Unit2 What Would You Like 教学内容与目标
【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社六年级下册 Unit2
本单元的教学重点是就餐用语,其中难点是用餐时的基本会话。其主要的功能语句有:What would you like to eat? We’d like ... What kind of ...would you like, ... or ...? ..., please.要求学生能在日常生活中准确运用这些就餐时的基本用语。本单元的词汇多为过去学过的食物、饮品类单词,新加入了量词词组相搭配的短语。如:a bowl of noodles, a plate of beef, a glass of juice, a bottle of water, a cup of tea, a piece of bread要求学生在掌握如何表达这些食物、饮品的数量的同时,能把量词词组灵活运用于功能语言之中。教师应结合学生的生活经验,尽可能地创设生活化情景组织教学活动,并鼓励学生共同合作参与进行交际实践。从而,使学生比较顺利地掌握在外就餐时的用语。
本单元的教学分为4个课时。第一课时以Part A中Let’s learn部分的量词词组教学为主,并借助Part B Let’s play部分进行巩固;第二课时学习Part A中Let’s talk部分的对话,理解并会模仿使用点餐用语,同时完成课本Part B Ask and answer部分的练习;第三课时以Part B中的Let’s learn more部分为主,进一步学习拓展运用本单元功能语言;第四课时主要是Part B Read the words部分的语音教学及本单元Part C部分的其余练习。
a bowl of noodles, a plate of beef, a glass of juice, a bottle of water, a cup of tea, a piece of bread。
1. —What would you like to eat?
—We’d like ...
—What kind of... would you like,... or ...?
—... , please.
2. — Would you like something to drink?
—May I have ...?
3. —Anything else?
—Yes, ... / No, thanks.
Unit2 What Would You Like 第1课时教学设计
【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社六年级下册 Unit2
【主 题】Warming-up: Look and match, Let’s learn, Let’s play
【课 时】第1课时
1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:a bowl of noodles, a plate of beef, a glass of juice, a bottle of water, a cup of tea, a piece of bread。
2. 能灵活运用上述词汇。
1. 教师准备Let’s learn部分的词汇教学卡片。
2. 教师准备PPT教学课件(一张餐桌,餐桌上有各种食物、饮品、水果)。
3. 教师准备Let’s learn部分的教学音频。
课程导入(Leading In)
T: Morning, everyone!
Ss: Morning, Mr. / Miss ...!
T: Do you often have breakfast?
Ss: Yes.
T: What did you have for breakfast this morning?
S1: ...
S2: ...
1. Part A Warming-up: Look and match
T: Look at the pictures on P9. What are these?
2. 猜一猜
教师向学生展示一副餐桌的PPT图画,先让学生判断出它是有张桌子(table)。接着让学生猜一猜桌面上都会摆放哪些吃的东西。采用头脑风暴的方式让学生说出曾经学过的有关食物、饮品、水果之类的词汇。随后,教师展示出餐桌上的食物、饮品的画面。然后,提出一个问题:What do you like on the table? 学个别回答后,教师再引导他们通过一个简单的歌谣的形式把各自喜欢的食物、饮品或水果代入进去,形成一个轻松的回顾与复习活动。如:
I like milk. I like juice. I like water. And I like tea.
I like bananas. I like grapes. I like oranges. And I like apples.
I like noodles. I like dumplings. I like hamburgers. And I like cookies.
3. 导入新课
重新回到PPT餐桌的画面,教师可以这样导人:Look at the table. How many apples can you see? (学生回答) And how many hamburgers? (学生回答) 接着问How many noodles? 这时候,学生就会产生疑问。此时,教师再加以解释:We cannot say one or two or three noodles. It’s hard to say the exact numbers of noodles, or water, or milk. So, how to express the numbers of these things? Let’s have a look at the following pictures.
(1)新课展示Part A Let’s learn
1. 教授词组a bowl of noodles
T: How many noodles are there on the table? Now look! This is a bowl. We can say “a bowl of noodles”.
板书并领读a bowl of,注意强凋ow字母组合的读音。
引导学生学习运用:a bowl of rice并加以拓展。
图示两碗……,让学生了解类似词汇的复数表达:two bowls of,如:two bowls of noodles, two bowls of rice, ...
