Module 6 Why do we need dictionaries 模块精品课件(5课时)


名称 Module 6 Why do we need dictionaries 模块精品课件(5课时)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-01-24 20:57:50


Module 6Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries?Introduction1. Does everybody have a dictionary?
2. How often do you use your dictionary?
3. When do you usually refer to your
4. What problems can you settled by
using your dictionaries? Lead-in Part 1
Apart from showing you how a word is spelt, a
good dictionary should also answer all these
1. What part of speech is the word?
Examples: (1) dictionary (noun) (2) _________Read the questions in Part 1 and add four extra examples for each one.Is my dictionary any good?read (verb)2. Is the plural form irregular?
Examples: (1) man-men (2) ___________
3. Does it usually have a capital letter?
Examples: (1)Monday
(2) _________ Peter sheep, sheep4. Does the word have more than one meaning?
Examples: (1) book (noun: something to
read; verb: to reserve a ticket)
(2) ______________________
______________________record (noun: information kept somewhere;
verb: to write down the information)5. Are there any synonyms (words with the same meaning)?
Example: (1) fast-quick
(2) _________________ tired, exhausted6. How do you pronounce it?
Examples: (1) question /'kwest??n/
(2) answer: _________/'ɑ:ns?/Complete the sentences in Part 2 with the words in the box.Part 2
In addition, a good dictionary should have
the following:commonly correctly explanation expression history main1. at least one sentence or __________ with
the word used ________
2. a (n) ___________ of any special uses of the
3. any words which are _________ used in
combination with the word.
4. the ______ of the word ---does it come form
Latin, Greek, etc?
5. other words which are derived from the
headword (i.e. the _____ word)expressioncorrectlycommonlyexplanationhistorymainReading
Vocabulary (1)Students can talk about the first English dictionaries.Ability goals 能力目标Look at the photos of the two men and answer the questions.1. When do you think they lived?
2. What nationality do you think they were?
3. What do you think their occupations were?Read the first passage fast and get the general idea about it. It tells us the story about Samuel Johnson, who compiled the first English dictionary, making us know how the dictionary came out and what the first dictionary was like.Read the text again carefully to answer the questions.Who is Samuel Johnson?
2. What did he do from 1746 to 1755?Samuel Johnson was one of Britain’s greatest literary figures of all time. He was critic, poet, biographer and lexicographer. He compiled the first real dictionary of the English language published in Britain.3. What were conditions about the dictionaries in England at the time?
4. How many words were contained in Johnson’s dictionary and how many did he omit? At the time in England, dictionaries were usually written by one person, usually a writer, and were often just lists of difficult or obscure words. Some definitions were embarrassingly.contained: 40,000 words
omitted: 8,000 words 5. Does Johnson’s dictionary have any faults and does it a good one at that time?Yes, Johnson’s dictionary had many faults. For example, it was old-fashioned, had no help with pronunciation and was used older spellings. But his dictionary was the best one at that time and was available for nearly 150 years.1. the way a word is written
2. a group of people who are born at about the
same time
3. someone who writes about the life of
someone elsespellinggenerationbiographerRead Passage 1 and find words which mean:4. to change something after it has been written
5. a written agreement between people
6. a writer of rhyming verse, for examplerevisecontractpoetRead the passage 2 and find out how the Oxford English Dictionary came out. Read Passage 2 and answer the questions.Trench, Coleridge, Furnivall1. Who were originally responsible for the
concept of the OED?
2. How did the editor James Murray/improve
the production of the dictionary?
3. How long did it take before the first part
was published? By asking readers to report many instances of a word on the slips.27 years.4. Why does the writer say that the project was
clearly too big for one person to take on?
5. How have things advanced since the
publication of the first dictionary?Because Murray had only managed the first volume between 1879 and 1884, it would take more than one person’s lifetime to complete the whole book.It has been computerised.1. It took longer to complete Johnson’s
dictionary than Le dictionnaire de
l’Academie Francaise. ( )
2. The number of the words in Johnson’s
dictionary was less than Nathan Bailey’s
Dictionarium Britannicum (1730) because
he omitted many foreign words. ( )FRead the text carefully, and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).T3. Johnson showed how to pronounce a word in
his dictionary. ( )
4. The Oxford University Press published the
Oxford English Dictionary in 1879. ( )
5. Work on the second edition of the Oxford
English Dictionary didn’t complete until
1986. ( )FFTFill in the blanks
according to the text.lexicographerappear352consistingquotationsheadwordsdictionaryreferencepronunciationonlineRead Passage 1 again. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.The _____ of something is what it starts with.
2. A _____ is someone who writes about books, plays, etc. and gives their opinion of them.
3. Something that is _________ has been made much easier.basisbasis critic illustrate obscure
omit quotation simplifiedcriticsimplified4. When you _____ something, you do not include it.
