Unit 1 What are you looking for? Lesson 4 课件+教案+素材+习题(含答案)


名称 Unit 1 What are you looking for? Lesson 4 课件+教案+素材+习题(含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 9.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北京版
科目 英语
更新时间 2017-12-24 10:07:42


课件23张PPT。 Lesson 4 Unit1 What are you looking for?北京版-六年级英语下册T: I have four pictures.
Please guess what they are about.
Who are the people in the pictures?The Foolish Old Man Removed the Mountains.removed The Foolish Old Man Removed the Mountains
Taihang and Wangwu were two big mountains in the south of Jizhou and north of Heyang. They were seven hundred Ii around and ten thousand metres high. An old man lived on the north side of the mountains. He was 90 years old. People called him the Foolish Old Man.
The mountains stood in his way to the south. He was very unhappy. So he said to his family, "Shall we work together to remove the two mountains? Then we can go straight to the south.”They agreed to his idea.
The Foolish Old Man and his sons began to break rocks and dig earth. They carried the rocks and earth in baskets to the seaside of Bohai. One trip to the sea took them a long time. They left in winter and came back in summer.
Another old man lived by the river, People called him the Wise Old Man, He laughed at the Foolish Old Man and said to him. "How unwise you are! You are old and weak. You cannot even pull out a tree from the mountains. How can you remove them?"
The Foolish Old Man said, "You don't understand. When I die, there will be my sons, and my sons will have their sons and grandsons. The family will carry on, but the mountains will not grow. Why can't we remove them?“
The God of Moumains heard the Foolish Old Man's words. He reported the whole thing to the Heavenly God. The Heavenly God was touched . He ordered the two sons of Kua'ershi to remove the two mountains.Can you read?T:Please read the story Lesson4.
Underline the people. the two sons of Kua'ershi the Foolish Old Manhis familythe Wise Old Manthe God of Mountainsthe Heavenly GodT: Let's see who are in the story.
Who wanted to remove the mountains?
S: The Foolish Old Man.
T: What was he like?
S: He is old and weak.
T: Why did he want to remove the mountains?
S: The motmtains stood in his way to the south. T: How big were the mountains?
S: They were ten thousand metres high.
T: How old was the Foolish Old Man? S:He was 90 years old. T: How far was it from their home to
the sea side of Bohai?S:They left in winter and
came back in summer.Was it easy to remove the mountains?No, no.
It’s not easy.T: What did the Wise Old Man think? The Foolish Old Man was old
and weak. He cannot even pull
out a tree from the mountains.
How can he remove the
mountains ?Why was the Heavenly God touched? He heard the Foolish Old Man's story.T: Who removed the mountains?
S: The Foolish Old Man.
T: Do you think the Foolish Old Man foolish?
S: No, I don’t think so. If you were the Foolish Old Man,what would you do?
假如你是愚公,你将会做什么?123456活动一:What's the question?
活动目的:复习本单元涉及的话题,操练学生提问能力。 What is your favourite colour?
What colour is your favourite coat?
What's your mother's favoufite colour?
Whose favoufite colour is blue?
What is blue in your home?
…Topic: colour活动二: Think,pair,share
活动目的:复习本单元相关话题。看图,描述图中人物的穿着打扮、外貌特征。Topic:SummaryThe Foolish Old Man Removed the Mountains.
Who are in the story?
Why did he want to remove the mountains?
Was it easy to remove the mountains?
If you were the Foolish Old Man,what would you do? 复述The Foolish Old Man Removed the Mountains的故事,下节课交流。背景知识
山神,是人们对山体的一种宗教图腾,古人往往将巨大山岳,神秘山川神化而加以崇拜。从山神的称谓上看山神崇拜极为复杂,各种鬼怪精灵皆依附于山。最终,各种鬼怪精灵的名称及差异分界都消失了,或者你中有我,我中有你而互相融合了。演变成了每一地区的主要山峰皆有人格化了的神居住,这种神即为人们所传说的山神。夸娥氏是神话传说中的大力神。 【精品】Unit 1 What are you looking for?
Lesson 4
2.教学难点:故事中人物,如The God of Mountains,Kua'ershi等的理解。
T:I have four pictures.Please guess what they are about.
Who are the people in the pictures?
2.出示(ppt3)故事题目The Foolish Old Man Removed the Mountains,理解removed,让学生说说自己所了解的相关内容。
T:Please read the story Lesson4.Underline the people.
T:Let's see who are in the story.Who wanted to remove the mountains? Whatt was he like?
Why did he want to remove the mountains?
T:How big were the mountains? How old was the Foolish Old Man? How far was it from their home to the sea side of Bohai? Was it easy to remove the mountains?
T:What did the Wise Old Man think? Why was the Heavenly God touched? Who removed the mountains? Do you think the Foolish Old Man foolish? If you were the Foolish Old Man,what would you do?
3.小组内分角色准备表演。 (本单元故事适合表演,因此建议老师们让学生以小组为单位表演故事。可以让学生课下准备,课堂上给每个组时间进行展示,也可以结合庆六一等活动让学生展示。)
1.小组活动:Whatt's the question?
活动目的:复习本单元涉及的话题,操练学生提问能力。 ·
T:For example,if your topic is colour,you could think of questions like:What is your favourite colour? What colour is your favourite coat? What's your mother's favoufite colour? Whose favoufite colour is blue? What is blue in your home?...
(1)自己看图,想一想该如何描述图中人物的穿着打扮、外貌特征等。(Think:Individual activity.)
(2)与同伴交流讨论。(Pair:Discuss your ideas with the person next to you.)
(3)整个小组讨论观点,达成一致。(Share:Whole group discuss ideas and agree on which are the best.)
(4)小组发言人向老师和其他同学分享观点。(Spoke person shares your group's idea with teacher and other participants.)
理解故事,体验故事中人物语言。(故事中的人物:the Foolish Old Man,his family, the Wish Old Man,the God of Mountains, the Heavenly God,the two sons of Kua'ershi)
熟读复述The Foolish Old Man Removed the Mountains.的故事,下节课交流。
The Foolish Old Man Removed the Mountains
Who are in the story?
Why did he want to remove the mountains?
Was it easy to remove the mountains?
If you are the Foolish Old Man,what will you do?
单元相关背景知识 (出示ppt20—24)
北山有一位叫愚公的人,年纪将近九十岁,面对着山居住。他苦于大山北面交通不便,进进出出都要绕远路,就召集全家来商量尽全力铲除险峻的大山,使道路一直通向豫州的南部,到达汉水南岸。大家纷纷表示赞成。于是愚公率领子孙凿石挖掘泥土,用畚箕装了土石运到渤海的边上。冬夏换季,才往返一次。 ·
所感动,命令大力神夸娥氏的两个儿子背负着两座山,一座放在朔东,一座放在雍南。从此,冀州的南部,(到)汉水南岸,没有山岗高地阻隔了。 ·

