Unit6 单元总览
stand on one foot, read a story aloud, paint a picture, play the piano
move ... with music, step on one’s foot
Anne wanted to dance like Lingling.
Anne stepped on Lingling’s foot.
Anne and Lingling are going to do a modem dance.
能用句型“want to do something”表达人物的意愿
1. 能理解并掌握“want to do something”的含义及用法
2. 培养学生克服困难的勇气和乐于助人的优良品质
3. 能掌握正确的阅读策略来帮助理解全文,并运用所学语言讲述简单的故事;能根据提示要描述一件事情
1. 学习链接
(1) 词汇:
① 复习一些动词过去式的表达,如watch-watched, want-wanted, go-went, step- stepped, say-said, smile-smiled。21世纪教育网版权所有
② 复习一些动词词组的表达,如read a story, play the piano, paint a picture。
(2) 句型:
① 在四年级下册出现表达人物想要某物的句型“I want a schoolbag.”。
② 在五年级下册学过将要做某事的句型“be going to do something”和“will do something” 。21教育网
3. 难点分析
(1) 能在正确的情境下表达自己的意愿。
(2) 理解并复述课文。
Part A, Part B
Part C, Part D
Part E, Part F
1. Play outside 出去玩
2. Go to the summer school 参加暑期学校
3. Go camping 去野营
4. Go swimming 去游泳
5. Do gymnastics做体育运动
6. Play baseball 打棒球
7. Go to the beach 去海边
8. Go fishing 去钓鱼
9. Go to the library 去图书馆
10. Go on a trip 去旅行
11. Play soccer 踢足球
12. Do karate玩空手道
13. Blow bubbles 吹泡泡
14. Visit people 拜访别人
15. Watch a movie 看场电影
16. Bake cookies 烤饼干
17. Go to the farm 去农场
18. Play tennis 打网球
19. Go bowling打保龄球
20. Go out to dinner 出去吃晚饭
21. Go to the arcade 去游乐场
22. Take a walk 散散步
23. Go to the fair 去集市
24. Go shopping 去购物
25. Watch TV 看电视
26. Play with a friend 跟朋友玩
27. Play football 玩橄榄球
28. Go to a park去公园玩
29. Go to a theater 去剧院
30. Play racket ball 打壁球
31. Go on a vacation 去度假
32. Play hopscotch 玩跳房子
33. Sleep late睡个懒觉
34. Go to the discovery zone 去探索基地
35. Play on a playground 去操场玩
36. Go to Fiesta Texas去节庆游乐园
37. Go roller skating 去轮滑
38. Go ice skating 去溜冰
39. Go to a water park 去水上乐园
40. Play video games 打电子游戏
41. Go to Chuck-E-Cheese去查克芝士餐厅吃一顿
42. Jump rope跳绳
43. Have a party 开个晚会
44. Go sailing 去远航
45. Read a book 读一本书
46. Go to the zoo 去动物园
47. Play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏
48. Go to a friend’s house 去朋友家玩
49. Fly a kite 放风筝
50. Ride your bike 骑自行车
51. Go to your grandparents’ home去爷爷奶奶或外公外婆家玩
52. Do your chores with a smile 带着微笑做家务
53. Eat ice cream 吃冰淇淋
54. Take a nap 睡午觉
55. Draw画画
56. Plant something 种花草树木
57. Write a letter 写封信
58. Play with your pet 和宠物玩
59. Colour涂色
60. Make a cake 做蛋糕
61. Order a pizza 点个比萨
62. Go to McDonald’s 去麦当劳
63. Have a picnic 去野餐
64. Play checkers下国际跳棋
65. Play bingo 玩 bingo 游戏
66. Help your parents帮助爸爸妈妈
67. Go to the mall 去逛商场
68. Have a slumber party 开个睡衣晚会
69. Play cards 打牌
70. Clean your room 打扫房间
71. Play “I spy” 玩“I spy”的游戏
72. Listen to music 听音乐
73. Call a friend给朋友打电话
74. Go to SPACE CENTER HOUSTON 去休斯敦太空中心
75. Jog慢跑
76. Make a banana sundae做个香黑冰淇淋圣代
77. Paint涂颜料
78. Cook something 烧菜