5. A ________ is a piece of speech or writing that you use as an example.
6. Something that is _______ is unusual and hard to find.
7. If you ________ the meaning of something, you use an idea, piece of writing, or picture to show what it means.quotationobscureillustrateomitRead Passage 2 again. Complete the sentences with the words and expressions in the box. A ___________ is a way of keeping pieces of information in the correct order so that you can find them easily.
2. If something is ________ a particular idea, that idea is used to start the new thing.filing systembased on comprehensive
filing system obsolete publication based on3. If something is _____________, it includes all or nearly all the information possible.
4. Something that is _______ is no longer used or produced.
5. A __________ is a book, magazine, etc. that has been published.obsoletepublicationcomprehensive根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母,写出
William Shakespeare is a British poet and p________, who wrote many famous poems and plays.
2. We offer you a c____________ training in all aspects of the business.
3. Our headmaster has a s_____ face, but he is very humorous at heart.
4. She signed a three-year c______ with a new
record company named MBOX Music last
Wednesday in Beijing.laywrightomprehensiveolemnontract5. Which book do these q________ come from?
6. She believes it was the doctor’s f_____ that
caused Peter’s death.
7. She wrote down his telephone number on a
s_____ of paper.
8. Gas lamps became o______ when electric
lighting was invented.uotationaultlipbsoleteApart from showing you how a word is spelt, a good dictionary should answer all these questions:
apart from 开, 除了……之外还有, 除……以外
e.g. She keeps herself apart from other people. 她与别人保持距离。There was one street apart from a tributary road near the end of the village.
除了村子尽头的岔道外, 还有一条大路。
It’s a good piece of work, apart from a few slight faults. 除了一些小缺点之外, 这不失为一件漂亮的工作。
Apart from English, we study Russian and Spanish. 除了英语以外, 我们还学俄语及西班牙语。2. In addition, a good dictionary should have the
in addition 另外
e.g. They eat a great deal of fruit in addition. 他们还吃大量的水果。
In addition to an album, I gave him a pen
and a pencil. 除了一本照相簿外, 我还给了他一支钢笔和
一支铅笔。3. He compiled the first real dictionary of
the English language published in Britain.
1) 汇编; 编辑
e.g. It takes years of hard work to compile a
good dictionary. 编纂一部好词典要花多年心血。 2) 收集 (资料等)
e.g. He compiled enough information on his
tour of South American capitals to
write a book.
不少资料, 足够写本书。
The report was compiled from a survey
of 5000 households. 这份报告是通过调查5000个家庭收集到
的。1. It’s no use ________________________
2. She play a notable role _______________
______ (在编写这本书的过程中).【小试】 根据汉语提示, 用compile的适当形式完成下列句子。 in compiling the bookcompiling such information4. Johnson used Nathan Bailey’s Dictionarium
Britannicum(1730), which contained about
48000 words, as the basis of his new
basis 基础, 根据; 准则[(+of/for)]
e.g. The basis of her opinion is something she
read in the magazine. 她意见的根据是从杂志里看来的。
No basis for negotiations has been agreed
His research formed the basis of his new
他的研究成果是他这本新书的基础。5. Johnson’s dictionary was the first to illustrate
the meanings of words by using literary
quotations, usually from works by the
playwright and poet William Shakespeare
(1564-1616) and the English poets John Milton
(1608-1674) and John Dryden(1631-1700).
廉·莎士比亚(1564-1616) ,英国诗人约翰·米尔
顿(1608-1674) 和约翰·德莱顿(1631-1700)的作品。2) 插图于(书籍等), 图解
e.g. This English textbook is well illustrated. 这本英语教科书有精美的插图。illustrate vt.
1) (用图, 实例等)说明, 阐明[(+with)]
e.g. The teacher illustrated his lesson with pictures. 这位教师用图片来讲解课文。
He illustrated his point by relating his own experiences. 他用自己的经历说明他的观点。6. Samuel Johnson’s dictionary had many
faults: it was old-fashioned, he gave no help
with pronunciation and he used older
spellings rather than the newer simplified
spellings that most writers were using.
rather than 而不是
e.g. I think I’ll have a cold drink rather than
coffee. 我想喝冷饮, 不想喝咖啡。
She is charming rather than beautiful.
She is a career woman rather than a
housewife. ?? 她是职业妇女而不是家庭主妇。 7. He sent thousands of quotation slips to the
editor James Murray, and Murray was
extremely grateful for the work he did.
be grateful for 为...…而感谢
e.g. He was grateful for all you did. ??
他对你所做的一切表示感激。8. Murray bowed and launched into the brief speech of greeting he had so long rehearsed.
launch into
e.g. After graduation Billy launched into
毕业后比利投入了政界。根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子。 1. 他是当今最伟大的作曲家是有争议的。 (It is arguable that ...)
