Unit 2 What’s for breakfast Lesson 7 课件(3份打包)


名称 Unit 2 What’s for breakfast Lesson 7 课件(3份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 北京版
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-03-06 09:31:58


课件1⒈学过的单词你还记得吗?drink⑴你能读出这些蔬菜的英文名字吗?greenstomatoesonionscarrotspotatoescelery⑵这些水果你认识吗cherriespearsstrawberriesbananaspeachapple⑶这些餐桌上的主食你认识吗?ricebreadcakessoupnoodles⑷这些肉食你认识吗?chickenhot dogs⑸这些饮料你认识吗?milkcoffeeteajuicebeerswater⒉用学过的句式说话⑴用英语怎么说下列句子?
 ①我饿了.  ②我渴了. ③我饱了.
⑵ 用句式I Like ____ , I don’t like____.
说说自己喜欢和不喜欢的东西.词汇学习2.听录音口述课文内容1.逐句学习课文课文学习What’s for breakfast?Wonderful!Mum, I’m hungry. What’s for lunch?Come and have a look.Oh, sausages and hut dogs. I like them. thanks, Mum.We have milk, eggs and bread.早餐用料milk
bread午餐用料hot dogsWhat’s for breakfast?We have milk, eggs and bread.Wonderful!Mum, I’m hungry. What’s for lunch?Come and have a look.Oh, sausages and hut dogs. I like them. thanks, Mum.What’s for breakfast?We have milk, eggs and bread.What’s for lunch?What’ for dinner / supper?We have sausages and hot dogs We have some vegetables, some fruits, some noodles, some rice, some beef and a hamburger.句型操练晚 餐 用 料⒈请把吃饭时间和对应的三餐连线afternooneveningmorning课堂练习⒊看表格填空:MumDad Tom Mum: I like_____and __________for my dinner.
Dad: I like _____and__________for my dinner.
Tom: I like________and_____for my dinner.juice hamburgermilk sausagehot dog eggvegetable:fruit:drink: meat: beef chicken pork sausage hot dogstaple food :celery greens tomatoes carrots onions potatoesapple grapes banana watermelon
pear peach cherries strawberrycake bread soup rice hamburger French fries noodles dumplings
water tea coke milk juice beer coffee
作业: 抄写记忆下列词汇Thank you !课件22张PPT。Lesson 7What's this?juicebreadeggstoast and jamporridgecerealLet's play a game!I like cereal
for breakfast.I like porridge
for breakfast.Let's act!Mum, I'm back.
I'm hungry.Hello,dear.
Have an orange first.What's for supper?We have rice, fish,
vegetables.Good evening,dad.Hi, Baobao.
I'm thirsty.Have a glass of water,
please.Thank you!Let's play a game!I'm hungry.Have ... an orangeI'm hungry.Have ... an eggI'm hungry.Have ... a hot dogI'm hungry.Have ... a hamburgerI'm thirsty.Have ...
have a glass of waterI'm thirsty.Have ...
have a glass of milkI'm thirsty.Have ...
have a glass of juiceI'm thirsty.Have ...
have a glass of coffeehomework背诵课文
完成课后习题Bye bye!课件17张PPT。Unit 2 What's for Breakfast? Lesson 7Brain stormfruit↑juicecoolsmallsome
一些cousinTip;果汁是不可数名词,复数不用加sjuiceapplepearorangejuicejuiceGuessyogurtcoathamstercan you spell?If you can spell, I'll take you to an interesting place.如果你们能将单词拼对,我会带你们去一个有趣的地方。juiceyogurtj __ i __ __
y __ g __ __ t
cuuoercan you spell?If you can spell, I'll take you to an interesting place.如果你们能将单词拼对,我会带你们去一个有趣的地方。juiceyogurtsnack barsnack 小吃snacksHave some snacks?吃Have some......,please!?a sandwichsandwichesHave some ,please!sandwichesThank you!yummyHave some......,please!?a tarttartsHave some ,please!tartsThank you!yummyHave some......,please!?a cupcakecupcakeschant Tarts, tarts, have some tarts
please, please, I like tarts.
Cupcakes, cupcakes, have some cupcakes
please, please, I like cupcakes.
Sandwiches, sandwiches, have some sandwiches
please, please, I like sandwiches.
小朋友们,我请你们吃了那么多好吃的,现在我口渴了,你们愿意请我喝饮料吗?.........Tip;果汁和酸奶都是不可数名词,复数不用加s。Have some......,please!Homework1. Read and spell the new words five times, try to recite.拼读新单词五遍,尝试背诵。
2. Preview storytime,read after the tape three times.预习课文,跟读三遍。Goodbye