五年级下册Unit 7 Open Day教学设计(3个课时)


名称 五年级下册Unit 7 Open Day教学设计(3个课时)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-04-12 09:45:45



课题:Oxford English 5B M3Unit 7Open Day
牛津英语(深圳版)5B Module3的教学主题是:Things we do,分为三个单元,本单元为其中第一个单元:Open Day. 这个模块涉及到的词汇包括学校综合楼各部分的名称(如:school gate/art room/ meeting room /hall等),顺序副词(first,next,then, after that, finally)。
本模块涉及到的句型和语法有:一般将来时态will的用法,同时还涉及了at the school gate, They’ll meet/visit/ go to... 等句型。
本模块涉及的话题都源于学生的生活,与学生的日常生活关系紧密。其中,包括学校综合楼各部分的名称,一般将来时态的句型表达。在本模块的学习过程中,不仅要注意新旧知识的有机整合,还应顾及学生语言能力要求的递进训练,将学生听说能力的训练逐步转向听、说、读、写、练、用等综合技能的训练与培养,从而真正实现阶段目标,更好地围绕Things we do展开语言的学习。
本单元是5B Module 3 Thins we do第一个单元,本单元的主题为Open Day,基于对教材的理解和对学生的学情分析,从单元整体教学思想的角度,从语义理解、语用功能的实现以及情感的推进来设计教学内容和过程。我们将本单元的教学划分为三个课时,并围绕Open Day开展有序、递进的教学活动,帮助学生在情景中,谈论自己建议,认为家长开放日父母可以参观哪些地方或做什么事情等。我们设计了三个层层递进的话题(每个话题为一个课时),以Open Day为主线,让学生习得语言。设计依据以教材内容为语量基础,以整体内容为语境基础,以内容整体的原则,体现循序渐进的学习规律。设计三个围绕Open Day的分课时话题,课时安排如下:
第一课时的话题:Plan for the Open Day,通过创设Ms Guo和学生们讨论家长开放日的语境,让学生跟着Ms Guo一起进入课堂,整体感知、理解描述开放日的句型:They’ll meet/visit/ go to...等,初步让学生通过观看视频和老师的提问理解和表达学校综合楼各部分的名称,发现花园学校的美,初步体验到The school is big and wonderful, I want to have a look的情感。
第二课时的话题: Poster for the Open Day,延续第一课时创设Ms Guo和学生们讨论家长开放日的情景,在总结上一课时感知家长开放日的计划,表达自己的想法和建议后,让学生继续在Open Day的语境中,深刻了解家长开放日的具体流程,为下一课时开放日的开展做好充分的准备。体现自己对校园的热爱之情,体会到We love our school的情感。
第三课时的话题:Welcome to the Open Day,学生在前两个课时的学习基础上,已经完全了解开放日的具体流程。本课时,我们在原有文本的基础上进行文本再构,通过听、说、演等形式增加学生语言知识输出的机会,实现整个单元三个课时听-读-说-写四种语言能力的综合运用。最后通过绘本学习,升华模块的情感:Thanks parents and happy Mother’s Day.
课时 话题 内容
第一课时 Plan for the Open Day Listen and sayLook and learn
第二课时 Poster for the Open Day Learn the soundsAsk and answerThink and write
第三课时 Welcome to the Open Day Look and read
1.能在Plan for the Open Day的语境中,能正确朗读school gate/art room/ meeting room /hall核心词汇。
2.能在Plan for the Open Day的语境中听懂First, they’ll visit our classroom....等句型的表达。
3.能在Poster for the Open Day的语境中,了解家长开放日如何通过做海报对外宣传,能在语境中准确使用First/next/then/after that/finally的英语表达。
4.能在Welcome to the Open Day的语境中,了解如何有序地介绍家长开放日的活动,能尝试用自己的语言描述此次活动内容。
1.能在Plan for the Open Day的语境中,能听懂school gate/art room/ meeting room /hall核心词汇,尝试说出自己的建议。
2.能在Poster for the Open Day的语境中,能读懂First/next/then/after that/finally.的表达,用本单元核心语言对自己小组设计的海报,并与同学们分享自己对此次活动的期待。
3.能听懂Welcome to the Open Day的文本,了解介绍Open Day的内容。
1. 在课堂交流中,积极与他人合作,以小组协作的方式共同完成学习任务。
2. 鼓励学生运用mind map理清思路,引导学生主动获取知识,培学生思维能力。
3. 在Open Day的语境中,学生通过整个单元的学习,能以对话性文本、语篇带动核心词汇和句型的感知和理解,以songs, games, act, role-play, mind map等形式巩固核心内容,并以问答、表演、改编、汇报等形式实现语用输出。
1.本单元从Plan for the Open Day到Welcome to the Open Day三个课时的文本学习和推进中,培养学生大胆表达自己的想法和自主思维的能力。
3.在Open Day的语境中,感受学校之美,表达学生对学校生活的热爱。
1.能在Open Day的语境中,能听懂、正确朗读单词:school gate/art room/ meeting room /hall.