2. 她是我一直以来最喜欢的女演员。(of all time)
3. 我认为他是这儿最好的老师。(describe ... as ...)
It is arguable that he is the greatest musician nowadays.She is my favourite actress of all time.I describe him as the best teacher here.4. 约翰大学毕业后就投入了政界。(launch into)
5. 我在一个农场工作时认识了他。
(make one’s acquaintance)
6. 你今天必须起草一份读书计划。(draw up)
7. 不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料。
(treat ... as ...)John launched into political circles after graduating from university.I made his acquaintance on a farm.You must draw up a reading plan today.Don’t treat the solemn matter as a joke.8. 这种个人电脑初次问世是在1981年。
(see the light of day)
9. 那场灾难过后,许多人需要食物和住处。
10. 昨天下午,她为了数学考试而复习功课。
(revise)This kind of personal computer was seen the light of day in 1981.After that disaster, lots of people want food and habitations.Yesterday afternoon, she revise the mathematics for the test.做 Workbook 上Vocabulary的练习。课件58张PPT。外研版
Module 6Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries?Language in Use (1)why + is/was etc. +主语+形容词
why+助动词+主语+谓语动词 Why is the oven on?
2) Why did Andrew quit his job?Why陈述句/疑问句+why+从句1) Do you know why Ellen phoned?
2) I don’t understand why they still teach Latin.(the reason+) why+从句+动词+表语/宾语1)The reason why I phoned is to ask you to dinner.
2) Why they need another
car is beyond me.why+限定词+名词
why (+not) +动词原形1) Why all this fuss about the football?
2) Why so many knives and forks?
3) Why go to Dublin? Why not stay at home?why经常放在reason后Can you tell me the reason why so many children suffer from asthma?why引导的特殊疑问句,要用because回答– Why didn’t you phone me ?
– Because I hadn’t got your number.Why not?表示同意对方的建议– Would you like to come back to my place?
–Why not?Why not …?/ Why don’t …?用于提建议1) – How shall we feed
– Why not phone for some
take-away pizzas?
2) – My hair is (in) a mess.
– Why don’t you have it cut?Why me? 对于对方的选择或者指责等表示惊讶– Chris, you can do the washing-up?
– Why me?1) He wanted to know why the word wasn’t
in the dictionary.
2) I can’t understand why English is so
3) Why did Johnson write his dictionary?
4) Why argue about it? There is no point.
5) Why don’t you try phoning him first?Match the sentences with the uses of why.a. direct questions
b. indirect questions
c. statements about reasons or explanations
d. why + infinitive
e. why+ not to give advice or make suggestions1-b 2-c 3-a 4-d 5-e (wh)+do/does+主语+动词原形… +?1)Where do you live? Do you drive?
2) Do Steven and Sarah arrive tomorrow?Do/Doesdon’t+动词原形(+名词/形容词/状语) Don’t walk on the grass.否定句, do/does +代词+?
肯定句, don’t / doesn’t +代词+?1) You don’t take milk,
do you?
2) Ben and Danny
always come earlier,
don’t they?主语+do/does + not +动词原形 Max doesn’t ski.主语+do/does + (not) – Who usually takes the kids to school?
–I don’t. John does.主语+do/does + 动词原形I do like these curtains. Are they new?主语+do/does + 宾语I’m going to do English Literature at + 限定词 + V-ingJames does the shopping and I do the 可构成以下搭配: do without, do…to…, do up1) If you do without something, you manage to live or work without it.
2) If you do something to something, you affect it, or change it in some way.
3) If you do up something like a shirt, you fasten do we/so does Jenny…1) – I like this.
– So do I.
2) Jack comes from America and so does Mike.neither do I/ nor does he…1) –We never watch that programme.
– Neither do we.
2) I don’t speak French and nor does Tom.… will do = will be sufficient– How much shall I leave for a tip?
– Five dollars will do. 1) It has nothing to do with me.
2) Don’t be silly!
3) – Who wants to read the next part?
– I do.
4) I do enjoy reading about history.
5) She does the shopping.
6) - Do you know him?
- Yes, I do.Read the example sentences and match each to the functions of do. to answer a question, while leaving
out some words (ellipses)
b. to emphasis a main verb
c. as part of an idiom or phrasal verb
d. to give a short answer to Yes/No question
e. as a main verb
f. as an imperative1-c 2-f 3-d 4-b 5-e 6-awant + 宾语 (+ 状语) I want a long holiday.Wantwant + to do– Do you want to go
out for a drink?
– No, I don’t really want to:
not in this rain.want + 宾语 + to doThey wanted me to go to the police station.want + 宾语 +V-ed/形容词Sue wants this report photocopied and sent out to all our members.
