Unit 6 In a nature park PA Let’s talk 教案


名称 Unit 6 In a nature park PA Let’s talk 教案
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版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-01-10 17:32:23



教 学 设 计

内 容:Unit 6 In a nature park
A Let’s talk
话 题:Nature Park
年 级:五年级
课 型:会话课
授课日期: 2016年10月28日

Unit 6 In a nature park
A Let’s talk
Unit6 In a nature park
A Let’s talk
(3)学生能够在情景中运用句型Is there…? Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t .询问某处是否有某物,就自然公园展开问答。
(4)学生能够在语境中理解新词forest, river, lake, go boating 的意思并能正确发音。
(1)学生能够听、说、读、写句型:Is there a river in the forest? Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.
(2)学生能够听、说、认读单词:forest, river, lake, go boating.
1、重点:能够听、说、读、写句型Is there a river in the forest ? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t .并在情境中运用上述句型询问某处是否有某物,就自然公园展开问答。
三、教学用具:PPT, Miss White 和 Zhang Peng的头像,头饰,以及自制的词卡,导游证,导游帽,小国旗。
Before class: Enjoy some pictures.课前欣赏自然公园的一些美丽图片,领略祖国的美。
Hello, children! Nice to meet you. I’m your new English teacher Wendy. In this class, we have 5 groups. Group 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.If you do well you can get a postcard. Come on!
Let’s enjoy some pictures. (播放课前欣赏的图片)Do you like the pictures? Thank you, children. Let’s begin our class. Stand up.
T:Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Wendy.
T: Sit down, please.
Step 1 Preparation
Enjoy a song and learn ‘forest’.
T:Children! First, let’s enjoy a song. “In a nature park”. Then, tell me “What can you hear from the song?” PPT 链接歌曲视频,师生一起欣赏。
T: Who can tell me? You can speak in Chinese .指生起来回答看到或听到的事物。(及时评价:Great!/Good listener.)待一生说出森林后,师接着说: Yes,there is a forest . PPT 显示森林图片,拆音教读forest。贴forest图片于黑板。
T: forest, forest.(升降调2遍,男女生读,小组读,个读2-3.)
2.Lead in the topic.导入话题。
T: There is a forest in the nature park. How beautiful! Today let’s go to a nature park. Go into the nature. (PPT显示,并中文)
3.Review: There is/are…in the nature park.
T: PPT显示一个自然公园图片,Look! There is a bird in the nature park. What else?
学生用There is /are…in the nature park .来描述。(及时评价:Good!/Well done/….)
(设计意图:通过欣赏歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,并学习新词forest,为下面的听力做好铺垫。 通过自然公园图片导入话题并复习There be 句型。)
Step 2 Presentation:
Let’s try
T:Miss White and her children are in the park too. Look, Chen Jie and Mike are looking at the map of the nature park. What is in the park? Is there a forest? Is there a river? Is there a lake? Please open your books and turn to page 58. Let’s listen and tick.
PPT:What is in the park? forest lake river
(设计意图:学生通过听力,选出公园里有森林,并初步感知主句型:Is there a…?同时为文本学习提出语境forest。)
二、Let’s talk
T: Look, Miss White and her children will go to the forest. What is in the forest?
Can you guess?(引导生答几处) T:Maybe.
2.带着简单问题视听文本,整体感知文本大意, 并学习单词lake和句型Is there a lake? Yes, there is.
T:Let’s watch, listen and answer: What is in the forest ?
PPT: What is in the forest?
There is a________.湖图,河图
It’s a___. Try to read_____.
T:How do you know that?
找一生回答,是如何知道森林里有湖的。学习句型:Is there a lake? Yes, there is.
T: I’m Zhang Peng, you are Miss White.师生问答,小组之间问答,Practice like this in your group. One ask, one answer.生生问答进行机械练习。Who can ask and answer? 检查2组。
T: Lake is beautiful! We know…引导学生看PPT 说出 Daming Lake, Dongting Lake.
T: What other lakes do you know? 让学生自己说出知道的湖泊,They are beautiful!
(设计意图:通过第一遍试听,学生整体感知理解文本大意,学习单词lake和句型Is there a lake? Yes, there is.)