2.能用句型What will they do first First, they’ll visit …等句型进行询问、应答并讲述,基本掌一般将来时态的的基本结构。
3. 能在Open Day的语境中,表达学生对此次活动期待的感情。
1.能掌握核心词汇school gate/art room/ meeting room /hall.
2.会运用句型 First, they will visit our classroom.
步骤 目的 教师活动/教法 学生活动/学法 条件/手段
组织教学及复习 1.课前热身。2.Free talk引导学生进入Open Day话题。 1.播放歌曲“Our school will shine today ”。2. 呈现Ms Guo和学生在教室讨论的图片,引出Open Day主题。 1.跟着音乐拍手唱歌 。2.学生猜出图片正在讨论的内容,进入主题Open Day. 1. Flash文件播放歌曲。2. PPT看图说话,口头问答。
新知识的呈现与归纳 1. 引出Ms Guo和学生在教室讨论的内容,以Plan for the Open Day带出本课时语境。2.在语境中以视频和教学楼的空框架引出school gate/art room/ meeting room /hall。 1.Ask and answer图片导入引出本课时开放日的日期。2.展示教学楼的空框架和不同的图片,通过问题推进,逐步引出文本内容。 1.看图,回答老师问题设问,在问题推进中进入Open Day语境。2. 看视频,对文本内容有个初步印象。3. 看图,跟读重点词汇和学习重点句型。 1. 通过PPT展示图片和视频。2. 通过师生互动,初步感知重点词汇school gate/art room/meeting room /hall。
新知识的巩固与活用 1. 引入文本内容,展示问题和图片,感知Open Day的信息。2. 播放文本对话,跟读对话,再次整体感知本课时文本内容。3. 呈现文本对话内容,遮住重点词汇,检测学生对本节重难点的掌握情况。 1.播放PPT,逐步板书信息,引导学生学习重点句型。2. 播放录音,提示学生注意不同角色的语音语调朗读they’ll...的句子。3. 呈现文本对话内容,遮住重点词汇。 1. 听录音跟读对话,模仿语音语调。2. 跟着录音示范节奏,以对话形式复习、巩固本课时文本语言。3.观察文本变化后的特点,回答出遮住的重点词汇。 1. PPT 播放文本内容,图片和语言分层次呈现。2. 播放文本录音。3.出示变化侯的文本图片,进行填空。
新知识的巩固与活用 4.学生通过分角色朗读对话文本,强化本课时学习内容。5. 教师呈现习题,检测学生对本节内容的理解情况。 4.教师参与分角色朗读进行示范,指导学生分配角色。5.呈现习题,,引导学生完成。 4.小组分配角色,朗读对话,并且到台前展示。5.小组讨论论,完成习题。 4.PPT呈现本课时的对话教学文本。5. PPT呈现题目。
小结 引导学生观察板书,尝试根据板书内容复述本课时教学内容。 教师引导的语言:What have we learnt today 学生的小结:学生将看着板书回顾本节课所学,为第二课时的学习做准备。 学生根据板书内容、一般将来时态尝试复述对话内容。
作业布置 让学生通过画、说、写自己喜欢的植物,让学生尝试运用本课时核心语言。 作业分层设计:1星等级:朗读对话文本。2星等级:尝试用First/next等词语复述对话。3星等级:画一张家长开放日的宣传海报,用英语进行描述。
Period 1教学文本:
Plan for the Open Day
The Open Day is on 30th April .Ms Guo is asking the children about the day.
Ms Guo:Children, your parents will come to our school at two o’clock in the afternoon. I’ll meet them at the school gate. What will they do first Can you tell me
Kitty:First, they’ll visit our classroom .
Ms Guo:That’s right. What will they do next
Joe: Next, they’ll visit the art room .
Alice:Then they’ll go to the hall.
Peter: After that, they’ll go to the library .
Ms Guo:Finally, they’ll meet the teachers in the meeting room. .
