Lesson 5 Jane’s Lucky Life教学设计
一、教材分析:《Jane's?Lucky?Life?》是冀教版九年级第五册第4单元《Stay?Healthy》中的第六课。它是一篇介绍残疾女士Jane的文章:Jane因为十岁时的一场疾病而残疾了,但她并没有放弃生活,她有一个完美幸福的家庭,过着幸福美满的生活。通过本文的学习,使学生们了解到广大残疾人面对生活的积极乐观态度及自强不息的奋斗精神。本文也正是进行德育教育的好教材。本课的语法教学主要体现在:动词的-ing形式作宾语的用法及感叹句上,文中也出现了请求与提供帮助的用语,使学生进一步掌握此类口语。二、教学设计的理念:英语课文教学不能简单地停留在词句分析上,教师要通过有计划的活动让学生拓宽知识面,独立运用所学知识,开展积极的思维活动,激励他们大胆进行语言实践。利用竞赛,讨论等方式,启迪学生的思维,弘扬他们的个性。倡导学生能主动进行探究式学习,加强师生,生生之间的交流与合作,加强团队精神。促使学生树立正确的人生观和价值观。三、教学目标:(一)知识与能力1.掌握一些词汇及日常交际用语的用法,掌握动词-ing?形式作宾语的用法,感叹句的用法2.培养学生听、说及阅读分析能力。3.培养学生熟练运用语言进行交际的能力,让学生运用所学知识向自己的伙伴、朋友谈论money?,?family,jobs?,?health?,?good?looks?,?friends的重要性及原因。(二)过程与方法自主、合作、交流、探究(三)情感、态度、价值观学习本文主人公Jane对生活的积极乐观态度,鼓励学生从小培养战胜困难的百折不挠的勇气和决心。学会善待生命,善待他人,尤其是残疾人。四、教学重点、难点:(一)教学重点感叹句的用法(二)教学难点感叹句的用法;学生情感,价值观的确立五、教学方式的构建:1.倡导学生主动参与,乐于探究的精神。体现以学生为主体的共同发展的原则。2.使用多媒体,增强趣味性,加大课堂容量,提高课堂效率。3.?采用多种教学方法:如情景法、小组活动法、游戏法、讨论法等,活跃课堂气氛,提高教学效果.六、教学工具:多媒体、录音机、幻灯片、课本磁带、钢琴曲七、教学过程:教学环节及设计理念教师活动学生活动过程控制一引子1.播放乐曲,创设情境并设疑(通过创设音乐背景,把学生的注意力吸引到本课中来,做好情感上的铺垫)2.图片展示(通过以上残疾人自然引出本课女主人公,出示课题)用多媒体播放钢琴曲《命运交响曲》。布置任务:思考此曲名称及曲作者由《命运交响曲》的曲作者贝多芬的身残志坚引出国内外一系列残疾名人及其图片:张海迪、洲洲、海伦·凯勒、郑智化、桑兰、残疾人艺术团的舞蹈"千手观音"等问题:用一句话说出他们的名字及主要事迹带着问题认真聆听乐曲,带着问题欣赏图片并回答问题2-3分钟二预设任务,交流信息,小组合作探究(这一任务旨在加强学生的交流合作意识)多媒体出示问题:1?If?you?have?a?problem?,?what?do?you?do?first??2?Can?disabled?people?live?a?happy?life?? 3?What?do?you?think?about?Jane's?attitude?toward?life?? 互相交流个人的答案并讨论、加工、整理2-3分钟三学习新课1听课文录音(借助听录音可练习学生听力)2完成活动手册第2题3扫清词句障碍,自由朗读课文,找出不懂的知识点(整体感知课文内容)4领悟课文,情感升华,分组讨论(通过课文学习,学生心里会涌动一种激情,一种对生活的热爱,对残疾人的关爱,对生命的真爱,此组讨论更能使他们的激情得以迸发,使他们树立起正确的人生观和价值观。组合作的方式,便于学生的互助,体现了合作学习,共同成长的原则。)5①归纳总结本课中旧的语言点、新知识点及重难点,用多媒体展现,并配以相应的练习题②掌握请求与提供帮助的用语(借此练习交际用语的运用)?播放课文录音并巡视订正答案教师巡视,个别问题单独辅导,鼓励学生用简单的英语解释单词出示讨论问题:1How?Jane?became?disabled?? 2What?happened?to?her?after?she?became?disabled??3What?she?thinks?of?her?disability?? 4Why?Jane?thinks?her?life?is?full?of?good?things?? 就学生归纳不全的问题或新知识点,教师利用多媒体加以补充总结。出示①下列单词及短语(区别及相应练习题略)problem,?question?put?on?wear?dress?have?on?dis-? un-(教师稍做点拨)②动词-ing做宾语(具体内容略)③出示感叹句相应练习题,题型为填空、单选、改错、造句(具体题目略)出示Could?you......?句型认真聆听依据课文内容完成判断题按教师布置的任务读课文,就不懂的知识点提问,先在学生之间交流讨论、互相 解答各组学生积极讨论,讨论完毕后,每组指定一名同学代表本组发言学生归纳、理解其区别并做练习,尝试总结以dis-和un-为前缀的单词并理解意思。学生以小组竞赛的形式总结动词-ing做宾语的结构找出课本中出现的感叹句,归纳以What?,How?开头的感叹句的区别及用法完成练习学生进行口语练习5分钟2-3分钟5分钟10分钟2分钟四巩固练习:反义词大比拼(此环节的设置,采用比赛的形式,避免枯燥的复习,加强团队精神)出示各类词性的单词几十个分成男女生两组,一对一完成比赛5分钟五Let's?do?it(通过说和写的训练,提高学生语言表达及分析归纳的能力)?布置任务:阅读课本P37?let's?do?it?小组内练习说和写5分钟六作业:将Let's?do?it所写内容进行拓展,形成一份作文。(在《命运交响曲》中进行)教师巡视,个别辅导完成作文2-3分钟。
课件22张PPT。冀教版九年级英语unit1 Lesson 5 Jane’s Lucky LifeThink and talkIt’s lucky to have _________.a healthy bodya lot of moneya happy familya good jobgood looksmany friendsBeethoven was unable to hear,
but he created the world famous music.Are disabled people lucky ?Edison couldn’t hear, either.
