Lesson 20 Left and Right 课件(2份)


名称 Lesson 20 Left and Right 课件(2份)
格式 zip
文件大小 4.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 冀教版(一年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-01-27 10:14:08


课件17张PPT。Unit 4 Lesson 20
Left and RighthandhandsWave your right hand. foot 脚(单数)feet 双脚(复数)Stamp your feet.armleg12345headhandlegfootarmSay the chant.Head, head, this is my head.
Arm , arm , this is my arm.
Hand, hand, this is my hand.
Leg , leg , this is my leg.
Foot, foot , this is my foot.
What's this?This is a panda.His name is Panpan.headThis is his head.This is his right arm.armhandThis is his left hand.legThis is his left leg.footThis is his left foot.headhandfootarmlegPlay a gamePoint to your head.Point to your arm.Point to your right hand.Point to your leg.Point to your foot.Point to your leg and arm.课件11张PPT。Unit 4 Lesson 20
Left and R ight我们的身体是由很多不同功能的部分组成的。它们用英语怎么说呢?一起来学习吧! bodyheadfootlegarmhandThis is my head.This is my face.This is my nose.This is my mouth.This is my eye.This is my ear.rightleft同学们,你们知道哪只手是右手吗?看图片,写字的手是右手。我们一起做游戏听老师的口令,做动作。看谁对得对!Touch your right eye.Touch your left eye. 考考你!handfootleg arm看图片说出正确的单词!我们用新单词来复习我们学过的句型!This is his arm.This is his leg.This is his head.This is his foot.你会用了吗?This is her arm.This is her head.This is her leg.This is her foot.