Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 How are you 教案(3个课时)


名称 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 How are you 教案(3个课时)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-06-26 12:49:59


Unit2 How are you? 第1课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2013年版)三上Module1 Unit2
【主 题】Listen and say, Look and learn
【课 时】第1课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
1.帮助学生了解本单元Look and learn中的人物: Mr Wang, Mrs Wang, Alice, Mr Li, Mrs Li, Ben和Kitty。
2. 通过开展多种游戏活动,帮助学生达成词汇学习的目标。
3. 通过简短对话让学生学会用英语与别人问候及道别。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
1.词汇:Mrs, Mr, are, fine, goodbye, hi, thank, you
2.句型:How are you? I’ m fine. Thank you.
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1.播放歌曲I’m Dolly!的录音。全班学生合唱。邀请个别学生将Dolly换成自己的英文名字,用歌曲形式向全班同学打招呼。
I’ m ... Hello, hello.
I’ m ... Hello, hello.
Hello! Hello! Hello!
2. 逐一出示人物(如Alice, Peter, Joe, Kitty)图片或手偶,模仿人物向学生作自我介绍并打招呼,让学生作出回应。
T: (show Alice’s picture) Hello, I’ m Alice.
Ss: Hello, Alice.
T: (show Peter’s picture) Good morning. I’m Peter.
Ss: Good morning, Peter.
While-task procedures
1. 出示课本Look and Learn的第一张图片并作介绍,让学生仿说,借助图片帮助学生理解单词Mr和Mrs。
T: (point to the picture of Alice’s family) This is a picture of Alice’s family. This is Alice, Wang Yuanyuan. This is Mr Wang, Alice’s father. This is Mrs Wang, Alice’s mother, (point to Mr Wang in the picture) This is Mr Wang. Mr Wang.
Ss: Mr Wang.
T: (point to Mr Zhang in the picture) Who is this?
S1: Mr Zhang.
T: (point to Mr Hu in the picture) Who is this?
S2: Mr Hu.
再出示Look and Learn中的第一张图片并作介绍,让学生跟说图中的人物Mrs Wang。(point to Mrs Wang in the picture) This is Mrs Wang. Mrs Wang.
Ss: Mrs Wang.
T: (point to Mrs Zhang in the picture) Who is this?
S1: Mrs Zhang.
T: (point to Mrs Hu in the picture) Who is this?
S2: Mrs Hu.
2.用挂图或多媒体展示Look and Learn中的Kitty—家的图片,先让学生介绍图片中自己认识的人物Kitty,在此基础上引出Kitty的哥哥Ben。
T: (show the picture of Kitty’s family and point to Mr Li in the picture) Who is this?
S1: Mr Li.
T: (point to Mrs Li in the picture) Who is this?
S2: Mrs Li.
T: (point to Kitty in the picture) Alice?
S2: No. Kitty.
T: Yes, she’s Kitty, Li Jie. (point to Ben in the picture) This is Ben, Li Wei. He's Kitty’s brother. Ben, Ben.
Ss: Ben, Ben.
3.用多媒体呈现Listen and say的图片,播放录音,让学生看图听录音,集体跟读。
4. 戴上指偶Alice, 让个别学生或全体学生与Alice打招呼,在问答过程中呈现Listen and say的对话内容。
T: (put on the finger puppet of Alice) This is Alice. Say “Hello” to Alice.
S1: Hello, Alice.
T: (act as Alice) Hello.
T: (put on the finger puppet of Alice) Say “ How are you? ” to Alice.
Ss: How are you, Alice?
T: (act as Alice) I’ m fine. Thank you.
鼓励个别学生与教师互相问好,在交际中既操练问句How are you?又学习答句I’m fine. Thank you.
S1: How are you?
T: I’ m fine. Thank you.
与个别学生用How are you?互相问候,帮助学生巩固新授的语言知识。
T: How are you,...?
S1: I’ m fine. Thank you.
T: How are you,...?
S2: I’ m fine. Thank you.
Post-task activities
S1: Hello! I’ m Alice.
S2: Hello! I’ m Mrs Wang.
S3: Hello! I’ m Mr Li.
S1&S2: Good morning, Mr Li.
S3: Good morning. How are you, Alice?
S1: I’m fine. Thank you.
S3: Goodbye, Alice.
S1: Goodbye, Mr Li.
2.让学生走出座位与自己的好朋友互相问好。要求学生用 “Mr+姓氏” 来称呼男同学,用 “Miss+姓氏” 来称呼女同学。
S1: Hello, Mr...
S2: Hello, Miss...
S1: How are you?
S2: I’ m fine. Thank you.
S1: Goodbye, Mr...
S2: Goodbye, Miss...
Unit2 How are you?
Mrs, Mr, are, fine, goodbye, hi, thank, you
How are you? I’ m fine. Thank you
Unit2 How are you? 第2课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2013年版)三上Module1 Unit2
【主 题】Say and act, Sing a song
【课 时】第2课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
1.通过歌曲How are you?帮助学生进一步学习本单元的核心句型How are you?。
2.通过Say and act栏目的对话学习,帮助学生进一步巩固和使用本单元的核心词汇和句型。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
1.句型:How are you? I’m fine. Thank you.
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1. 播放Sing a song的录音,让学生边听边跟唱。
2. 手拿Miss Fang,Mr Li,Miss Li,Mrs Li,Mr Wang,Mrs Wang等人物卡片,并扮作卡片中的人物向个别学生打招呼,学生要根据教师手中的卡片做出相应回答。
T: (hold the card of Miss Fang) Hello, …
S1: Hello, Miss Fang.
T: (hold the card of Mr Li) Hello, ...
S2: Hello, Mr Li. How are you?
T: I’m fine. Thank you.
While-task procedures
1. 利用挂图呈现Say and act的第一幅图,让学生熟悉对话的背景。
T: (point to Joe in the picture) Who is this?
Ss: Joe.
T: Yes, but he’s Mr Dog now.
S1: Hello, I’m Mr Dog.
Ss: Hello, Mr Dog.
2. 运用多媒体呈现Say and act的对话,通过和个别学生分角色对话,帮助学生理解对话内容。
T: Good morning. I’m Mr Dog. (Woof! Woof!)
Ss: Good morning, Mr Dog.
T: How are you, ...?
S1: I’m fine. Thank you.
3. 在黑板上画日出,请另一位学生拿着小狗或小猫的图片换一种方法做自我介绍,其余学生生向他问好。
S1: Good morning. I’m Miss Cat.
Ss: Good morning, Miss Cat. How are you?
S1: I’m fine. Thank you.
4. Role-play活动。让学生结对分角色表演对话。一人扮演Mr Dog, 另一人扮演Miss Cat, 边说边做动作。最后请几对学生上前表演对话。
Post-task activities
1.运用挂图或多媒体创设情境,让学生在真实的语境中运用语言。如: Mrs Li和Alice、Mrs Wang三人见面互相问好及道别的场景。首先,教师先示范给学生看如何来编对话。然后,请学生自由组合,三人一组准备对话。最后,请几组学生上来表演。
S1: Good morning, ...
S2: Good morning, ... How are you?
S1: I’m fine. Thank you.
S2: Goodbye, …
S1: Goodbye, ...