2) I want the living room nice and tidy before the guest arrive.经常和want连用的副词有always, just, never, really等I just wanted to have a good time.
2) This is what I have always wanted.
3) I really wanted this part badly.
4) Nigel never wanted to be captain.经常和want连用的动词有be, do, get, go, know, say, see, talk等We don’t want to get lost, do we?
2) I want to know what she said.
3) I just wanted to say thank you.Did you want
…? 客气地询问对方想要什么 Did you want a cup of tea?I just wanted to say 客气地引出下文I just want to say how pleased I am to be here.for want of = because of a lack of somethingShe took unskilled work for want of a better job offer. Read the example sentences and answer
the questions.1) I want a cup of coffee.
Who wants a cup of coffee?
What does the person want?
2) James wants to find out more about Samuel
What does James want to do?The speaker.A cup of coffee.Find out more about Samuel Johnson.3) She wants me to help her with her homework.
Who does she want help from?
What does she want help with? With her homework.Me.4) They want the documents photocopied and sent out.
What do they want done? Do we
know if this means they want to do
it themselves?The documents to be photocopied
and sent out. They want others to do it. Complete the dialogue with why, do, want
and /or other necessary words.
A: ______ (1) you have a dictionary to
lend me, please?
B: Yes, I ______ (2), But I’m using it at
the moment. _______ (3) _______ (4)
you need it? _______(5) you tell me
what word you ______ (6) to look up,
I’ll _______(7) it for you in a moment.Do do Why Exercisedo If want find A: I ____ (8) to find out if the root word
thermos is of Latin or Greek origin.
B: So,______ (9) I look up thermos? _____
(10) such a word exist?
A: I _____ (11) really know. That’s what I
_____ (12) to find out.
B: _____ (13) you _____ (14) me to look it up
on the Internet? _____ (15) worry, I’m
_____ (16) it now…Actually, thermos
______ (17) exist, although it is also a root
word…should Does don’t want Don’twant doing want Don’tdoes A: What _____ (18) it mean?
B: It means “hot” - and the origin is
Greek. So that means thermometer and
thermostat have the meaning “to
measure heat”. _____ (19) that answer
your question?
A: Yes, thanks, it ____ (20).does Does does Language in Use (2)by + V-ingThey live by fishing and hunting.Byby作为介词, 经常和交通工具及通信工具的名词连用: by car, by train, by bike; by email, by phone, by word of mouth1) I usually go to work
by train, but sometimes I go by bus.
2) Please send the
documents by email.
Can I pay by credit
card?am/is/was etc. + V-ed + by + 宾语1) Jessica was bitten by a dog.
2) The beaches are being
cleaned by groups of反身代词 The train goes by时间状语The photos will be ready by Friday.
2) Dinner’s at seven. Will you be home by then?by the time + 从句, + 主句1) By the time we arrived, the restaurant was closed.
2) By the time you get this, I will have left.by作为副词和介词,经常和许多表示运动的动词,如go, pass, run, fly, rush, walk等连用1) We watched the soldiers march by.
2) Time flew by.
3) A mysterious figure passed by the window.by作为介词,能与动词构成许多短语, 如come by, stand by, swear by等 1) How did you come by this first edition of 1984?
2) Stand by your man!
3) I swear by these new ski boots: they’re fantastic!1) Without a job, how does he get by?
2) If I were you, I’d put some money by for your retirement.
3) I’ll drop by and see how you are.by作为副词,能与动词构成许多短语, 如get by, put…by, drop by等 by and large大体上, 总的说来By and large, he is a successful man.bit by bit, little by little, step by step等用于表示事情逐步发展或变化Jane’s Spanish is improving bit by the way在会话中用来引出新的话题By the way, is it true that you’ve been promoted?1) We use by to talk about the action or method
used to get a result. We use with to talk about
the tool we use to get the result.
I started the fire by blowing on two sticks.
I started the fire with a match.
What method was used to start the fire?
What object was used to start the fire?Read the explanations and answer the questions.Blowing on two sticks. A match.2) By is used to show that something is right
next to something (more than just near it.)
There is a sports center by the school.
There is a library near the school.
Which of the following is nearer to the
school, the sports center or the library? The sports centre.3) By is used to talk about an action that will
happen at or before a certain time. It does
not show an action that is continuing.
He’ll be home by three o’clock this
Will he be home before or at exactly three
o’clock?Before three o’clock.词/短语/句子+or + 词/ 短语/从句/句子1) – I’d like some wine, please.
– Red or white?
2) We can fix a time now or, if
you like, I’ll phone you
3) Cover your ferns in cold
weather. Or bring them inside.Oreither + 词/短语/从句 + or + 词/短语/从句1) The sentences are either
true or false.
2) Either she finishes her
degree or she gets a job.not … + or 1) They can’t read or write.