2. 教授词组a plate of beef
首先教授单词beef和plate,然后同上教授词组a plate of beef,及其复数的表达 two / three /... plates of beef。
引导学生运用a plate of表示数量,如:a plate of meat / vegetables /...
此处教授单词beef时,教师可以引导学生回顾字母组合ee在单同中的常见发音情况,如:see, meet, tree, street等。
教授单词plate时,可引导学生回顾还有字母a□e组合形式的单词,如:cake, take, make, lake, plane, late等,帮助学生记忆单词读音。
3. 教授词组a glass of juice
T: Look, this is juice, a glass of juice.
板书并领读a glass of之后引导学生学习运用:
a glass of water / milk / ...
随后拓展学习其复数表达two / three /... glasses of ...
4. 教授词组a bottle of water, a cup of tea和a piece of bread
这几个短语在教授时均可参考以上教学方式:先介绍容器或餐具,再构成短语引导学生学习运用,教师要鼓励学生尽量多地把学过的东西与这些短语联系起来使用,如:a bottle of beer / water / juice /... 而a cup of则最常用于tea和coffee。在教授a piece of短语之后,一定要介绍一下a piece of paper, four pieces of paper。
1. 在教授a bowl of, a plate of, a glass of, a bottle of, a cup of, a piece of时,教师可通过已学食物单词,帮助学生归纳这些量词词组的搭配和用法。如:
a bowl of noodles / soup / rice
a plate of beef / dumplings / salad / chicken / meat / fish
a glass of water / juice / milk
a bottle of water / juice
a cup of tea / coffee
a piece of bread / cake / cookie
2. 量词短语中用来表达数量的bottle, glass, piece等名词都是可数名词,要表示“一”的数量时,这些名词须用单数形式:a bottle of, a glass of, a piece of;但当要表达“两个以上”的数量时,这些名词要用复数,如:two bottles of, three glasses of, four pieces of。
3. 需要表达数量的物质名词是可数名词时,数量为单个时用单数,如:a piece of cookie;两个以上的用复数,如:a bowl of grapes, I two plates of apples, three pieces of cookies等;而当需要表达数量的物质名词是不可数名词时,无论有多少,这个名词都用原形。如:two bottles of water, three bowls of soup。
4. 类似的量词还有a box of(一盒),a bag of(—包),a group of(一群)等。
1. 教师播放录音,让学生听并跟读Let’s learn部分的词汇。
2. 教师出示Let’s learn部分的词汇图片,让学生看图片快速说出相应的词汇,并要求学生能拼读出相应词组中表示数量的中心词。
操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)
(2)Part B Let’s play
1. 教师可以这样创设情景,进行问答练习:Look! It’s dinner time. You are hungry. What food would you like?学生回答:I would like ...也可以接着问:It’s very hot. You are thirsty. What drink would you like? 学生回答:I’d like ...引导学生使用量词词组说出各自想要的食品或饮品。
2. 把学生分成小组,组织学生进行“句子接龙”游戏。小组内每个人分别运用正确的量词词组说出各自想要的物品,而且数量要依次递增。如:
S1: I’d like a glass of water. S2.(叫出下个学生名字)
S2: I’d like two pieces of cakes. S3.
S3: I’d like three plates of beef. S4.
S4: I’d like four bowls of rice. S5.
S5: I’d like five bottles of milk. S6.
S6: I’d like six ... S7.
3. 选出几位学生在班内进行展示。
Unit2 What Would You Like 第2课时教学设计
【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社六年级下册 Unit2
【主 题】Let’s talk, Ask and answer
【课 时】第2课时
1. 能听懂并理解Let’s talk部分的对话内容。
2. 能流畅地朗读对话,并能在日常生活中灵活准确地运用以下功能结构:
(1) —What would you like to eat?
—We’d like ...
—What kind of... would you like,... or ...?
—..., please.
(2) —Would you like something to drink?
—May I have ...?
(3) —Anything else?
—No, thanks.
1. 教师准备PPT教学课件(上一课时的餐桌课件,给食品图片加上杯、盘、碗等餐具图)。
2. 教师准备Let’s talk部分的教学挂图。
3. 教师准备Let’s talk部分的教学音频。
课程导入(Leading In)
T: Nice to see you, dear boys and girls!
