Unit10 My Garden 教学内容与目标
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2014年版)四年级下册Module4 Unit10
一、功 能
1. 特征:描述植物外形特征及其生长过程。
1. 核心句型和日常用语:There are many plants in my garden./They have small green leaves./It has small green leaves./It rains./It is sunny and warm.
2. 词汇:garden, plant, leaf, them, grow
1. 听:听懂有关植物外形及其生长过程的介绍。
2. 说:(1) 用已学句型来描述植物。
(2) 用已学句型来描述人和植物的关系。
3. 读:(1) 读懂描写植物的短文。
(2) 读懂故事《两粒种子》,了解故事大意。
4. 写:正确书写本单元的核心词汇。
1. 能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇。
2. 用已学句型来介绍植物外形和生长过程。
3. 培养细心观察事物的习惯。
1. 词汇:garden, plant, leaf, them, grow
2. 句型:There are many plants in my garden./They have small green leaves./It has small green leaves./It rains./It is sunny and warm.21世纪教育网版权所有
Unit10 My Garden 第1课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2014年版)四年级下册Module4 Unit10
【主 题】Look and learn, Think and say
【课 时】第1课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
1. 通过单词游戏,帮助学生学习Look and learn中有关植物的词汇。
2. 通过Think and say的看图说话,帮助学生用所学词汇和句型描述植物外形。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
1. 词汇:leaf, plant
2. 句型:It has small green leaves.
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1. 呈现各种不同植物的图片,问学生这些植物的名称,引入新单词,全班朗读。T: Look! Here are some pictures. What can you see?2·1·c·n·j·y
S1: I can see some trees.
S2: I can see some flowers.
S3: I can see some grass.
T: Yes, these are plants.
(write the new word on the blackboard) Plant.
Ss: Plant.
2. 放大一张植物图片,或让学生选一张喜欢的植物图片,说说植物的各个部分,继续引入单词,可补充root, stalk等其他和植物有关的单词。
T: Look at this plant. Can you name the parts?
S1: This is a flower.
S2: This is a leaf.
S3: These are roots.
While-task procedures
1. 出示Look and learn的单词卡片,让学生朗读单词,可以集体朗读,也可以分组个人朗读。21cnjy.com
2. 单词拼读。学生两人一组,根据单词卡片做拼读游戏。
S1: Leaf.
S2: L-E-A-F, leaf.
3. 学生两人一组,把描述植物不同部位的单词贴到植物图片上,然后学生一起朗读单词。
T: Here’s a plant. Please put the words onto the different parts.21·cn·jy·com
Ss: (put the words onto the picture)
S1&S2: (show the picture with the words and read them)www.21-cn-jy.com
4. 利用学生贴单词的植物图片,引导学生说话。
T: Look at the plant. What’s this?
S1: It’s a leaf.
T: How many leaves?
S2: Four leaves.
T: This is a plant. It has four leaves. What’s this?21·世纪*教育网
S3: It’s a flower.
T: Do you like this plant?
Ss: Yes.
T: So let’s talk about this plant.
S4: This is a plant. It has four leaves. It has a flowers. I like this plant.
Post-task activities
1. 学生四人或六人一组,选择喜欢的图片,贴单词,然后看图说话,先小组内自行说,然后再集体交流分享。21教育网
2. 借助多媒体或图片展示不同植物的图片,在没有单词提示的情况下,让学生个人自由说话。在说话前教师可以引发一些问题,帮助学生丰富语言。学生根据图片说话,然后进行集体交流分享。【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
T: Which plant do you like? What is it like?
S1: It’s a tree. It’s big and tall. It has many leaves. It has some flowers. It has a strong trunk. It has roots. I like this plant.21世纪教育网版权所有
Unit10 My Garden
leaf, plant
It has small green leaves.
Unit10 My Garden 第2课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2014年版)四年级下册Module4 Unit10
【主 题】Listen and say
【课 时】第2课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
1. 通过Listen and say,了解如何描述小花园。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
1. 词汇:garden, them, grow
2. 句型:There are many plants in my garden./They have small green leaves./The plant has some flowers.
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1. 出示关于植物的单词,如plant, leaf, grass, flower等,让学生快速说出相应的单词。
2. 出示各种不同的植物图片,学生选择自己喜欢的植物进行描述,并在小组内交流。
S1: This is a plant. It has a pink flower. It has two leaves. It has a long stalk. It has long roots. It is beautiful.
