A Bird Story CornerBird Angrysing and dancewatch TVread booksplay computer gameseat ice-creamgo to sleepfly to…do homeworkwork togetherThere are much ice cream.But your sister eat it.You can play computer game.But you must do homework
first.You can get gift after class.But you should work
together in class.It’s so angry!owtomorrowyellowswallowBird LazyWho are they? Listen and chooseWho is in the story?Read by yourself and circle
the unknown words or phrases.
(自己默读并圈出自己不会的单词或短语)Step1:Work in groups, try to learn
difficult ones.
(小组互助解决不懂的词句)Step2:Pairwork 1:Read and learnmaking the housecarrying food homedancingsingingwatchingsleepingcatching insects CheckspringsummerautumnWhat are they doing?Pairwork 2:Read and findDiscuss: What are they doing?
(讨论:他们正在做什么?)Step1:Fill in the table.
(填表格)Step2:Step3:Retell the story.
(根据表格内容,复述故事。)Stick and retellspringsummerautumnmaking the housecatching insectscatching the mousecarrying food homeswimmingsinging and dancingreadingsleepingwatchingWhat are they doing?CheckWhat are they saying?Pairwork 3: read and findLazy, make the house.Not now, I ‘ll do it tomorrow.Lazy, catch insects.Not now, I’ll do it tomorrowLazy, carry food home.Not now, I ‘ll do it tomorrow.What are they saying?Bird, make the house.Bird, catch insects.Bird, carry food home.Not now, I `ll do it tomorrow.Not now, I’ll do it tomorrow.
Pair work:小组内表演对话 。read and findwinterNo foodNo housecoldhungryWhat`s the ending?1、Tell us the ending.
(说出故事结局)2、 Act out the ending.
(演出你的结局)Discuss the ending of the story.
(讨论故事结局)Step1:Draw or write down the ending.
(分工合作,画或写出故事结局)Step2:Work in groups, try to act .
(全员参与,小组预演,准备展示)Step3:Make the endingWhat`s the ending?1、Tell us your ending.
(说出故事结局)2、 Act out your ending.
(演出你的结局)Bird Lazy is
a birdAfter ReadinglazyThe time is life. 时间就是生命。 Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。 Don`t put off till tomorrow,what you can do today!今日事今日毕! HomeworkChoose 1-2 to finish.1.Talk about the story of Lazy bird to your friends. 把Lazy的故事讲给你的朋友听。2.Change the end of the story by yourself, and write down.创编新的结局,并写下来。