【精品】Unit1What are you lookingfor?
the Foolish Old Man 山神
the Wish Old Man 夸娥氏的两个儿子
the God of Mountains 智叟
the Heavenly God 天帝
the two sons of Kua'ershi 愚公
the Foolish Old Man 山神
the Wish Old Man 愚公
the God of Mountains 智叟
the Heavenly God 夸娥氏的两个儿子
the two sons of Kua'ershi) 天帝
1. There are a few water______(bottle)on the playground.
2.What are you_______(look)for? I can’tfind my bag.
3. Why did he want to_______(remove)the mountains?
4. What's your________(mother)favouritecolour?
5.Would Sara _______(use)Yangyang’s water bottle?
1. bottles
2. looking
3. remove
4. mother's
2.你在找什么?用进行时are looking。
3.他为什么想移山?want to do想做某事。
1.What's the Foolish Old Man like?
2.Does she like running?
3. What's your mother’s favouritecolour?
4.Is Sara's water bottle big?
5.What did the Wise Old Man say?
1. were how high the mountains?
____________________________________2. was how old the Foolish Old Man?
3. was how far it from their home to the sea side of Bohai ?
4. to remove Was it easy the mountains?
5. after class What do you do in the afternoon ?
6. water bottles There are some on the ground.
1.How high were the mountains?
2.How old was the Foolish Old Man?
3.How far was it from their home to the sea side of Bohai?
4. Was it easy to remove the mountains?
5. What do you do after class in the afternoon?
6.There are some water bottles on the ground.
One day, Lily wanted to visit her grandparents. She took a bag and put some food in it. She saw a tiger on her way. It was stronger than her. Its mouth is bigger than her mouth. Tiger: I’m hungry. Let me eat you. Lily: Please don’t, Mr Tiger. I’m so thin. You can eat me when I get fatter. Tiger: Yes, you’re right. You can go now. ( )1.Lily wanted to visit her ______. A. uncle B. grandparents ( )2.There is some ______ in the bag. A. water B. food ( )3.______ is stronger than ______. A.Thetiger,LilyB.Lily,the tiger
( )4.Did the tiger eat Lily? A.Yes, he did. B.No, he didn’t. ( )5.Is Lily smart(聪明的)? A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isn’t.