79. Read the comics 看连环画
80. Write in your journal 写日记
81. Play with the water sprinkler 跟酒水机玩
82. Play volleyball 打排球
83. Make an art project 做个艺术品
84. Play musical chairs玩音乐椅的游戏
85. Write a poem 写首诗
86. Play with clay or play dough 玩彩泥
87. Write a book 写本书
88. Play basketball 打篮球
89. Play with your brothers or sisters 和哥哥姐姐玩
90. Play with your cousins 和表兄妹玩
91. Watch birds 观察小鸟
92. Pick flowers 采花
93. Put a puzzle together 玩拼图
94. Catch butterflies or bugs 抓蝴蝶或者虫子
95. Make a paper airplane 做纸飞机
96. Wash the car 洗车
97. Climb a tree 爬树
98. Sing a song 唱歌
99. Call your grandparents给爷爷奶奶、外公外婆打电话
100. Have fun! 玩得开心!
Unit6 第1课时教学设计
(一) 语言目标
1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词dancing room, move ... with the music, put arms out, step on one’s foot。www.21-cn-jy.com
2. 句型:能在情境中正确、灵活地运用“want to do something ”表达人物的意愿。
(二) 应用目标
1. 能在教师引导下完整地阅读和理解课文A部分故事。
2. 能在读懂故事的基础上领悟故事的内涵和道理;培养学生克服困难的勇气和乐于助人的优良品质。
3. 能在表格的提示下口头复述故事。
1. 重点:调动学生的思维,理解文本,并挖掘出文本的内涵。
2. 难点:学生用英语说出自己克服困难的某次经历。
Step 1 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)
1. 头脑风暴
T: What’s your hobby?
S1: I like singing.
S2: I like painting.
S3: I like playing basketball.
S5: I like dancing.
T: I like dancing, too. But I’m not good at it. Are you good at dancing?
S5: Yes, I am.
T: Can you show us?(请一位学生展示几个舞蹈动作)
T: You can dance very well. I want to dance like you. Can you teach me?
S5: OK.
Step 2 新课呈现(Presentation)
1. Pre-reading
(1) 预测:看图说话
教师出示图1 (玲玲跳舞、安娜在旁边看的图片),提出问题:
What was Lingling doing? (Lingling was dancing.)
What did Anne want to do? (Anne wanted to dance.)
教师出示图2 (玲玲跳舞的图片),提出问题:
Can Lingling dance very well? (Yes, she can dance very well.)21cnjy.com
How did she dance?(学生可用热身时黑板上出现的舞蹈动作短语来描述,也可以用中文描述。)2·1·c·n·j·y
教师出示图3 (安娜踩住玲玲的脚的图片),提出问题:
Can Anne dance very well? Why?
经过讨论,学生一致认为:Anne can’t dance very well because she fell over.
教师对于学生的推断给予充分肯定,同时又抛出新问题:What happened then?
2. While-reading
(1) 略读
T: Can Anne dance very well? Why?
教师列出预期的结果,让学生根据短文内容做出判断(T or F)。
Yes, she can dance very well.
No. She stepped on Lingling’s foot.
No. She stepped on Lingling’s foot.
板书step on one’s foot并带读。
(2) 寻读
Time (时间)
One day
Place (地点)
In the dancing room
Characters (人物)
Lingling and Anne
Reason (原因)
Anne wanted to dance like Lingling.
How to dance (如何跳舞)
Lingling taught Anne to...
Result (结果)
Anne stepped on Lingling’s foot.
(3) 细读
学生仔细阅读短文,并根据以下提纲在课本上用“//” 给课文标注层次。
Anne wanted to dance and she asked Lingling to teach her. 21世纪教育网版权所有
Lingling told Anne to dance.
Anne tried to dance but she stepped on Lingling’s foot.21·cn·jy·com
T: Who can dance like Lingling?
S1: I can put my arms out like this.
S2: I can move my hands with the music.
S3: I can move my legs with the music.