2) I’m not free on Tuesday,
Thursday, or Friday.动词 + whether
… + or +…
常用动词: know, decide, see, wonder, (don’t) mind, (don’t) care, say, remember等1) She doesn’t know whether to go or to stay.
2) I’ll see whether or not I’m available.
3) I wonder whether we should take the bus or phone for a taxi.4) I don’t care whether
you like it or not.
5) I can’t remember
whether it’s on the
second floor or the
third floor.动词 + whether
… + or +…
常用动词: know, decide, see, wonder, (don’t) mind, (don’t) care, say, remember等句子 + or + 句子
don’t + 动词 + or + 句子 1) We’d better hurry or we’ll late.
2) Don’t tickle me or I’ll scream.or so = approximatelyIt takes an hour or so by train.or else = otherwiseThey can’t be home yet, or else they’d answer the phone.or rather用于更正或解释所说过的话We spent a few days in Bombay, or rather, Mumbai. Has anyone got a pen or has anyone got a pencil?
2) Is yours an English dictionary or a
bilingual dictionary?
Which words or phrases can be left
out in these sentences?Has anyone got a pen or a pencil?Is yours an English or a bilingual dictionary?3) Do you want to meet there or to go with me by bus?
4) We’d better go, or else we won’t see the beginning of the concert.
5) You either go or stay, it’s all the same to me.We’d better go, or we won’t see the beginning of the concert.Do you want to meet there or go with me by bus?Either go or stay, it’s all the same to me.if + 从句, + 句子
句子, + if +从句1) If he had no money, he would sometimes sleep in the station.
2) Don’t eat it if you don’t like it.
3) If you’re not careful, you’ll break it.If1) if + 从句(现在时态), + 句子(将来时态)
2) if +从句(过去时态), + 句子(would/could)
3) if + 从句(过去完成时态), +句子(would have /could have …)4) If you were a parent, you’d understand how I feel.
5) It would have been more fun if it hadn’t rained.
6) If you’d booked, we might have got a table.动词 + if + 从句常用动词和动词短语有: know, wonder, see, ask, doubt, remember, don’t care, don’t mind, doesn’t matter等1) I asked her if she would like to dance.
2) Do you know if Jane is coming to work today?
3) See if this one fits.
4) I doubt if David will agree.
5) I don’t care if she’s your sister: nobody says that to me.
6) It doesn’t matter if it rains because we can eat under the awning.if + so/not 1) Are you going into town? If so, can you give me a lift?
2) Check that the batteries are working. If not, recharge them.if 经常用在以下的副词后: (but) only, even等 1) Adam said he’ll join us in the restaurant, but only if we left him pay.
2) Even if he tried, he’d never pass his exams.if经常用在副词 possible, necessary等之前1) If possible, we’d like a room with a view.
2) The police have threatened to use force, if necessary, to remove the protestors.if only表示后悔或惋惜If only Dad could have been here. He would have loved it.
2) If only it wasn’t raining.What if …?用于提建议1) I’ll close the window, if you don’t mind.
2) If it’s all right with you, I’d prefer the window seat.if you don’t mind/if it’s all right with you用于请求What if we ask your mother to babysit?1) I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
2) If he’d studied harder, he would have
passed the exams.
3) Do you need me this afternoon? If not, I’ll
go now.
4) If I had enough money, I’d go to America.Match the sentences with the use of if.5) Can you tell me if this is the right bus for
the city?
6) If I go to England, I’ll come and see you.
7) If you’ll just wait here, I’ll call the
8) If only we hadn’t been so foolish…
9) This dictionary, if a little less expensive, is
certainly the best.a. if clause to talk about situations that are not unlikely
b. if clause to talk about imaginary situations that are less likely
c. if clause to talk about past situations
d. if used to talk about willingness to do somethinge. if used to talk about a regret
f. if used to give advice
g. if used to mean “although”
h. if used in indirect questions
i. if used in polite questions1-f 2-c 3-i 4-b 5-h
6-a 7-d 8-e 9-g We have already discussed how a language can grow ____ (1) adding words to it. But have we looked at what might happen to a language _____ (2) words are lost from it? ___ (3) its very nature, a new word attracts attention in the language and becomes widely used. But ___ (4) a word doesn’t attract attention, it becomes unused, byifComplete the passage with by , or or if.By ifand ____ (5) it remains unused for a certain length of time, ___ (6) does not become in vogue again, it will fade out of the language forever. In this way, English has lost many words. ___ (7) you read any works __ (8) Shakespeare, for example, you will find words like beseem (to be suitable), wherefore (why) and fain (gladly)- words which we come across very seldom (9) ___ we aren’t readingIf byiforifanything (10) ___ Elizabethan writers (11) ____ Poets. (12) ____ we were to use these words in everyday spoken English today, nobody would understand us!If orby复习why, do/ does, want, by, or, if ,掌握它们的用法,做Workbook上Language in use 的练习。课件22张PPT。外研版
Module 6Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries?Reading
Vocabulary (2)Read Part 1 of the passage and talk about the following questions.Do you remember James Murray?