He focused on inventions all his life time.
He had about 2,000 different kinds of
inventions. Hawking can only control his
wheelchair with his three fingers.
But he is known as the king of
the universe.disabled, be unable to do, focus onBrush her teethWhat is Jane unable to do?Put on her shoesRun or jumpPlay soccerWrite lettersPlay the pianoMake breakfastControl her wheelchairListen and circleJane is unable toWhat does Jane dare to do?Brush her teethPut on her shoesRun or jumpPlay soccer Write lettersPlay the pianoMake breakfastControl her wheelchairJane dares toRead and answer123How does Jean move around?What is the topic sentence in Para. 3?Who does Jane think is really disabled?With the help of her wheelchair.But she dares to try many things.
People who don’t know how lucky they are.What things does Jane have?A special computer and a special telephone.
45specialWhat happened to Jane when
she was ten years old?She became ill with a terrible disease.Janeput on her shoesmake breakfastbrush her teethrun or jumpwrite letterscontrol her wheelchairsondaughterplay soccerplay the pianoknow a lot, enjoy40
disableddare to dofamily
marriedbe unable to dothe
learnedEveryone faces problems.Think and answerIs Jane lucky?
Why or why not? Nick Vujicic was born in Australia with a rare
disease— limbless, missing both arms and legs,
but with two small feet, one of which has two toes.
People thought he is unable to do all the things.
But they were wrong.
Nick dares to try everything. He can swim with his
shoulders and two toes, he can throw tennis balls,
he can even control a computer and type.
When he was 17, he started to give talks, and
eventually started his non-profit organization,
Life Without Limbs. Nick graduated from collage
at the age of 21 with double majors. He began
his travels as a speaker. He focuses on the topics
that teenagers might face. He has spoken to over
two million people so far, in twelve countries on
four continents. He also wrote a book called
No Arms, No Legs, No Worries! 可根据上下文猜测词义,当生词不影响对文章的理解时,可以忽略不计。Read
1.Nick comes from New York.
( ) (T/F)
2.Nick is limbless means he has no ___.
3.What people does Nick mainly help?
4.What’s the topic sentence in Para.2?
5.Please translate the name
of Nick’s book.
Nick comes from New York.
( ) (T/F)
Nick is limbless means he has no
3. What topics does Nick focus on?F arms or legsNick focuses on the topics that
teenagers might face.4. What’s the topic sentence in Para.2?
5. Please translate the name
of Nick’s book.Nick dares to try everything.没手,没脚,没烦恼。What would you do
if you have such a problemFriends quarrelPoor gradesCommunication
problemBoy & Girl
… Dear …, Sometimes , I also …
(failed in exams.)
I think you can…
(ask for your teacher’s
advice, learn from the experience of other students)
Just remember,
( Failure is the mother of success. You have to believe in yourself, that’s the secret
of success.) …
A: It’s awful that…
( I quarreled with my
best friend today. )
B: Oh, what happened?
B: Maybe you should …
(think about your own
understand each other,
write a letter,
make a telephone call
… )
Friends quarrel / Poor grades / Boy & Girl problem
Communication problem / Self- control problem …Sample 1Sample 2Even a great life is only a life
until you make it!Life has two sides,
your life is what you choose.Homework
Finish exercise II and exercise III on P11.
Better the passage you made in the class and hand in next class.
Bye- bye But she dares to try many things. She has
a wheelchair. She controls her wheelchair with her mouth. She writes letters without her hands. How does she do it? She talks to a special computer. She has a special telephone that is hers alone. She can answer it just by saying “hello”.
锁定关键词是做对题的捷径。But she dares to try many things. She has
a wheelchair. She controls her wheelchair
with her mouth. She writes letters without
her hands. How does she do it? She talks
to a special computer. She has a special
telephone that is hers alone. She can
answer it just by saying “hello”.Many people dare to try everything.
He dares to jump from the cliff!The old ladies dare to perform
Hip-pop in public.主题句通常是文章或段落的第一句或最后一句。