Ss: Nice to see you, too!
T: I feel very well now because I had a good breakfast this morning. I had a glass of milk, an egg, two pieces of bread and an apple.
Ss: How nice!
T: What about your breakfast?
Ss: ...
1. 读一读,拼一拼
教师展示所准备的PPT课件,让学生看图说出相应的量词词组,如:a plate of beef, a glass of juice, a bowl of noodles等等。
然后,以空缺量词部分的形式呈现这些短语,如:a _____ of tea, a _____ of water, a _____ of noodles等,让学生试着把这些量词拼读出来,以考查学生对量词的掌握情况。
2. 导入新课
T: Do you like noodles? What kind of noodles do you like?
T: What kind of noodles does Su Nan like? Do you know? Let’s have a look.
(1)新课展示Part A: Let’s talk
1. 出示本部分的教学挂图,让学生仔细观察并尝试回答以下问题:
Where are they? Who are they? Why are they there?
T: Where are they?
Ss: They are in a noodle house.
T: Who are they?
Ss: They are Su Nan and his mom. They are sitting at the table.
T: The other two girls arc waitresses. Waiters and waitresses serve people in the restaurant. Look, they are girls. They are waitresses. And boys are waiters. Why are Su Nan and his mom there?
Ss: They are hungry. They want to have / eat something there.
2. 教师播放Let’s talk部分的录音,让学生结合挂图情景,边听录音边理解对话内容。教学过程设计可参考如下:
T: What do Su Nan and his mom want?
Ss: Noodles.
T: How does the waitress ask? Now listen carefully.
Ss: What would you like to eat?
教师板书功能句:what would ,you like to eat? 领读几遍并鼓励学生尽量多地加以运用。
T: what would they like to eat?
Ss: Two bowls of noodles.
T: What do they say?
Ss: We’d like two bowls of noodles.
教师板书并领读功能句:We’d like ...
T: What kind of noodles would they like, beef noodles or tomato noodles?教师板书并重复:What kind of ...?
There are many fruits. What kind of fruits would you like, apples, grapes or bananas?
What kind of drinks do you like best, water, coffee or juice?
T: What kind of noodles would they like, beef noodles or tomato noodles?
Ss: A bowl of beef noodles and a bowl of tomato noodles.
T: Right. How do they tell the waitress?
Ss: A bowl of beef noodles and a bowl of tomato noodles, please.
T: All right. To be polite, we often say “..., please.”
T: Do they want anything to drink? Let’s go on listening.
T: How does the waitress ask?
Ss: Would you like something to drink?
教师板书、领读功能句:Would you like something to eat / drink / read ...? 并鼓励学生尽量多地运用。
T: Would they like something to drink?
Ss: A glass of juice and a cup of tea.
T: Anything else?(还有什么吗?)
Ss: No.
T: To be polite, we should say, “No, thanks.’’
3. 教师让学生打开课本,然后再次播放录音,让学生边看对话文本,边听对话录音。帮助学生理解功能句What kind of ... would you like, ... or ...?并把该句与Would you like something to...? 作对比讲解。
教师可向学生适当介绍选择疑问句。选择疑问句是向对方提问两种或两种以上的情况,要求对方选择作答的问句。其构成为:先把一般疑问句或特殊疑问句的结构写出,然后在其后加“选择部分+ or +选择部分”即可。回答时,不能用Yes或No来引起,而是必须根据实际情况进行答复。
1. 教师播放录音,要求学生一边看课本,一边模仿语音语调大声跟读对话。
2. 小组活动让学生在小组内进行角色朗读,并注意语音、语调和语气。
3. 小组展示教师给予指导和评价。
操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)
教师以PPT呈现食物和饮品画面。同时选择一名学生到讲台前提问:What would you like to ...? Would you like something to ...? Anything else? 并任意指明其他学生回答所提出的提问。
(2)Part B Ask and answer
采用合作的方式完成课本本部分内容,主要练习本节课所学的功能结构What would you like to eat / drink? I d like ...
S1: What would you like to eat, S2?
S2: I’d like a piece of …/ a plate of ...