Here is what happened to him when he was working on the OED. What do you think the astonishing discovery might be?Lead-inWhy did James Murray want to visit Dr. W. C. Minor?
2) What kind of man do you think he imagined Dr. W. C. Minor to be?
3) Why did he think the man behind the desk was the man he had come to visit?Because he had sent so many quotation slips to him.Answer the questions.A rich intellectual.Because he was in a study lined with books.Yes, he was the Superintendent of Broad moor Asylum.4) Was the man behind the desk someone important after all?
5) “It’s not at all as you suppose.” What did the speaker mean when he said this?
The man who had been sending Murray the slips was not the kind of person Murray had supposed he was.1) sounding quieter than normal

2) mentally illMatch the words in the box with their meanings.muffledinsaneprolific asylum muffled insane solemn forbidding3) unfriendly or frightening
4) very sad and serious
5) producing a lot of work
6) an old-fashioned word for a hospital for
mentally ill peopleforbiddingsolemnprolificasylumAnswer the questions.1) …through the lanes…
This means_____.
A. small, narrow country roads
B. landscapes2) …rural Berkshire…
This means_____.
A. in the countryside
B. industrial3) …the carriage…drawing up eventually…
This means_____.
A. doing a drawing
B. stopping4) …a solemn servant…
This means_____.
A. unfriendly
B. serious5) …he had so long rehearsed…
This means he _____.
A. had practiced the speech
B. had always dreamed of making such a
6) …mutual embarrassment
This means_____
A. one of the party felt embarrassed
B. both people felt embarrassedthree words that describe sounds (e.g. the swish of a horse’s tail, the buzzing of a bee)
2) two words that have the same meaning as enormous
3) three words to describe a person who is living in an asylumclip-clopped, ticked, muffled footsteps, clank of keys, cleared his throatRead the passage again and find:huge, immenseinmate, patient, residentit had a long drive lined with trees; it was a huge and rather forbidding red-brick mansion.1) How does the writer imply that the house James Murray was visiting impressed him greatly?Work in pairs. Discuss your answers to the questions.2) Do you find it surprising / shocking that the contributor of so many quotation slips was criminally insane? Why / Why not?Open.Presentation SkillsMaking an announcementRead the following announcement and answer the questions.Do you think this is an announcement to read or to hear? Why?
2. Who wrote it, and for whom?To hear. It says “Could I have your attention, please?” and “Thank you for listening.”Someone who works in a bookshop; for the customers.3. What kind of style is used – informal or
formal? How can you tell?
4. Where else do you read or hear
announcements? What do they usually say?
5. What differences are there between written
and spoken announcements?It’s quite formal (We would like to inform you…)Railway stations, airports–information about departures and arrivals.A written announcement is usually shorter and more direct.Prepare an announcement for people to hear.Choose an important school or club event to tell people about.
Think about what is going to happen, who is going to be there, where it’s going to be, and when it’s going to be.
Decide where and when you’re gong to give the announcement.
Think about your audience and choose a formal or informal style.Making an announcement to hearLook at the announcement in Activity 1 again. How would you add or delete to change it to an announcement to read? Now rewrite the announcement you prepared in Activity 2 as an announcement to read.课件43张PPT。外研版
Module 6Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries?Reading Practice How many words are there in the Oxford
English Dictionary?
2. When was it first repaired and how many
volumes it has today?
3. Who was James Murray was?1. Past, present and future of the OED.
2. New developments in writing
3. The future of the OED online.
4. A history of dictionaries.Work in pairs. Look at the title of the
passage. Choose the most likely main idea.Read the passage carefully and choose
the best answer.
1. The Scriptorium is probably ______.
the children’s playroom
b. the family living room
c. a classroom
d. a special room for sorting quotation slips2. The amount of money they earned depended on _____.
a. their age
b. the number of slips they sorted
c. the speed at which they did the job
d. their need for money to spend on presents and holidays3. Today, the OED is more accessible because ______.
a. it contains 60 million words
b. the reader can find words and meanings more easily
c. it allows editors to analyse information in new and different ways
d. foreign words are accurately displayed4. Computer technology has been used since 1980 by _____.
a. readers to examine the text of the OED itself on a computer screen
b. editors to analyse information in many different ways
c. readers to access the dictionary online
d. editors to revise the OED5. In 2050 dictionaries probably won’t ______.
a. be printed as books
b. have more space for more information
c. have the same general fun_ction as before
d. replace encyclopaediasWork in pairs and discuss your answers to the questions.
