Module1 Getting to know each otherUnit 1 My future 第三课时教学设计


名称 Module1 Getting to know each otherUnit 1 My future 第三课时教学设计
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-06-25 09:09:42



Unit1 My future 第3课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2014年版)五年级上册Module1 Unit1
【主 题】Learn the sounds, Read a story
【课 时】第3课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
1. 通过语音部分的儿歌,了解字母组合sk在单词中的发音。
2. 帮助学生阅读故事《小青蛙的新工作》。通过阅读活动,引导学生通过阅读抓住关键信息,了解故事大意,并完成后续练习。
3. 通过学习任务(Task),帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
1. 语音:sk (desk, mask).
2. 词汇:job, become, (be) good at.
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1. 用“开火车”活动复习句型。
S1: Hello, (S2’s name)! What do you want to be?
S2: I want to be a taxi driver. I want to drive a taxi. What do you want to be, (S3’s name)?
S3: I want to be a teacher. I want to teach children.

2. 出示一些动物的照片,与学生讨论动物的特长和它们可以胜任的工作。
T: (show the picture of a dog) What’s this?
Ss: It’s a dog.
T: What are dogs good at?
Ss: They are good at smelling. They are good at running.
T: Yes. Many dogs have jobs. There are police dogs and guard dogs.
While-task procedures
1. 学生默读故事Froggy’s new job。然后出示教学图片中的故事图片,让学生介绍人物。
T: (point to Froggy) What’s his name?
S1: His name’s Froggy.
T: Yes. Froggy is a frog. What can frogs do?
S2: They can swim very well.
S3: They can jump.
Picture 1?
1) What does Froggy want to be? (He wants to be a pilot.)
2) Does he like flying? (No, he doesn’t. He’s afraid of flying.)
Picture 2
1) What does Froggy want to be now? (He wants to be a singer.)
2) Can he sing well? (No, he can’t.)
Picture 3
1) What does Froggy hear? (He hears a chick crying for help.)
2) What does he do? (He jumps into the lake and saves the chick.)
Picture 4
1) What is Froggy’s new job? (A lifeguard.)
2) Does he like his new job? (Yes, he does.)
2. 学生再次阅读故事,教师在黑板上写出每幅图的关键词,学生根据图片及关键词复述故事。
Picture 1: wants to be, pilot, fly a plane, afraid of, flying
Picture 2: singer, not good at singing
Picture 3: chick, lake, jumps, save
Picture 4: good at swimming, lifeguard, new job
3. 指导学生完成课本第5页Read a story的后续练习,然后填空完成内容概要。
Froggy want to be a pilot. He want to fly a plane, but he is afraid of flying. He wants to be a singer, but he cannot sing well. One day, he sees a chick in the lake. The chick cries for help. Froggy jumps into the lake with a lifeguard and saves the chink. He then becomes a lifeguard. He likes his new job.
4. 出示一组含有字母组合sk的单词,请学生跟读并记住sk的发音。如desk, mask, task, disk, ask.
T: sk, /sk/, desk, desk.
Ss: sk, /sk/, desk, desk.
T: sk, /sk/, mask, mask.
Ss: sk, /sk/, mask, mask.
然后播放Learn the sounds的录音,请学生跟录音模仿朗读儿歌。鼓励学生模仿录音中的语音语调。还可与较早前学过的语音ck /k/比较,给出几个单词,让学生归类。
ck: clock, rock, knock, tick-tock, chick
sk: ask, desk, mask, task, disk
Post-task activities
1. 学生玩找工作的游戏。一学生抽取写有职业的纸牌,其他人扮演面试官(如两到三人)对其兴趣、特长等进行提问,然后面试官决定该学生是否能获得该工作。
S1: (pick a card of a teacher)
S2: What do you want to be?
S1: I want to be an English teacher.
S2: Do you like children?
S1: Yes, I do.
S3: Are you good at English?
S1: Yes, I am.
S4: (to S2 and S3) Do you think (S1’s name) can get this job?
Ss: (vote) Yes! (to S1) You get this job.
2. 教师在前一课时布置作业,让学生利用课余时间根据《练习册》中Task的Tick and write和Look and complete的要求,独立完成对2—4名其他班级同学信息的采集。在本课时中,请学生在四人小组内口头交流所获取的信息。
S1: Wang Fang is ten years old. She is good at painting. She wants to be an Art teacher. She wants to teach children Art.
作为本课时的回家作业,要求学生根据Think and write写一位同学的梦想。
Unit1 My future
sk (desk, mask)
job, become, (be) good at