T: Do you think Anne can dance well at last? Why?
3. Post-reading
(1) 模仿朗读,熟悉语言,为表演做准备。
(2) 根据表格中关键词或句子的提示,两人一组复述故事。
(3) 讨论。教师以提问的方式,让学生将所读材料与自己梦想成真的一件事例进行联结,并总结成功的原因和经验。21教育网
T: What does this story remind you of?
S1: My brother was playing basketball. I watched him. I wanted to play basketball like him. “Wow, Xiaoming. You can play basketball very well. Can you teach me?
S2: OK. Dribble the ball like me. Good. Then shoot the ball into the basket.
S1: I can’t shoot the ball into the basket.
S2: Don’t worry. Let’s do it again.
Step 3 作业布置(Homework)
1. 听录音,跟读、背诵课文。
2. 和同学一起创编故事,并把创编的故事表演给家人看。
Unit6 第2课时教学设计
(一) 语言目标
1. 词汇:
(1) 能听懂、会说、认读stand on one foot, read a story aloud, paint a picture, play the piano,进一步熟悉以上单词。www.21-cn-jy.com
(2) 能听懂concert, exam, practise, modem dance。
2. 句型:
(1) 能熟练运用 “What did he/she want to do?”和“He/She wanted to ...”询问和回答某人的意愿。【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
(2) 能熟练运用“be going to do something”和“will do something”表示将要做某事。
(二) 应用目标
1. 能在情境中正确、灵活地运用“want to do something”表达人物的意愿。
2. 能借助插图帮助理解课文D部分的阅读。
1. 重点:在D部分教学中复习和巩固已学的词汇和句型,扩充词汇量。
2. 难点:理解课文D部分的短文,完成相关练习。
Step 1 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)
1. Greetings
2. 谈论周末计划
play read clean watch paint sing climb visit go
watch a film.
I want to play computer games.
go to the park.
T: What’s the weather like?
Ss: It’s sunny.
T: It’s a nice day. It will be sunny on the weekend.21世纪教育网版权所有
I want to climb the Yue lu Mountain with my family. 21·cn·jy·com
What do you want to do this weekend?
S1: I want to go to the park.
S2: I want to read a book.
S3: I want to play computer games.
T: What did each person in the picture want to do last weekend?21·世纪*教育网
What did he/ she want to do?
Chen dong
He wanted to stand on one foot.
He wanted to read a story aloud.
He wanted to paint a picture.
She wanted to play the piano.
Step 2 趣味操练(Let’s practise)
1. 教师进一步启发学生,除了周末计划,我们还有很多其他的计划,如儿童节计划、暑假计划、学习计划等。提示学生回忆去年的儿童节都许下了什么愿望。
S1: I wanted to go to the museum.
S2: I wanted to go to the zoo.
S3: …
2. 学生分组讨论去年的儿童节,并用英语写出本组成员的意愿,完成C部分表格。
T: Pair work. Ask and answer questions about what he/she wanted to do last Children’s Day. Write down what your partner tells you.2-1-c-n-j-y
What did he/ she want to do?
She wanted to sing and dance.
3. Show your survey
Step 3 趣味阅读(Let’s read)
1. 教师创设今年六一儿童节即将到来的情境,学校将举行一场音乐会。
T: Children’s Day is coming. There will be a school concert after the exam.(板书 school concert和exam,带读。)21教育网
What are you going to do?
S1: I am going to sing a song.
S2: I will dance with my classmates.
S3: I will play the piano.
T: What will you wear at the school concert?
S1: I will wear a beautiful dress.
S2: I will wear a white T-shirt and black trousers.2·1·c·n·j·y
S3: I will wear ...
2. 教师出示课文D部分插图,让学生互相讨论插图所涉及的人物以及相应的动作。然后教师播放引言部分的录音。www-2-1-cnjy-com
T: There will be a school concert after the exam. Anne, Lingling, Peter and Mingming are practising their dance and song.21*cnjy*com
T: What will Peter do?
Ss: Peter will sing a song.
T: Who will sing a song, too?
Ss: Mingming.
