Unit 11 In the zoo 表格式教案(共2个课时)


名称 Unit 11 In the zoo 表格式教案(共2个课时)
格式 zip
文件大小 235.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-01-18 12:48:00


Unit 11 In the zoo
Unit 11 In the zoo
Asking wh-questions to find out specific information about something
e.g., What’s this?
Using a pronoun to refer to something
e.g., It is a chick.
Identifying the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation
e.g., bear, tiger, panda, monkey
Understanding the key pattern
e.g., Is this/that a monkey?
Pronouncing the words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., tiger, bear
Using It’s… to describe the features of animals
e.g., It’s fat.
Cassette Flashcards
Pre-task preparations
Activity 1
Have the students look at the wall picture and listen to the song “In the zoo”. Then introduce the names of the animals to them.
e.g., T: Look! Here are the zoo animals. This is a bear. That’s a tiger. This is a panda. That’s a monkey.
Activity 2
Have the students watch a video of a zoo and introduce the names of some animals to them.
e.g., T: Look! It’s a zoo. That’s a panda. It’s black and white. It’s lovely. It likes bamboo…
While-task procedures
Activity 1
Have the students listen to “Ask and answer” on Student’s Book page 49, and repeat after the tape. Then ask them to practise the dialogue with you as follows.
T: What’s that?
Ss: It’s a bear. It’s fat.
Activity 2
Have the students say the rhyme with you.
What’s this? What’s this?
It’s a bear. It’s fat.
What’s that? What’s that?
It’s a monkey. It’s thin.
The bear and the monkey.
The monkey and the bear.
I can see.
Activity 3
Show the students some pictures of animals. Have them ask and answer in ture.
S1: What’s this?
S2: It’s a panda. It’s fat. What’s that?
S3: It’s a tiger. It’s big. What’s this?
S4: …
Activity 4
Have the students do “Listen and tick” on Workbook page 54. Then have them ask and answer as follows.
S1: What’s this?
S2: It’s a panda. It’s fat.
S1: Yes. It’s a fat panda.
Read page 48&49
Unit 11 In the zoo
Is this/that …?
The students liked to act the animals, but some of them can’t say the words well. They should practice more.
Unit 11 In the zoo
Unit 11 In the zoo
Asking yes/no questions to obtain simple responses
e.g., Is this a bear?
Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny
e.g., Yes./No. It’s a panda.
Understanding the key pattern
e.g., Is this a panda?
Understanding formulaic expressions to confirm or deny
e.g., Yes. It’s a bear.
Using yes/no questions to identify things
e.g., Is this a bear?
Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny
e.g., No. It’s a panda.
Using modeled phrases to communicate with other students
Cassette Flashcards
Pre-task preparations
Activity 1
Flash the pictures of the animals and ask the students to respond quickly.
T: Is this a tiger?
S: Yes./No.
Activity 2
Show the students parts of toy animals. Ask them to guess what animals it is.
T: What’s this? Is this a panda?
S: Yes./No.
While-task procedures
Activity 1
Use two puppets to act out the dialogue on Student’s Book page 48. Ask the students to repeat after you in various voices.
Activity 2
Have the students listen and repeat after the recording from Student’s Book page 50.
Activity 3
Have the students play a guessing game. Prepare some cards with animals on them. Shuffle the cards and have a student take one. He/She should imitate this animal. The class should guess what animal it is. When the class gets it right, have another student pick a card.
S1: (Imitates a panda)
Ss: Is that a panda?
S1: Yes, it’s a panda.
Activity 4
Have the students play a passing game. Have them pass one toy animals and listen to the song from Student’s Book page 51. When the music stops, the student who gets the toy animal stands up and asks a question. The others answer the question.
S1: (Gets the toy bear) Is this a bear?
Ss: Yes, it’s a bear.
Read page 50&51
Unit 11 In the zoo
Is this/that …?
The students liked to act the animals, but some of them can’t say the words well. They should practice more.