What would you like to drink, S1?
S1: I’d like a bottle of …/a glass of ...
would like to do sth.是愿意做某事,表示愿意、乐意。而want to do sth.是表示想要做某事,表达的是一种想法。
I would like要比I want更有礼貌。
Would you like ...?要比Do you want ...? 更有礼貌,也更殷勤。
Would you like ...?含有愿意满足别人的愿望的意思。Do you want ...?则不含有这种意思。因此,饭店或其他类似场所的服务人员在与顾客打交道时,通常用Would you like ...?
Unit2 What Would You Like 第3课时教学设计
【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社六年级下册 Unit2
【主 题】Warming-up: Think and circle, Let’s learn more, Let’s act, Look and talk
【课 时】第3课时
1. 能听懂并理解Let’s learn more部分的对话内容。能认读课文对话,并较为流利地模仿演读对话内容。
2. 能在相应的情景中灵活运用本单元What would you like to ...? I’d like ... 等功能结构迸行会话练习。
3. 能灵活准确地运用礼貌用语。
1. 教师准备Let’s learn more部分的教学视频。
2. 能在相应的情景中灵活运用本单元What would you like to ...? I’d like ...等功能结构迸行会话练习。
3. 教师准备Let’s learn more部分的教学音频。
课程导入(Leading In)
T: Hello, everyone! Welcome to our restaurant. This is the menu.(教师用PPT课件展示一个中餐的菜单)
What would you like, please?
S1: I’d like ...
S2: I’d like ...
(2)新课导入part A Warming-up: Think and circle
1. 教师展示食物和饮料(含中式和西式)的PPT教学课件,引导学生观察并回顾已经了解的中西方饮食文化之间的差异,可用下面的问题启发学生思考:
What do Chinese people like to eat and drink?
How do we eat noodles and vegetables?
What do people in the USA and the UK like to eat and drink?
How do they eat?
2. 完成选择之后,教师随机选出几位学生完整地读一读句子,核对答案。
参考答案:l. b 2. a 3. a 4. a
(1)新课展示Part B Let’s learn more
It’s six o’clock in the evening. It’s dinner time. But Miss White didn’t cook meals. She is very hungry now. What would she like to eat today? Now, please listen and watch the video.
1. 播放所准备的Part B Let’s learn more部分的视频
T: Dinner time! Miss White didn’t cook meals. What does she do?
T/Ss: She takes up the phone and calls for food.
这里,可以向学生略讲一下call for的意思是“打电话要/叫……”。引导学生运用。如:
T: We can call for food or drinks. We can also call for a doctor or the police.
T: Who answers her call?
T/Ss: A waiter.
2. 教师可以根据对话内容设计几个问题。请学生自主阅读对话之后,教师可采用个别回答或集体回答问题的方式了解学生们的阅读效果。问题设计参考如下:
(1) Who does Miss White call to? (A restaurant called Happy Fast Food.)
(2) What would Miss White like to eat? (Chicken hamburgers.)
(3) What would Miss White like to drink? (A bottle of juice and a bottle of milk.)
(4) Where does Miss White live? (No.11 Garden Road.)
(5) How much are the food and drinks? (Thirty-four yuan.)
3. 让学生集体朗读对话之后,教师帮助学生完整理解对话内容。
(1) 注解单词address是“地址”的意思。
此处,教师也可适当补充地址的询问方式:What’s your address?
(2) How much are they?
How much is the food? How much is the juice?
How much are the food and drinks? How much are they?
1. 教师播放Let’s learn more部分的录音,让学生模仿其语择语调跟读对话。
2. Read again and answer the questions
1. She calls for supper. / She calls for some food and drinks.
2. Chicken hamburgers.
3. She would like juice and milk.
4. She lives on No. 11 Garden Road.
5. Thirty-four yuan.
操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)
(1)Part C Look and talk
教师首先向学生示范接下来要进行的话题。比如可以这样引入:Look! It’s lunch time. What would you like for lunch? After you read it, you can have a talk about it.