1. How often do you use a Chinese
dictionary? What kind of information
are you usually looking for?
2. How often do you use a Chinese-English
dictionary? Is the information you’re looking
for different from the information you need
from a Chinese dictionary?3. There are 750,000 terms of English in the OED. How many words or terms in English do you think you know? How many do you think you need to know to use English well enough?1. It is arguable that had not James Murray’s 11 children assisted in the work, the Oxford English Dictionary would never have seen the light of day.
assist vt. vi
1) 帮助, 协助, 比help正式, 与with sth.
或in doing sth. 连用。
e.g. We asked him to assist us in designing a
new bridge. 我们请他帮助我们设计一座新桥。
He asked us to assist him in with the
experiment. 他请求我们帮他完成他的试验。
He assisted in designing the new bridge.
他协助设计那条新桥。2) 到场, 出席, 比present正式,常与at连用。
e.g. She refused to assist at the reception
for reasons unknown. 不知什么缘故她不肯出席招待会。1. A team of nurses assisted the doctor ____________________________________ _________ (完成手术).
2. The President himself will _______ (出席) the ceremony. [小试] 根据汉语提示, 用assist的适当形式完成下列句子。in performing the operation (with the operation) assist at 2. …, and the reader is led directly to the meanings of each word without any of the technical apparatus used by scholars.
apparatus n.
1) 仪器, 装置, 与equipment是同义词。
e.g. They have installed wireless apparatus on board.
The astronauts have special breathing apparatus.
宇航员有特殊的呼吸装置。2) 机构, 机关
e.g. The city’s security apparatus needs
reforming. 这个城市的治安机构需要改良。
The tax will require a massive
administrative apparatus. 税收需要一个庞大的管理机构。
3) 人体器官
e.g. the breathing apparatus
呼吸器官1. The television men have ___________________ (安装好了他们的器材).
2. We need ___________ (一个机构) to settle these industrial problems.[小试] 根据汉语提示,用apparatus的适当形式完成下列句子。set up their apparatus an apparatus 3. The motive actuating us was purely mercenary; we wanted money for Christmas or birthdays presents, …
1) cn. 动机; 目的, 与for连用。
e.g. The police could not find a motive
for the murder. 警方未能找出谋杀的动机。
2) adj. 发动的, 推动的
e.g. Water provided the motive power for the mill. 水提供了磨房的动力。1. For many years _________________ (动力) of trains was steam.
2. Does he have a motive _____________ (对你撒谎)?[小试] 根据汉语提示, 用motive的适当形式完成下列句子。the motive powerfor lying to you4. …, Caught in the Web of words, in which she reveals that: “Dictionary slips and their sorting became a major element in the lives of the Murray family.
reveal vt.
1) 展现, 显露出
e.g. Little by little he revealed his
ambitions. 渐渐地, 他暴露出他的野心。2) 揭示, 揭露;暴露;泄露
e.g. He revealed the secret by accident.
Further investigation revealed that he
was guilty. 进一步侦查表明他是有罪的。5. In March 2000 the Oxford English Dictionary Online became available on the World Wide Web.
available adj.
1) 可用的,在手边的;可利用的[(+for/to)]
e.g. The swimming pool is
available only for children in
这个游泳池只在夏天对儿童开放。2) 可得到的, 可买到的
e.g. Is there water available around here?
TV sets are available in any department
stores. 电视机在任何一家百货公司里都能买到。
3) 有空的, 可与之联系的
e.g. The principal is available now.
4) 有效的
e.g. This film ticket is no longer available.
这张电影票不再有效。6. The OED Online represents the initial
findings of a 20-year project to revise the
Oxford English Dictionary.
revise v.
1) 修订; 校订
e.g. The writer revised the manuscript
before publishing.
作者在出版前订正自己的手稿。2) 修改, 修正
e.g. He revised his report to make it shorter.
他修改了一下他的报告, 把它缩短了。
You should revise your idea about him.? 你应该修正对他的看法。
3) 【主英】复习= review
e.g. She’s revising (her history notes) for the
test. 她正在复习 (历史课笔记) 准备测验。1. The students are busy ________________________ (复习迎考).
2. I _________________ (修正了我的观点) after reading the book.[小试] 根据汉语提示, 用revise的适当形式完成下列句子。revising for the examination revised my opinion 7. It is arguable that had not James Murray’s 11 children assisted in the work, the Oxford English Dictionary would never have seen the light of day.
see the light (of day) 出现,领悟
e.g. His first novel saw the light 30 years ago.
After his explanation I saw the light.
经他解释后我领悟了。8. The dictionary is made up of 60 million
words of text, and describes nearly 750000
terms used in English over the past
thousand years.
be made up of 组成
e.g. The medical team was made up of
twelve doctors. 医疗队由十二名医生组成。Cultural Corner1. Would you prefer to use Roget’s Thesaurus or an A-Z Thesaurus?