本课时,上课的流程基本上按照原先设计的教学流程进行,歌曲的选择是学生在四年级所学的歌曲,比较熟悉,所以在导入课题Open Day 的时候比较直接明了,这样很快进入学习状态。学习文本的第一步是观看视频,熟悉文本,并回答从文本中抠出的主要问题,从而能更快学习文本;第二步是通过带字的录音,让学生补全所缺的短语以及连线,通过不同的方式再次学习文本;第三步通过小组合作,展示文本。整节课流程比较流畅,但是由于学生的基础较薄弱,在语言表达上有所欠缺,以及学生比较胆小不善于表演,所以在表演对话时候出现脱节现象,和自己预设的有小区别。这应该是我自己表演教学不到位导致的,这都是我对今后教学过程需要自我提升和进一步反思的。
第一课时学生通过学习Plan for the Open Day已经掌握first, next, then, after that, finally用来表示时间先后顺序的句子,以及掌握学校相关功能室的核心单词,对Open Day产生浓厚的兴趣。第二课时通过学习开放日海报的制作,让孩子们了解学习Open Day 的相关活动,从而为第三个课时的迎接开放日做好充分的准备。
Learn the sounds ,Ask and answer ,Say and act
1.帮助学生学习字母组合air, are和ear在单词中的发音。
2.掌握通过Ask and answer问答活动,帮助学生操练核心句型;
通过think and write的写作活动,帮助学生巩固核心词汇和句型。
3.能在Open Day的语境中,表达学生校园的热爱之情。
1.语音:air(hair), are(Clare), ear(bear).
步骤 目的 教师活动/方法 学生活动/学法 条件/手段
组织教学及复习 1.营造英语课堂气氛。2.复习第一课时中所学与Open Day相关的核心语言,导入海报语境。让学生对与开放日的开展活动的学习做好铺垫。 1.教师向学生问好。2.PPT播放第一课时对话内容。复习第一课时listen and say的文本。 1.学生向老师问好。2.听录音、跟读第一课时文本。 1.师生问答。2. PPT呈现第一课时Ms Guo 与孩子们的对话。
新知识的呈现与归纳 1. 学生根据PPT呈现的图片以及所给出的句子进行填词,了解家长开放日的流程。2.再次呈现海报所有的活动内容,让学生对于家长开放日的流程有深刻的印象。 1.引导学生,Ms Guo与家长们在教室里 ,美术室,大厅,图书馆,会议室进行什么活动。2.呈现整张完整的海报。 1.学生根据图片的呈现,补充完整所给出的句子。2.学生边看海报边朗读海报上的活动内容。。 1.PPT呈现图片,引出句子。2.师生问答。
新知识的巩固与活用 1.小组根据PPT呈现的句子练习对话。 1.说明如何进行对话形式,必要时给出适当的指导。 1.小组合作,练习对话。 1.有感情的进行对话。
小结 根据黑板上的海报和核心语言,引导学生说出家长开放日的具体活动流程,检查学生的综合语用能力。 教师引导的语言:Look at the poster and try to retell the activities together. You can use your own language to talk about the activities. 学生的小结:At 2:10,Ms Guo will take the parents to the classroom. She will tell them about the lessons….. 利用板书图片、关键信息词提示,组织学生复述海报的活动内容。
作业布置 作业设计:1.预习课本48页的内容;2.复述海报的内容给父母听。
Period 2 文本:海报
本课是牛津版5B课本中Unit 7单元整合第二课时,目标是学生能听懂、正确朗读、正确表达,并在提示语言的帮助下复述关于海报上的家长开放日的活动内容。本课在设计上有以下几处亮点:1、经过文本整合,让学生在自然的情境中,从Plan the Open Day,到制作家长开放日的海报的学习。2、把海报的文本整合成两人对话的形式,提高学生对活动内容学习的兴趣。
通过第一课时在Plan for the Open Day语境中学习本单元核心单词、句型,第二课时Poster for the Open Day了解种开放日具体活动,第三课时Welcome to the Open Day,是在前两个课时学习基础上再构文本,学生声情并茂的表演此文本。在语境中对家长开放日的内容进行听、说、读、演等各种活动,实现本课时的教学目标。
2.在Welcome to the Open Day的语境中,通过听-读Ms Guo和家长们的对话,学会如何表达开放日具体活动流程。
1. 能听懂并有感情的表演Ms Guo和家长们的对话,并提取文本中的信息,了解如何开开放日。
2. 能根据图片中的信息进行信息归纳,尝试在图片和关键词的提示下对开放日进行整体描述,并能尝试把自己喜欢的情景进行表演。
步骤 目的 教师活动/方法 学生活动/学法 条件/手段
组织教学及复习 1.通过学习歌曲If you are happy,活跃课堂气氛,增添课堂乐趣。2.呈现上一课时学生完成的开放日海报的作业,复习所学知识。 1.播放歌曲,与学生一起唱跳。2.PPT呈现海报作业。 1.跟着音乐与老师一起唱跳。2.回答老师所提的问题。 1.PPT播放音乐。2.教师提问。
新知识的呈现与归纳 1.创设语境,让学生在真实的语境中学习和运用所学的语言知识。2. 将本课时的文本内容进行分解,设疑提问,让学生能带着问题有目的看图片内容,提取相关信息。3.让学生能从文本的解读中,获取家长开放日的相关信息。 1.课件呈现新知,创设Ms Guo 带家长参观的语境。2.展示再构的文本,学生根据此文本初步学习每个情境对话的动作。3.呈现完整的文本再构内容,并引导学生简单复述新知。 1.看图听录音,理解录音内容。2.理解老师提出的问题, 看图片提取相信息。3.看图片复述文本。 1.PPT呈现介绍Ms Guo 带家长参观的语境。2.PPT呈现录音内容,逐步板书主题信息。3.PPT呈现图片与文本。