Unit2 How are you?
How are you?
I’m fine.
Thank you.
Unit2 How are you? 第3课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2013年版)三上Module1 Unit2
【主 题】Make and say, Learn the letters, Sing a song
【课 时】第3课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
1. 帮助学生学习字母Cc和Dd。
2. 通过Make and say栏目,让学生制作铅笔偶后拿着铅笔偶和同学互相问候。让学生在交际的过程中感受如何礼貌待人。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
1. 日常用语:Hi!
2. 字母:Cc,Dd
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1. 播放歌曲How are you? 的录音,将学生分成四组,每个小组各唱一段。然后让学生用同学的英文名字替换Joe, Kitty, Ben和Alice来演唱歌曲。
S1: Hi, ... Hi, ...
How are you?
How are you?
S2: Hi, ... Hi, ...
How are you?
How are you?
2. 与个别学生对话,复习第一、二课时中有关互相问候及道别的对话。
T: Good morning, ...
S1: Good morning.
T: How are you, ...?
S2: I’m fine. Thank you.
T: Hi, ... How are you?
S3: I’m fine. Thank you.
T: Goodbye, ...
S1, S2&S3: Goodbye.
While-task procedures
1. 出示鸭子、小鸟、猫等动物头饰,请一位学生上来戴上一个自己喜欢的动物头饰,扮演这个动物并作自我介绍,其余学生则分别向他/她问好。
S1: (imitate the voice of a cat) Hello, I’m Mr Cat.
T: Hello, Mr Cat. How are you?
S1: I’m fine. Thank you.
2. 出示一个铅笔偶,用实物或多媒体示范Make and say中的制作步骤:
First, draw a picture. (首先画一幅图。)
Next, colour it. (接着给图片上色。)
Then, cut it out. (然后把图片剪下来。)
Finally, stick it on a pencil. (最后,把图片贴在铅笔上。)
3. 请学生展示各自的铅笔偶,和个别学生表演对话。
S1: Hi, I’m Miss Wang.
T: Hi, I’m...
S1: How are you?
T: I’m fine. Thank you.
T: (show the flashcard of the letter Aa) A, a.
Ss: A, a.
然后,出示字母Cc和Dd的卡片, 示范字母的读音和书写规范。
T: (show the flashcard of the letter Cc) C, c.
Ss: C, c.
T: (show the flashcard of the letter Dd) D, d.
Ss: D, d.
最后,播放Learn the letters栏目的儿歌录音,让学生跟着录音学说儿歌。
Post-task activities
1. Group work。把学生分为四人一组,发给每个小组四张人物图片,请每个组员挑选一张图片,然后根据图片下方的姓名扮演角色,先和其他组员互相自我介绍,最后创设情景自编对话。
S1: Hi, I’m Mr Li.
S2: Hi, I’m Mrs Wang.
S1: Good morning, Mr Wang.
S2: Good morning, Mrs Li. How are you?

2. 让学生看《练习册》Task的第一部分。教师把Unit 1和Unit 2出现的9个人物的小图复印并发给学生。让每个学生做四张人物纸牌。然后让学生根据Task第二部分的范例,两人一组玩翻牌游戏。学生每次各翻开一张纸牌,扮演纸牌中的人物,互相作自我介绍并问候。
S1: Hi, I’m...
S2: Hello, I’m ...
S1: How are you?
S2: I’m fine. Thank you.

Unit2 How are you?
Good morning,...
How are you,...?
I’m fine. Thank you
How are you?