While-task procedures
1. 出示Listen and say的图片,让学生听录音,找出相应的图片。然后出示单张图片,让学生观察图片,再次听录音,回答问题。
(Picture 1)
T: What are the plants like?
S1: They’re small and green.
T: Do the plants have leaves?
S2: Yes, they have small and green leaves.
T: What does the boy do every day?
S3: He waters the plants every day.
(Picture 2)
T: What are the plants like now?
S1: They have flowers.
T: What colour are the flowers?
S2: Some are red. Some are yellow.
T: What does the boy like doing in the garden?
S3: He likes reading and listening to music in the garden.
教师可以将学生回答的核心内容以表格的形 式记录在黑板上。
2. 逐句播放课文录音,让学生逐句跟读,并将黑板上的核心词补充完整。
My activities
Small and green leaves, grow
Water the plants
Have flowers, red, yellow
Reading, listening to music
3. 让学生根据表格上的关键词,看图说一说。可以以小组的形式,每人说一幅图。
SI1: In Picture 1, the plants have small and green leaves. The boy waters the plants every day. The plants grow and grow.
S2: Now the plants have flowers. Some are red. Some are yellow. The boy likes reading and listening to music in the garden.
4. 让学生打开书,朗读课文。然后合上书本,在没有黑板上表格的提示下,尝试看图说话。
Post-task activities
1. 出示几张花园图片,让学生选择其中一幅描述,并请同伴猜一猜是哪幅图片。
S1: I have a garden. There are ...
S2: Is it Picture A?
S1: Yes./No.
2. 展示一系列的植物图片或播放植物生长过程的短片,给学生营造氛围,让学生结合自己的经验来设计植物成长小报。以小组为单位,明确分工,画图的、写文字的、进行介绍的,各司其职。根据学力,可以要求学生写句,也可以只画画,不写句,然后口头看图介绍。
Unit10 My Garden
garden, them, grow
There are many plants in my garden.
They have small green leaves.
The plant has some flowers.
Unit10 My Garden 第3课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2014年版)四年级下册Module4 Unit10
【主 题】Enjoy a story, Read and match
【课 时】第3课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
1. 通过阅读Enjoy a story的故事,帮助学生了解植物的生长过程,激发他们热爱大自然的情感。www.21-cn-jy.com
2. 通过Read and match活动,检验学生是否理解了种子生长的故事,并帮助学生丰富语言。
3. 通过学习任务(Task),帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
1. 句型:It rains. We have big leaves.
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1. 出示关于植物的单词,让学生朗读单词并口头拼读。
2. 出示Think and say中不同的植物图片,让学生试着介绍植物。
S1: This is a plant. It has some flowers. They are pink. It has some leaves. They are green. It has some long stalks. I like this plant.2·1·c·n·j·y
While-task procedures
1. 出示Enjoy a story的故事标题,引发学生想像这是一个关于什么内容的故事,激发学生的阅读兴趣。在学生听故事之前,让学生先将打乱的故事图片按顺序整理,然后再听故事,检查图片排序正误。21·cn·jy·com
2. 播放故事多媒体动画,学生听故事,回答教师的问题。
(1) What are the seeds like?
(They are small and brown.)
(2) What do they need to grow?
(They need water, the sun and soil.)
(3) What do the seeds become?
(They become sunflowers.)
(4) Talk about the plants.
(They are sunflowers. They are tall. They have big yellow flowers. They have big leaves. They have black seeds in the flowers.)21教育网
3. 播放课文录音,学生模仿朗读故事。然后将学生分组,各组朗读一段文字。
4. 故事配音。播放故事多媒体动画,让学生以配音的方式讲故事。可以根据学生的学力,决定由个人完成还是小组完成。21cnjy.com
Post-task activities
1. 出示Read and match的图片和句子,学生独立阅读,给图片编号。然后让学生以小组为单位,按顺序朗读句子。鼓励学生做课本剧表演。学生以课本内容为 基础,四人一组,一个学生做旁白,其他三个学生扮演种子和太阳。
2. 请学生看《练习册》Task的第一部分,选出自己喜欢的植物,把植物编号写在旁边的“花园”内。然后根据第二部分的提示问题与同学互相问答,了解他们所选的植物的样子。21世纪教育网版权所有
S1: Is your plant tall or short?
S2: It’s tall.
S1: Does your plant have flowers?
S2: Yes, it does. It has pink flowers.
Unit10 My Garden
It rains. We have big leaves.