新知识的巩固与活用 1.呈现学生表演的视频,学生根据视频进行小组合作。2.通过游戏Lucky dog激发学生表演的积极性,增加语言输出机会。3.在展示活动中检查学生的语用,并培养全班学生表演的能力。4.在展示习题中检测学生对知识的掌握情况。 1. PPT展示视频,引导学生观看视频。2.PPT展示Lucky dog游戏规则。3.操作游戏,鼓励学生积极参与。4.引导学生在作业纸上认真完成习题。 1.观察视频信息,根据语言知识完成表演。2.了解游戏规则,学生小组合作,为表演做好充足的准备。3.学生根据活动要求小组合作表演。4.根据习题内容独立思考完成。 1.PPT,展示视频并完成表演。2. PPT,呈现活动设计及要求。3.PPT,呈现活动设计及要求。4. 投影,展示学生自己填写完成的文本内容。
小结 通过绘本学习,让学生真切感受到母爱的伟大,升华情感主题。 教师的引导语言:What can we get from the story Thanks parents and Happy Mother’s Day! 学生的小结内容:Thanks parents and Happy Mother’s Day! PPT播放绘本图片。
作业布置 综合语用读写设计:1.复述本课时的故事给父母听。2.为妈妈准备一份礼物并为她做家务。
Period 3 文本:Welcome to the Open Day
It’s two o’clock in the afternoon.Ms Guo welcomes the parents at the school gate.
First,Ms Guo takes the parents to the classroom.She tells them about the lessons.
Ms Guo: Look! These are our lessons.
Parents: Wow ,wonderful !
Next,they go to the act room.The children show their parents some beautiful pictures.
Ms Guo: Look ! These are students pictures .
Parents: Wow ,so beautiful !
Then they go to the hall.The children sing for their parents.
Ms Guo: A student will say something to her mother. Welcome!
A student: Dear mum. Thanks for your help. I love you, mummy!
Parents: Oh! You’re a good girl, I love you too.
After that,they go to the library.They look at the homework and projects on the board.
Parents: Wow !So many homework and projects on the board.
Ms Guo: Yep! They’re great!
Parents: Thanks for your help!
Ms Guo: You’re welcome. That’s my pleasure.
Finally,they have tea and cakes with the teachers in the meeting room.
本课时的话题是Welcome to the Open Day,创设Open Day语境,让学生跟着Ms Guo和家长们从参观学校各功能室所说的文本到文本再构,通过听、说、演等活动学习Open Day。呈现文本再构的内容,根据提问和看图,进一步从口语的输出示范,引导到学生尝试描述开放日的具体流程,最后以小组合作表演的形式进行语言输出任务,实现整个单元三个课时听-读-说-写四种语言能力的综合用。学生在描述表达的活动中,真实体验、表达Thanks parents and Happy Mother’s Day!的情感。在本课时学习表演环节中,学生语言组织能力较为缺失,而且胆量不够。以后在表演环节教学中要多让学生参与课堂表演。
5B Module3 Unit7 测评设计
Part1 Listening 听力部分40分
一、听录音,选择你所听到的句子中所含有的单词。 (5分)
( )1. A. see B. meet C. mouth D. look
( )2. A. music room B. art room C. classroom D. playground
( )3. A. hall B. ball C. library D. office
( )4. A. grow B. show C. give D. sing
( )5. A. door B. go C. school gate D. zoo gate
二、听录音,选择你听到的短语 (5分)。
( )1. A. music room B. meeting room C. art room D. classroom
( )2. A. fly to B. walk to C. go to D. listen to
( )3. A. beautiful eyes B. beautiful pictures C. beautiful photos D. beautiful clothes
( )4. A. have tea B. have cake C. have drinks D. have food
( )5. A. my parents B. her parents C. his parents D. your parents
( )1. A. The open day is on 30th April. B. The open day is on 20th April.