方式一:两两会话(Pair work),一人扮顾客、一人扮服务员。
方式二:角色扮演(Role play)。
(2)Part B Let’s act
Now, everybody. Look! This is a menu from Happy Fast Food. Next, you have a chance to be an actor or actress to play a dialogue. You can be a waiter or waitress. And you can be a customer (向学生注解“顾客”). Let’s see who can be an excellent actor or actress.
Unit2 What Would You Like 第4课时教学设计
【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社六年级下册 Unit2
【主 题】Read the words, Listen and tick, Look and write, Complete and act
【课 时】第4课时
1. 能听懂、理解并完成Part C的听力练习内容。
2. 能根据单元学习重点,自主完成Part C部分所剩余的练习。
3. 能熟练地运用本单元所学的功能结构,进行情景会话。
4. 了解字母组合ow在单词中的两种读音变化,学习其发音规则。
1. 教师准备本单元词汇卡片。
2. 教师准备一些物质名词及一些能表示数量短语的纸条。
3. 教师准备Read the words和Listen and tick部分的教学音频。
课程导入(Leading In)
T: Good morning, boys and girls!
Ss: Good morning, Mr. / Miss ...!
T: This morning I had a big meal. Guess! What did I eat?
Ss: You had / ate ...
T: Yes, you got it. They’re really delicious. Lunch time is coming. What would you like for lunch?
S1: I’d like to eat... and drink ...
S2: I’d like to eat... and drink ...
教师拿出所准备的词汇图片与学生交流,如:Now, please look here. We have many kinds of food and drinks. What would you like to ...?
教师随手抽取一种食物图片指名回答。在进行多次训练之后,引导学生进入本课的第一个任务。教师可以这样说:Next, I need your help. Please listen and catch what they would like to eat or drink.
(1)Part C Listen and tick
1. Waiter: Can I help you?
Girl: Yes. I’d like a plate of dumplings, please.
2. Girl: What would you like to eat, Mr. Zhao?
Mr. Zhao: I’d like two pieces of bread.
3. Boy: Would you like something to drink, Alice?
Alice: Yes, a cup of milk tea, please.
4. Boy: What did you have for breakfast, Li Shan?
Li Shan: I had a hamburger and a glass of milk.
5. Girl: Kevin, what kind of noodles would you like?
Kevin: I’d like a bowl of tomato and egg noodles.
参考答案:1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b
(2)Part C Look and write
1. 处理此练习时,教师可先以第1小题为例,向学生强调使用量词词组来描述东西多少时,无论后面搭配的是可数名词,还是不可数名词,一定要在量词的位置上体现复数形式。
2. 学生自主完成看图写短语的练习。要求字迹清晰、拼写规范。
3. 检查学生书写情况。就单词拼写的正误以及单词书写的规范情况指出不足或给予积极评价,培养学生良好的书写习惯。
参考答案:2. a bow of soup
3. two glasses of juice
4. three boxes of milk
5. two bottles of water
6. four cups of tea
(3)Part C Complete and act
1. 学生自主阅读有空缺的对话,根据自己对上下文的理解分析完成填空。
2. 教师带领学生了解对话背景,理解对话内容。师生共同检查填空内容的完成情况。
3. 学生互找搭档演读对话,进行角色扮演。然后进行生生评价、师生评价。
参考答案:help, like, kind, drink, bottle, address
(4)Part B Read the words
1. 教师播放本部分的录音,要求学生跟读,教师注意细听并纠正ow的错误读音。
2. 教师引领学生总结:字母组合ow在单词中读[au]或[?u]。让学生了解字母组合ow在单词中的两种读音变化,了解一定的发音规则。
3. Try to read more
操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)
A bowl of noodles, a plate of beef,
A piece of bread, and a bunch of grapes.
A glass of juice, a bottle of water,
A cup of tea, and a drop of rain.
1. 教师将所准备的能表示数量的短语纸条贴在黑板上,让学生们读一读。之后,快速地逐一出示物质名词,要求学生选择合适的量词短语和这个名词构成恰当的搭配,看谁搭配得又快又好。
2. 将上面所搭配出的短语代入到本单元所学的功能结构中,进行对话练习。如:
—What would you like to eat / drink / play /...?
—I would like to eat / drink / play /...
—Would you like something to eat / drink / play /... ?
—Yes, please. / No, thanks. I would like to eat / drink / play /...