课件21张PPT。 Moudle 3 Unit 2
Will we have breakfast at 7? Guess and sayQ1: Whose breakfast is it?
Watch and sayQ2: What happened?
have breakfasthave lunchhave dinner breakfast What’s for your ? What’s for your lunch ? What’s for your dinner ? Guess: When will they have meals?At 8At 1At 6They will have…. at….What will Sam and Smart do at 4?
A. have lunch
B. tea party
C. birthday partyRead and choose 下午茶是餐饮方式之一,用餐时间介乎午餐
和晚餐之间。由于下午茶并不是每天的正餐,所以不是每天都会有下午茶。近代的下午茶发展自英国维多利亚时代的英式下午茶(afternoon tea)。
然而喝茶并不是主要的环节,品尝蛋糕、三文治等各种点心,反而成了最重要的部分。正式的下午茶点心一般被垒成“三层架”的形式:第一层放置各种口味的三文治(teasandwich),第二层是英国的传统点心松饼(scone),第三层则是小蛋糕和水果塔。这个三层架点心应先从下往上吃。除了这种必不可少的三层点心,一些牛角面包、葡萄干、鱼子酱等食品也会被摆上来,来迎合宾客的口味。 have breakfast 吃早餐have dinner 吃晚餐 have lunch 吃中餐Read and spellhave a tea party 吃下午茶Will we have breakfast at 7?Check the answerwww.xkb1.com2.Will we have lunch at 12?3.Will we have dinner at 6?4.Will we have tea party at 4?Read in different ways选择你喜欢的方式,表演课文A和同伴分角色读B自己朗读D小组内齐读C分角色表演At 7, I have breakfast .
At 8, I go to the school.
At 12, I have lunch.
At 7, I have dinner.
At 10, I go to bed.
About me --- my daily lifeTalk about your daily lifeWill you ... at ...?
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