( )2. A. What will they do next B. What will they do first
( )3. A. Then they will go to the library. B. Then they will go to the hall.
( )4. A. Where do you draw B. Where do you dance
( )5. A. The children are singing. B. The children are playing.
( )1. A. Yes, they will. B. It’s on 3th May.
( )2. A. They are dancing. B. They will have a meeting.
( )3. A. No, I don’t B. Yes, they are.
( )4. A. They will play basketball there. B. They will have lunch there.
( )5. A. It’s raining. B. It’s 18th May.
( .) A. B. C.
( )2. A. B. C.
( )3. A. B. C.
( )4. A. B. C.
( )5. A B. C.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1. When is your school open day --- .
A. I don’t know B.I like that playground C. It’s on 3rd June
( )2. What does Kitty wants --- .
A. She wants a cup of coffee. B. She wants a cup of tea C. She wants a cake.
( )3. Joe, where do we meet at the weekend --- .
A. At the library B. At the bus stop. C. At home
( )4. What does the boy tell you, Ben He tells me a ________________.
a story. B. a secret.. C. a news.
( )5. _______________________________ They are having a music class now.
A. What are they doing B. Does she come here today C. what are the pictures about
The school open day is on 30th April. Ms Guo will ____the parents at the school gate. First, they will visit our ______. Next, they will visit the _____. Then, they will go to the ___. After that, they will go to the library. ________, they will meet the teachers in the meeting room.
语音,判断下面单词划线部分的发音,相同的打√ ,不同的打× (4分)
( ) 1. near ear hear ( ) 2. toy toilet enjoy
( ) 3.air chair hair ( ) 4. tea sea weather
选择填空 (10分)
( )1. Can you tall me something _____ your lesson
to B. about C. with
( )2. The students _____the pictures and their homework to their parents.
A. show B. like C. see
( )3. Their parents will go to the library ____ three.
A. in B. on C. at
( )4. Who will take me the cinema.
A. to B. on C.in
( )5. The children’s day is ___ 1st June..
A. at B. on C. in
( )6. I like picture. It’s beautiful.
A. these B. this C.no
( )7. They will have a meeting in the _____room.
A. meeting B. art C. computer
( )8.I want to ______my parents on the open day.
A.sing for B.write. C. read
( )9.We will ________ my grandparents at the airport.
A.take B.meet. C. thank
( )10.______ these photos. Your friends are so cute..
A.Watch B.see. C.Look at
连词成句,注意大小写和标点 (10分)
the,show,their, children, some, parents, pictures, beautiful, (.)
our, classroom, visit, will, they, first ( .)
meeting, room, they, will, teachers, meet, in the, the(.)
4. .is,room ,this, art, the (.)
5 .will, they, then, do, what.( )
1. _________ ________our school. It’s very beautiful.
2. The children _________some pictures _________ their parents.
3. They __________ __________with teachers in the meeting room.
4.She _________ _________the lessons in the classroom.
5 They __________ __________the homework and projects on the board.
6.The children ________ _______their parents in the hall.
( )1.Do you like the meeting room or the classroom
Yes, I do. B. The classroom C. Yes, I like.
( ) 2.What are you doing in the art room
I’m reading. B. I’m painting. C. I’m running.
( )3.What will you do first
Finally, I ‘ll go to the hall.
First, they’ll meet the teachers at the school gate.
First, I’ll play football with my friends on the playground.
( )4.Where can you play basketball at the school
In the classroom B. In the hall C. On the playground
( ) 5.Why do you like the hall
Because it’s very bright. B. Because I like. C. Because I can draw.
( )6.---____________________________
--- Peter.
Who is in the classroom
Whose picture is it
Why do you like it
( ) 7.What are they talking about
They tell me about the lessons.