2. What Chinese language reference books do you know?Read the passage and answer the
questions.Read the passage again and get the main idea of each paragraph. Para.1: In 1852, Peter Roget published his
Roget’s Thesaurus for the use of
finding synonyms. Para.2: He devised a system of thinking about
the world containing six classes of
meanings with over 1,000 sections of
abstract concepts in it. Para.3: An essential part of Roget’s Thesaurus
is the alphabetical index of all the
words listed in the book. Para.4: Newer dictionaries of synonyms are
quicker and easier to use because the
words are arranged alphabetically,
but it won’t give you any Roget type
cross-references. Para. 5: If you want quick help with your
writing at school, an A–Z thesaurus is
an easier way of choosing an
alternative word. 1. …, you will find a long list of interesting
related words: considerable, bulky,
voluminous, ample and massive.
1) 有关的, 相关的
e.g. These two events were related to each
other. ??
这两个事件相互有联系。 2) 有亲戚(或亲缘)关系的
e.g. I am related to her by marriage.
我和她有姻亲关系。2. …, however, the book now weighs nearly
1.5 kilos!
1) 称......的重量, 掂估......的分量
e.g. He weighed the parcel by hand.
2) 考虑;权衡 (+against)
e.g. They weighed the advantages and
disadvantages before making the
他们权衡利弊之后才作出决定。3. Nowadays there are newer dictionaries of
synonyms which are quicker and easier to
use because the words are arranged
1) 整理;布置
e.g. She arranged the flowers in a vase.
2) 安排; 筹备
e.g. I will arrange everything.
我会安排一切的。4. You will need to look in two places to
find a word or phrase: first the index,
and then the relevant numbered section.
relevant adj. 相关的,有关的
relevant to 有关的;切题的;恰当的
e.g. His nationality isn't relevant to
whether he is a good lawyer.
他的国籍跟他是不是一个好律师无关。5. On the other hand, it won’t give you any
Roget type cross-references, which help you
to make connections between concepts that
are more philosophical than linguistic.
on the other hand 另一方面
e.g. He is an able man, but on the other
hand he demands too much of others.
他很能干, 但是另一方面, 他对别人
的要求太多了。After learning the passage, think about the following question:
What is the main idea of the passage?It is an introduction of Roget’s Thesaurus and a comparison of Roget’s and an A— Z Thesaurus nowadays.课件17张PPT。外研版
Module 6Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries?SpeakingWork in groups and discuss your answers to the questions.1. Do you use a dictionary?
2. Do you use an electronic dictionary or a
3. Do you use a monolingual or bilingual
dictionary, or both?
4. If you use both, which one do you prefer?5. Do you understand the notes and
abbreviations in the definitions of the words? Do they help your understanding of the words?
6. When do you use a dictionary?
(a) when I’m reading in class
(b) when I’m writing in class
(c) when I’m reading at homeListening and VocabularyWe’ll listen to a passage about the
experience of using the dictionary.
Go through the questions first. What was the speaker writing an essay about?
2. What did the teacher say about the
essay?A painting seen in an art gallery.That the writer “captured the essence of the painting very well”.3. How many meanings did the dictionary
have for the word capture?
4. Did the speaker have a positive or
negative experience of using the dictionary?
Seven.Positive.Listen to the passage again and complete the dictionary definitions.capture (v., n.)
to ______ someone so that they become
your ________
2. to get control of a place from your ______
3. to _______ what someone or something is really likecatchprisonerenemyexpressessence (n.)
1. the most _________ part of something
usually the part that gives it its general _________
2. a ______ that contains the strong _____
or ______ of the plant it was taken from.importantcharacterliquidsmelltasteWrite down the four other collocations for capture which you heard. Then write a sentence for each one showing the meanings.atmosphere
This music really captures the atmosphere of a busy city street.flavour
The dinner captured the flavour of Indian food, without us having to leave home.
I think the play captured the mood of the people during the war brilliantly.
Dickens’s novels capture the spirit of Victorian England perfectly.Work in pairs. Match the words in a dictionary entry with the meanings. 1. headword
2. part of speech
3. definition
4. sense
5. example
6. style label
7. idioma this tells you if the word is formal, informal,…
b this tells you the meaning of the word
c this is the word you are looking up
d this tells you if the word is a noun, verb, …
e this is an expression that contains this word
f this is a sentence that shows you how the word
is used
g this is one particular meaning of a word with
several meanings 1-c 2-d 3-b 4-g 5-f 6-a 7-e A guessing-word game Choose a new word in this module and write a dictionary definition for it, then read your writing without the word in the class and the one behind you will guess the new word out. If the one makes right, the game will go on without stop. But if the one guesses wrong, he will make up a short part English song with the right word and sing for you.