Lesson 11 What are doing? 课件


名称 Lesson 11 What are doing? 课件
格式 zip
文件大小 6.5MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 冀教版(一年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-01-27 20:05:09


课件18张PPT。 Unit 2 Lesson 11 What Are They Doing?单词复习lionsmonkeys单词复习单词复习meat单词复习treelion单词学习sleep单词学习What are the tigers doing?The tigers are eating meat.What are monkeys doing?The monkeys are playing in the trees.The lions are sleeping.What are lions doing? 现在进行时态构成: 主语+be(is.am.are)+V-ingeatingplayingdoingsleepingSleep----sleepingThey are sleeping now.cry-----cryingHe is crying now.eat----eating She is eating rice. do----doingThe girl is doing her homework now.wash----washingShe is washing now.wait-----waitingShe is waiting.
Bye bye!谢谢观看!下节课再见!课件15张PPT。
Unit 2 Lesson 11
What Are They Doing?你还记得吗?dog monkeyhorseelephantlionwhat are the tigers doing?The tigers are eating meat.The lions are playing in the trees.What are lions doing?What are monkeys doing?The monkeys are playing in the trees.现在分词!doingsleepingplayingeating现在分词我会变!1. do
2.eat→→doingeating现在分词我会变!1. read
2.watch→→readingwatching3. run→runingWhat are they doing?They are reading books.praticeWhat are they doing?They are watching TV.What are they doing?They are running.Thank You!