They’re talking about the lessons.
I don’t know.
( ) 8. ---_______________________
---They’re reading.
What are you doing B.What are you going to do C. What are they doing
( ) 9. ---_______________________
--It’s on 23rd May.
A. When’s the Open Day B. What time is it C. What time do you get up
六、 阅读理解 (10分)
判断下列句子是否与短文相符,相符写A, 不相符写B。(共5小题,每小题1分)
My name is LiFang. I have a new friend. Her name is Linda. She lives in New York. Linda is eleven years. She likes playing chess. My hobby is playing chess, too. She often goes to school by bus. Her mother is a doctor. She goes to work on foot. Her father is a teacher. He goes to work by car. Every evening Linda does her homework. Her mother watches TV and her father reads newspapers. Linda will come to China soon. She is in England now. I’m excited.
( )1、Lindia is a Chinese girl.
( )2、Linda’s father is a doctor.
( )3、Linda’s father reads newspapers in the evening.
( )4、Linda’s mother goes to work by bus.
( )5、LiFang likes playing chess.
A train stops at a station(车站). A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to the boy. "Can you go and get us two hamburgers, one for you and one for me Here are two dollars." "Great!" say the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time, the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger. "Where is my hamburger " asks the young man. "Oh, there is only one hamburger left. So I'm eating mine. Here is your dollar. "
Where is the young man ( )
A At a station B Under a big umbrella C On the train
2. What does the young man want to buy ( )
A Umbrella B Hamburgers C Dollars
3. Who helps the young man ( )
A A boy B A man C. Nobody
4. Does the young man get a hamburger ( )
A No, he doesn't. B Yes, he does C .No ,he does
5. Is the boy clever(聪明的) ( )
A Yes, he isn't B .Yes , he is C .No ,I'm not
Bao Hua school Open Day
Date:__________________________________________________( )
Activities: ※ ________________________________________________________
※ ________________________________________________________
※ ________________________________________________________
※ ________________________________________________________
※ ________________________________________________________
Draw or stick pictures
一、听录音,选择你所听到句子中含有的单词 (5分)
答案: 1-5 BBABC
1. I will meet them at the bus stop. 2.First, they will visit the art room. 3.They will sing for their parents in the hall. 4.The children show their parents some beautiful pictures. 5.Ms Guo will meet the parents at the school gate.
二、听录音,选择你听到的短语 (5分)。
1. art room 2.go to 3.beautiful picture 4.have tea 5.your parents
答案: AB BAA
1. The open day is on 30th April.
2. What will they do first
3. Then they will go to the hall.
4. Where do you draw
5. The children are singing.
1. Will the parents come to our school on the open day A
2. What will they do in the meeting room B
3. Do you like this picture A
4. What will they do on the playground A
5. What’s the date today B
1. They are reading in the library. B
2. Then they’ll go to the hall. B
3.Ms Guo welcomes the parents at the school gate. B
4.Peter likes running on the playground ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com" \t "https: / / www. / _blank" \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 ). C
5.Our teachers have meeting in the meeting room. A
答案: 3-1-5-4-2
Ms Guo welcomes the parents at the school gate.First, Ms Guo takes them to the library. Next, they go to the art room. The children show some beautiful pictures to their parents. Then they go to the hall. Finally, they talk with teachers in the meeting room.
( C )1. When is your school open day --- It’s on 3rd June.
( C )2. Would you want to have tea, Kitty --- No, I’m hungry. I want to have a cake.
( B )3. Joe, where do we meet this weekend --- Let’s meet at the school gate.
( B )4. What does the boy tell you --- He tells me a secret.
( A )5. What are they doing now --- They are having a music class.
The school open day is on 30th April. Ms Guo will meet the parents at the school gate. First, they will visit our classroom. Next, they will visit the art room. Then, they will go to the hall. After that, they will go to the library. Finally, they will meet the teachers in the meeting room.
1.meet 2.classroom 3.art room 4.hall 5.Finally
√ √ √ ×
选择填空 (10分)
1-10: B A C A B B B A A B C
连词成句,注意大小写和标点 (10分)
1.The children show their parents some beautiful pictures.
2.First,they will visit our classroom.
3.They will meet the teachers in the meeting room.
4.This is the art room.
5.What will they do then
1.Welcome to 2.show ,to 3. have, tea 4.tells about 5.look at 6.sing for
show…to, have… tea, tells…about, look…at, welcome…to sing…for.