3.分段视听,带着问题试听对话前半部分,获取对话细节信息,学习单词river和本课的句型:Is there a river?及其否定回答 No, there isn’t .
(1)T:There is a lake in the forest. What else is in the forest?Is there a river?引导学生通过PPT用Oliver---liver学习river。
T:Who is he? Try to read…And….Great! 师用词卡领读,组读,个读。
T: Let’s watch, listen and choose.
PPT 链接视频,学生选出答案内容后,师边领读边书空板书,2遍No, there isn’t.(用手势表示升降调。)Now I’m Miss White. You are Zhang Peng, ask me together.师引导生问,顺势领读句子:Is there a river in the forest? 机械操练:师问生答,生问师答。男生问女生答,同桌练习,再展示2组。
(2)德育渗透:T: There isn’t a river in the forest. But there are many rivers in our motherland. 引导学生看PPT说 The Changjiang River, The Yellow River.
(3)意义操练1:PPT显示一隐形图片,只显示部分内容,生用Is there a…? Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t .猜测图片内容。
(设计意图:在整体感知的基础上,分段视听,提供对话前半部分,学习核心句型Is there a…? 及其否定回答No, there isn’t .让学生更好地感知理解所学语言,并进行意义操练。)
4.带着问题继续视听对话后半部分,获取细节信息,学习go boating.
T:承接上面的问答,出示课文主图问:Is there a lake? What’s on the lake?
Ss: Boats.
T: Are they big?师引导说完整的句子:There are some small boats. 领读两遍。
T: There are some small boats on the lake. What does Zhang Peng want to do? Let’s listen and find the answer.
PPT显示:What does Zhang Peng want to do in the forest?
A:go boating B:go fishing
生完成选择任务后,用PPT图领读go boating 2遍。再用PPT显示一划船的图片,引导生在句子中练习说Let’s go boating.
情感教育:T:Let’s go boating with Zhang Peng. It must be interesting, yes? What should we do if we go boating? 划船需要注意什么?让学生自己回答,师用PPT适时渗透:划船要穿救生衣,不能在湖里游泳。
Step 3 Practice:
Listen and imitate.
T:Please open your book .Turn to page 58. Let’s listen and imitate.
Please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.
Read in roles.
T: Now, let’s read in pairs. I’m Miss White. Boys are Zhang Peng. Girls are children. 师生角色朗读后Prctice like this in your group. Ready? Go!
Act in roles.
生带头饰表演。 T: 评价:Great!
Write and talk about the nature park with your partner.
T: This time let’s write a nature park and talk it about with your partner.
For example…(PPT示范,示意学生自己读出来。)Take out your paper and write it down, then talk about it with your partner.
PPT出示一公园图片,学生用Is there a…? No, there isn’t./Yes, there is . 来写一写看到的公园,并同伴交流。
情感教育:紧接学生的谈论,师:What a beautiful park! Listen! How do you feel? 通过边听边欣赏,渗透:Nature is magic! 再出一张PPT,森里被砍伐,Do you like it? 渗透:Stop cutting down the forest! Love nature .Love the earth.
Step 4 Production
1.Group work:Be a guide.
T: OK, children. Let’s go to the nature park.
The park is big. I can be your guide. I need 5 visitors.
(1)Model: 师与一组生示范如下:
G: Hello, children. Let’s go to the nature park.
V: Cool!
V: Is there a …in the park?
G: Yes, there is /No, there isn’t.
V: Is there a … in the park?
G: Yes, there is /No, there isn’t.
V: Let’s go.
(2) Practice in groups. 小组练习。
T: There are many nature parks .What nature park do you know? OK, be a guide of Mengshan /Tianma Island… in your group.让学生说自己了解的自然公园,然后给小组内其他同学做这个自然公园的导游。每个小组讨论分别讨论不同的自然公园。
T: Now it’s your show time .Who want to show us? 找2组同学展示。
评价:Wonderful! You are a good guide.
T: Children, let’s enjoy some beautiful pictures.(播放游览小视频)
Our motherland has many magnificent scenery .We are proud of it!
Children, let’s say together: I love you, China!
Step 5 Progress
1. Summary.
T: Let’s chant
2.评价How many cards have you got? Count. Clap your hands for themselves.拍手鼓掌I think you are all the best! Clap your hands for yourself.拍手鼓掌。
3. Homework.
1).Listen and imitate.(听音跟读对话。)
2).Talk about a nature park with your partner. Then write a proposal to call on everyone to protect nature.