T: Good. What are Lingling and Anne going to do?
Ss: Lingling and Anne are going to dance.
T: Who is good at dancing?
Ss: Lingling is good at dancing.
3. 听录音,圈出图片上四位人物正要做的事情,此环节是为了验证预设,整体理解故事大意。
4. 读故事,一起整理对话内容,获取故事细节信息,并完成表格。
be going to do
Peter and Mingming
It’s a Small World
Lingling and Anne
modern dance
Anne’s mother
make concert clothes for the children
5. 带着问题再读故事,完成下列句子。
Complete the sentences and the puzzle.
1. Anne and Lingling will ______.
2. Anne’s mother is going to make concert ______ for the children.
3. The children will wear ______ clothes.
4. Peter and Mingming are going to sing at the school ______.21cnjy.com
6. 模仿朗读,熟悉语言,为表演做准备。
7. 小组合作表演故事。
Step 4 作业布置(Homework)
1. 抄写B部分单词,听读C部分和D部分。
2. 调查周末家人的计划,并做成表格。
Unit6 第3课时教学设计
(一) 语言目标
1. 词汇:巩固B部分的单词,复习学过的动词词组。
2. 能熟练运用“want to do something”来谈论个人或他人的意愿。
3. 歌谣:能诵读、演唱歌曲It’s a Small World。
(二) 应用目标
1. 能熟练谈论个人或他人的意愿。
2. 能演唱课堂所教歌曲It’s a Small World。
1. 重点:能熟练运用“want to do something”表达个人的意愿。
2. 难点:学生能灵活运用所学词汇和句型谈论计划。
Step 1 热身 / 复习(Warm-up/Revision)
1. Greetings
2. 游戏:Get the presents
规则:从课件顶部依次掉下各种六一儿童节的礼物盒,学生快速认出礼物盒上的动词词组,大声读出来并用动作表达出来,以此来复习学过的动词词组stand on one foot, read a story, paint a picture, play the piano, sing and dance, play basketball play football, climb mountains等。21教育网
T: The Children’s Day is coming. There are some presents for you. Please read the words on the boxes.21cnjy.com
Step 2 新课呈现(Presentation)
Talk about the Children’s Day
T: The Children’s Day is coming. What do you want to do on the Children’s Day?
S1: I want to go to the park.
S2: I want to have a big meal.
S3: I want to visit good friends.
S4: I want to play games at home.
S5: I want to go shopping.
(2) T: Now discuss with your classmates in groups. Write down these phrases about the activities.21世纪教育网版权所有
on Children’s Day last year
on Children’s Day this year
wanted to go to the park
want to go shopping
wanted to have a big meal
want to play games at home
wanted to visit good friends
want to climb mountains
T: Now, the leader of each group reads your survey to the class.21·cn·jy·com
①Juanjuan wanted to go to the park last year. She wants to go shopping this year.
②Ruirui wanted to have a big meal last year. He wants to play games at home this year.www.21-cn-jy.com
③Qiqi wanted to visit good friends last year. She wants to climb mountains this year.
(4)教师对学生展示的活动进行评价,并解释随着年龄增长, 每年的愿望会有所改变。
2. Part E: Let’s Write
1. Lingling wanted to __________________________________________________.
2. Anne wanted to learn to _______________________________________________.
3. Peter wanted to _________________________________________ his friends.
4. Mingming wanted to ___________________________________________his kite.
5. Dongdong wanted to ______________________________________English songs.
Step 3 歌曲学习(Let’s sing)
1. 听歌曲It’s a Small World。
2. 说歌曲。
(1) 在教师的带领下和着节奏朗读歌词,注意发音要准确,难点是连读部分,要逐步形成韵律感。
(2) 通过肢体语言,让学生明白laughter and tears, hopes and fears的含义。
3. 唱歌曲。可以先后开展齐唱、大组对唱和男女比赛唱歌。
Step 4 作业布置(Homework)
1. 听音频,朗读并背诵课文。
2. 将F部分歌曲唱给家人听。
3. 请制订你的暑假活动计划,制成一张表格。