(共10张PPT)
木桶有个洞
——美国童谣
有个洞的木桶
《木桶有个洞》是根据美国童谣创编而成,原本只有一个乐句“122||
5|
12|3
55|67
1||,后经创编发展,歌曲情感更为丰富,内涵更为风趣幽默。
学习歌词《木桶有个洞》
1、教师播放背景音乐,风趣地朗读歌词。
2、学生也风趣地朗读歌词,在朗读过程中理解歌词内容。
3、个别学生风趣地朗读歌词,其他学生评价。
学唱歌曲《木桶有个洞》
1、教师范唱歌曲,学生安静地欣赏歌曲,并注意教师的语气。
2、学生轻声跟钢琴学唱歌曲。
3、引导学生用双响筒模仿老师将歌词唱出来。
4、给学生分组,演唱不同的角色。
分角色演唱
分为三大组(大叔组、大婶组、小动物组)
体验幽默性
(木桶有个洞——用稻草堵着——稻草太长——用镰刀割——镰刀太钝——用磨刀石磨——磨刀石要用水——用桶打水——木桶有个洞)
启示:关注生活!
我们已经学过了这首歌曲,下面,让我们一起将第5段至第10段的歌词填入歌曲中,并唱出来。
下面,让我们一起参与歌唱部分,即兴地填词并自由地敲击乐器。
谢谢观看
(经典美国童谣
Row,
row,
row
your
boat,
Gently
down
the
stream.
Merrily,
merrily,
merrily,
merrily,
Life
is
but
a
dream.
顺口溜:
Eenie,
Meenie,
Miney,
Moe,
Catch
a
tiger
by
his
toe.
If
he
hollers
let
him
go,
Ee--nie--,
Mi--ney--,
Moe
这首儿歌很经典:
Twinkle,
twinkle,
little
star,
How
wonder
what
you
are.
Up
above
the
world
so
high,
Like
a
diamond
in
the
sky.
Twinkle,
twinkle,
little
star,
How
wonder
what
you
are!
歌词由Jane
Taylor23岁时于1806年写就出版。一闪一闪的星星引起身为女子的诗人自然联想到一颗永留传的钻石,诗中描绘出的意境单纯而又悠远,带着一点点世俗柴米气味,和“床前明月光,疑是地上霜”比还是差些。
老美们都是动物亲善大使,连黑乎乎的蜘蛛爬虫都能唱进儿歌里:
The
eensy
weensy
spider
Crawled
up
the
water
spout
Down
came
the
rain
And
washed
the
spider
out
Out
came
the
sun
and
dried
up
all
the
rain
And
the
eensy
weensy
spider
Crawled
up
the
spout
again.
唱的时候拇指,食指交互相接模仿蜘蛛上爬,甩手表示蜘蛛被雨冲走,以手画圈形容太阳出现,颇有童趣。eensy
weensy
极言其小。
可怜的小蜘蛛好不容易爬到高地,谁想一阵雨冲得稀里哗啦找不着北,还好太阳公公及时赶到,战胜恶势力,晒干了所有的雨水,解救出无辜的小生命。小蜘蛛百折不挠地又爬上老地盘,yeah!有没有好来坞大片的感觉?
说到下雨,还有一首有趣的儿歌:
Rain,
rain,
go
away
Come
again
another
day
Barney’s
friends
want
to
play
rain,
rain,
go
away
这是从“Barney”节目中看来的,所以歌中唱的是“Barney的朋友要出去玩”。
Rain,
rain,
go
to
Spain,
Never
show
your
face
again.
这和“蝗虫本是天灾,并非县令不才。既从敝县飞去,务请贵县押来。”有异曲同工之妙。相同口气的还有:
Rain,
rain,
go
to
Germany,
And
remain
there
permanently.
想必是犹太人改编,不把德国佬淹个七晕八素不罢休。
Rain,
rain,
go
away,
Come
again
on
washing
day.
是体谅妈妈的好孩子所唱,让雨帮妈妈洗衣?还是小淘气所唱,让妈妈幸苦洗的衣服又被大雨淋湿淋脏?不得而知。
Rain,
rain,
go
away,
Come
on
Martha's
wedding
day.
做歌之人大概和Martha有些夙怨,专咒人家婚礼下雨,好端端的新娘子做不成。
Rain,
rain,
pour
down,
But
not
a
drop
on
our
town.
损人不利己有什么好玩的?
这个版本能把提偿孝为百先的儒家圣人气得从地下跳起来:
It's
raining,
it's
pouring,
the
old
man
is
snoring,
he
bumped
his
head
and
went
to
bed,
couldn't
get
up
in
the
morning.
歌中对鳏寡孤独老人没有一点尊重和同情,反而百般嘲笑,且看瓢泼大雨中老家伙酣声如雷,跌跌撞撞,睡倒在床上就没再爬起来,总之极尽丑化之能事。在这里荀子的性恶说得了上风,每个小孩唱起时都嘻嘻哈哈大笑不停。不过从另一面来讲,老人正是扮演一个小丑角色,逗逗乐而已。
反映汽车文化的勉强可算上这首:
The
wheels
on
the
bus
go
round
and
round,
round
and
round,
round
and
round.
The
wheels
on
the
bus
go
round
and
round,
all
through
the
town.
The
wipers
on
the
bus
go
Swish,
swish,
swish;
Swish,
swish,
swish;
Swish,
swish,
swish.
The
wipers
on
the
bus
go
Swish,
swish,
swish,
all
through
the
town.
The
horn
on
the
bus
goes
Beep,
beep,
beep;
Beep,
beep,
beep;
Beep,
beep,
beep.
The
horn
on
the
bus
goes
Beep,
beep,
beep,
all
through
the
town..
The
money
on
the
bus
goes,
Clink,
clink,
clink;
Clink,
clink,
clink;
Clink,
clink,
clink.
The
money
on
the
bus
goes,
Clink,
clink,
clink,
all
through
the
town.
The
Driver
on
the
bus
says
"Move
on
back,
move
on
back,
move
on
back;"
The
Driver
on
the
bus
says
"Move
on
back",
all
through
the
town.
The
baby
on
the
bus
says
"Wah,
wah,
wah;
Wah,
wah,
wah;
Wah,
wah,
wah".
The
baby
on
the
bus
says
"Wah,
wah,
wah",
all
through
the
town.
The
mommy
on
the
bus
says
"Shush,
shush,
shush;
Shush,
shush,
shush;
Shush,
shush,
shush."
The
mommy
on
the
bus
says
"Shush,
shush,
shush"
all
through
the
town.
......
观察很是细致入微,车轮旋转,雨刷来回,喇叭清脆,钱币叮当,司机发令,婴孩哭闹,母亲安慰,......还没完呢,父亲呵欠(the
daddy
on
the
bus
goes“ha,ha,ha”),车门开合(The
doors
on
the
bus
go
open
and
shut),乘客抱怨(The
lady
on
the
bus
says,
“Get
off
my
feet”),临别赞扬(The
people
on
the
bus
say,
“We
had
a
nice
ride”)......小孩真能领会的话,写作文肯定不用发愁。
还有很多很多其它儿歌,多让孩子们唱唱对提高他们的英语语感,掌握声节大有帮助.