Unit 4 Where is Lucy from
Lesson 1 教案
教材小学英语重大版教学内容Unit 4 Lesson 1 Period 1
①能听、说、认读四会单词(China,Australia,Canada,UK,USA)②能认读主要目标语:Where are you from I’m from_____________.
3.情感目标:①通过让学生了解各国的人文地理知识,在课堂教学中渗透文化意识;②增强学生爱国之情;③让学生明白“世界一家,One World One Dream”。
2.句子Where are you from 的认读;
Step 1: Lead-in (2 min)
⑴Greetings (师生问候,介绍课题)⑵Lead-in T: Do you know Xiong Da (观察学生反应并出现熊大头饰提示学生) T: Now I’m Xiong Da.(边说边戴熊大头饰,PPT切到熊大过生派对场景)
T: And it’s my birthday today…Thank you. I’m so happy. Welcome to my birthday party. T: OK. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Party Time. Let’s sing and dance.(PPT切到视频-动物版江南Style)利用熊大过生开派对,创设情境来导入新课,并自然过渡到词汇教学。视频江南Style活跃课堂,调动气氛。
2教学步骤教学步骤教学步骤T: Have a seat, please.(江南Style结束,示意学生就坐)
Step 2: Presentation & Practice (19 min)
T: (PPT切到熊大派对场景) Maybe some friends are still on the way. T: (音频敲门声起) Oh, who is coming (开门)
T: (切到下一张PPT,教单词China) Oh, Mr Panda. Hello! Welcome here! (话音落,音频熊猫介绍:Hello, I’m from China) T: 展示China国旗,展示单词China(四线三格),教单词China 提示注意Ch发音,i发音,a发音。升降调教China-齐读-女生-男生-Who’ll try 抽个人-Little teacher再教读-评价
T: (敲门声起) Who is late
T: (开门) Oh, Miss e in please! (话音落,音频袋鼠介绍:Hi, I’m from Australia.) T: (教单词Australia) 用图片,用词卡,分音节教Australia发音。齐读-分组读-大小声读-抽个人-齐读
T: (敲门声起) Err, Who T: Oh, Mr Beaver. This way, please. (话音落,音频海狸介绍:Hi, I’m from Canada.)
T: (教单词Canada) 用图片,用词卡教读,提示C的发音,a的发音齐读-男生-女生-G1,G2-师升调,生降调
T: (敲门声起) Oh, who T: Mr Robin, come in and join us. (话音落,音频知更鸟介绍:Hello, I’m from the UK.) T: (教单词the UK) 用图片,用词卡Who’ll try (Little teacher教读the UK,学生跟读)
T: (敲门声起) Wait, please! T: Oh, Miss Eagle! Enjoy yourself! (话音落,音频白头鹰介绍:Hello, I’m from the USA.) (教单词the USA) 用图片,用词卡Now let’s play a game: Train-train, go-go-go! (学生开火车读单词) PPT分别出示国宝动物熊猫、袋鼠、海狸、知更鸟、白头鹰,将文化意识渗透到融入词汇教学中,通过听录音读,老师教读,分音节拼读,男女生,分小组读,抽读,Who will try,小老师教读,开火车读等多种形式的操练帮助学生认读词汇,熟悉词汇。采用高低声、升降调等突破难点Australia, Canada等。
4 教学步骤教学步骤熊猫回答(听音频)Nice to meet you, too. I’m from China.(PPT呈现重点句:I’m from China.)
T: (手持词卡,教where) 提示注意ere的发音。齐读-G5/G4/G3/G3/G2/G1-齐读T: (手持词卡,教from) 提醒m的发音。齐读-男生-女生-抽个人-齐读T: (手持词卡) Where are you from (教师教读) Who’ll try (抽个人)S1,S2,S3 (Little teacher教读) Where are you from (Follow him. Follow her!)
T: (PPT呈现中国国旗,师问) Where are you from (师指G1,提示G1答) I’m from China. (师提示学生以组为单位,依次开火车问答,PPT上国旗依次变化) (最后一组学生问,由老师答)I’m from Chongqing. I’m from Chongqing, China.
Step 3: Consolidation (5 min)
T: Good work. Now let’s work in pairs, and use your flags to ask and answer. (time: 1 min)
Ss: Practice- Where are you from - I’m from ________. (学生挥动国旗,两两对话操练,教师巡视指导) T: (提示音起,1分钟时间到)Who’ll try
S1: Where are you from
S2: I’m from China. S2: Where are you from
S1: I’m from Canada. T: Who’ll try again (抽第二对学生问答,學生問答结束,师引导学生齐说Yes. He/She is from…) T: Good boys and girls. Next, let’s chant together. 在教读,跟读之后,以滚雪球的方式再次操练问答Where are you from I’m from…适当拓展,贴近学生生活实际,学以致用。通过结对活动让学生能在具体场景中用英语做事,巩固操练本课目标语。Pair work展示环节,引导学生从I’m from.拓展到He/She is from 在达成教学目标的基础上做适当延伸。看PPT,打节奏完成说唱,并替换国家词汇进行操练。
Step 4: Extension (6 min)
T: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s play in roles.(师戴头饰,生看PPT准备角色扮演) 学生戴上头饰,分组进行角色扮演。学生上台展示。T: Let’s sing together.-(唱Where are you from )
Step 5: Homework (3 min)
T: Look, a map of the world. Can you read Here- Canada, the USA, Australia, the UK, China. Where are you from
Ss:I’m from China. T: Yes, I’m from China. I’m from Chongqing, China. And I love China. T: (PPT呈现各国小朋友手拉手图片) We live on the earth, we love each other. One world One dream! T: Here’s homework for you. One…., Two…. And let’s count your stickers. Which group is best Congratulations! 发挥学生自主性,利用头饰、国旗,并结合以前所学交际用语进行角色扮演,在具体情境中达成交流。选用此歌曲,是因为歌曲旋律简单上口,歌词中目标语明确,学生易唱易学易记。总结本课所学单词,句型。进行爱国教育,情感教育。