考,学会正确处理旧物的方法,增强环保意识与慈善意识。
学习重难点:
如何根据阅读任务选用相应的阅读策略。
完成任务前如何通过问题快速判断问题的关键词。
预习内容:上网搜索,参考“背景介绍”了解关于“yard
sale”的信息,准备课堂上交流。
学习过程:
Before-reading
Share
what
you
have
known
“yard
sale”.
Follow
the
teacher
to
know
more
about
“Yard
sale”.
Read
the
sentences
above
the
article
and
answer:
(1).
Who
wrote
this
article
(2).
Where
is
this
article
from
(3).
What
is
the
family
going
to
do
While-reading
Task1.
Read
and
circle.
Read
the
article
quickly,
circle
the
things
the
family
is
going
to
sell.
Task2.
Read
Para.1
and
answer.
(1).
Why
did
they
decide
to
have
a
yard
sale
__________________________________________________________
(2).
Does
their
house
really
get
smaller
_________________________________________________________
(3).
What
do
they
want
to
do
with
the
money
from
the
sale
__________________________________________________________
Task3.
Read
Para.2
and
answer.
How
many
things
has
the
son
decided
to
sell
__________________________________________________________
Why
does
the
son
want
to
keep
his
train
and
railway
set
__________________________________________________________
Task4.
Watch
a
video.
How
many
ways
of
guessing
the
meaning
of
the
new
words
are
mentioned
What
are
they
Task5.
Read
and
guess.
My
daughter
was
more
understanding,
although
she
also
felt
sad
to
part
with
certain
toys.
Task6.
Read
Para.3
and
choose.
From
Para.
3,
We
can
infer(推断)
that
_____.
The
father
doesn’t
like
football
now.
Maybe
the
father
won’t
play
football
any
longer.
Task7.
Read
again
and
write
or
(1).
The
son
is
older
than
the
daughter.
(
)
(2).
The
son
sleeps
with
the
monkey
every
night.
(
)
(3).
The
son
is
sadder
than
the
daughter.
(
)
(4).
The
father
was
happy
to
sell
his
football
shirts.(
)
Task8.
Finish
3c.
on
P59.
Post-reading
Listen
and
read
aloud.
2.
Read
in
groups
and
discuss
the
difficulties.
3.
Try
to
retell
the
article.
4.
Discussion:
How
can
the
old
toys
be
useful
again
Have
you
ever
thought
about
having
a
yard
sale
to
sell
your
old
things
What
would
you
do
with
the
money
you
raise
Summary
What’s
the
best
way
to
do
with
old
things
Homework
1.
Practice
reading
the
article.
2.
Copy
and
learn
the
phrases
and
sentences
be
heart.
3.
Finish
the
reading
exercise
on
P120
背景知识:
yard
sale,大部分指的是部分以别墅为城市居住主体的国家和地区,其居民在自己的别墅院子里,将自己家不用的物品进行贩卖,通常会在家门口摆放广告或者在社区媒体刊登广告,一般贩卖都会在周末持续1-2天。
yard
sale(庭院售物)又称garage
sale(车库售物)、porch
sale或moving
sale,是美国一种独特的售物方式。由主人把家中多余不用的物品放在庭院中,车库里或门廊下廉价出售。并在手写的广告中详细列出售卖的东西、时间和地点,而且主人用标签注明每件物品的价钱,没有标价的则可以还价。廉价处理的物品多种多样,多数属用过的东西,但也有全新的物品。为了吸引更多的买主,这种售货活动常在周末举行。
康奈尔大学的BBS上也经常有Yard
Sale广告,有些人家是单独举办大清货,也有些人家愿意相约在一起举办。规模大一点,吸引力也就大一点,有时在本地报纸上登了一条广告,另一家人在居民区各处插上广告牌,每家人都按时出来卖旧货。在美国不同的地方,这种买卖有不同的叫法,比如‘车库清货’“Garage
sale“或者‘搬家求售’Moving
sale等,这是因为有的人家把东西放在车库里卖,有的人家在搬家前要减轻负担,卖掉不好带的东西,实际上只是叫法不同。
Yard
Sale出售的物品五花八门,小到衣服、炊具、玩具、工具和书,大到桌子、椅子、沙发和健身器材等。
通常,卖主会标明每件物品的价钱,不过,顾客总是可以讨价还价的。比如,一张桌子的价钱标明是10块钱,也许你出8块钱,卖主也肯卖。到买卖结束的时候,如果桌子还没有卖掉,卖主也许会接受更低的价钱。先是讨价还价,到买卖快结束前两小时,那简直就是三钱不值两钱的送了,拿走,拿走吧。也许到了最后剩下的东西通通free
很多美国人喜欢周末逛旧货摊,希望能够“人弃我取”、在别人不要的东西里找到自己的宝贝。尤其是在秋高气爽的季节,美国的Yard
Sale也特别活跃。所谓Yard
Sale
可以翻译成‘前院大清货’,指的是私人家庭在自家的前院摆卖那些自己不要的旧货,供买主选购。谁都爱买便宜货,买到便宜货,或者买到超值的东西,谁会不喜欢?而卖主呢,看到自己认为是没有用、不喜欢或者破旧的东西可以卖出去换点钱不说,还被别人当成宝贝,更是喜不自禁了。美国人喜欢搬家或由于工作变动缘故,搬家时也难得麻烦大包小包的,所以Yard
Sale
就格外多。这就是为什么很多美国人不愿意扔东西的缘故,他们把那些东西拿到门外的院子里草坪上,然后插上一个‘出售’的牌子,Yard
Sale‘前院大清货’就开张了,就这么简单,买到最后无人问津的东西,干脆贴上Free的标签让感兴趣的人拿走。