Unit12 An animal book 第1课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2013年版)三上Module4 Unit12
【主 题】Look and learn, Listen and say
【课 时】第1课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
1. 呈现一年四季的典型图片,引出Look and learn中表示四季的四个单词,帮助学生学习词汇。
2. 通过实物游戏,帮助学生理解单词warm, cold, hot, cool的含义及用法。
3. 通过对四季的介绍,帮助学生感受和理解句型,初步运用句型来介绍一年四季的天气特征。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
1. 词汇:spring, summer, autumn, winter, cold, cool, hot,in, warm
2. 句型:In spring, it is warm.
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1. 用挂图在黑板上呈现四季的图片。让学生看图用中文说一说四季的特征。然后出示四张生词卡片(spring,summer, autumn, winter),将卡片贴在相应的图片旁边并说It’s spring/...。取下卡片,请学生上来尝试把生词卡片放到相应的图片旁边。
2. 播放一首关于四季的歌谣,让学生一边看黑板上四季的图片,一边欣赏歌谣。然后问一问学生听到了什么,引出表示四季的单词。
T: What do you hear in the song?
S1: Spring.
S2: Spring is green.
S3: ...
While-task procedures
1. 将Look and learn的生词卡片贴在黑板上,指着卡片逐一朗读数遍,让学生跟读。
T: It is spring. Spring.
Ss: Spring.
然后和学生做Quick response游戏,快速出示卡片,让学生大声说出相应的单词。
T: (flash the card for summer)
Ss: Summer.
T: (flash the card for summer)
Ss: Autumn.
2. 教授warm, cool, hot, cold这四个单词。在桌子上放四个杯子,里面分别盛着温水、凉水、热水和冰水(或冰块),让学生触摸杯子,回答感觉有什么不同,引出单词warm, cool, hot 和cold。让学生拼读这四个单词,告诉他们 warm和cool是一对反义词,hot和cold也是一对反义词。然后请几个学生到前面来将这四个形容词与四个季节配对:
spring—warm, summer—hot, autumn—cool, winter—cold
T: Spring is warm. Summer is hot. Autumn is cool. Winter is cold.
Ss: Spring is warm. Summer is hot. Autumn is cool. Winter is cold.
T: (point to the picture of spring) It is spring. Spring is warm. Warm.
Ss: Warm.
T: (point to the picture of summer) It is summer. Summer is hot. Hot.
Ss: Hot.
T: (point to the picture of autumn) It is autumn. In autumn, it is cool. Cool.
Ss: Cool.
在黑板上写出句子It is spring. In spring, it is warm.然后用it is…描述Listen and say栏目中四季的图片,让全班学生仿说。
T: It is spring. In spring, it is warm.
Ss: It is spring. In spring, it is warm.
S1: It is summer. In summer, it is hot.
4. 播放Listen and say的录音或多媒体动画,让学生跟读课文数遍。然后指着图片向学生提问。
T: What season is it?
Ss: It is spring.
T: Is it warm?
Ss: Yes, it is warm.
然后把学生分成四组,轮流朗读Listen and say的句子,如:
Group 1: In spring, it is warm.
Group 2: In summer, it is hot.
Post-task activities
1. 让学生做练习Choose and write (选词填空)。 呈现Listen and say的句子,让学生选择正确的词填空,完成课文。
cool hot cold warm
In spring, it is __________.
In summer, it is __________ .
In autumn, it is __________.
In winter, it is __________.
2. 把Listen and say的四个句子写在四张纸条上,接着把四季的图片贴在黑板上,然后请四个学生上来各抽一张纸条,将纸条放在相应的图片下面,然后用It is ...(season). In ...,it is …介绍四个季节。
S1: It is spring. In spring, it is warm.
S2: It is summer. In summer, it is hot.
Unit12 An animal book
spring, summer, autumn, winter, cold, cool, hot,in, warm
In spring, it is warm.
Unit12 An animal book 第2课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2013年版)三上Module4 Unit12
【主 题】Say and act, Read and trace
【课 时】第2课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
1. 通过歌曲等活动帮助学生熟练掌握所学的四个形容词。
2. 通过Say and act栏目的角色扮演来帮助学生运用所学知识。
3. 让学生通过猜谜活动来运用新句型。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
1. 句型:It’s cold.
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1. 播放一首关于四季的歌谣录音,请学生跟唱(读),注意节奏和停顿。
2. 按座位把学生分成四组进行小组朗读比,二各组依次朗读Listen and say的课文,朗读得好的小组可以获得奖励。
While-task procedures
1. 播放Say and act的录音。播放录音之削,先给出几个问题,要求学生一边听录音,一边找出答案。.
What season is it? Is it cold? How many boys? How many girls? Is it a snowman?
T: What season is it?
S1: It is winter.
T: Is it cold?
S2: Yes, it is.
T: How many boys?
S3: Two boys.
2. 和学生一起玩画雪人的游戏,帮助学生理解Say and act中snowman, funny等词的含义。首先,在黑板上画出雪人的头,邀请几个学生一起在黑板上画雪人。
T: Let’s draw a snowman on the blackboard, OK? (draw a big circle on the blackboard) This is the snowman’s head. Let’s draw his face.
T: Who wants to draw the snowman’s body/eyes/ nose/mouth/...?
T: (point to the snowman on the blackboard) Look at its nose. It’s funny!
3. 和班上的两个学生示范表演Say and act对话。教师扮演Kitty,一个学生扮演Peter,另一个学生扮演Ben。
S1: Hi, Ben! Hi, Kitty.
T&S2: Hello, Peter!
S1: It is cold.
T: Yes, it is.
S2: Look at the snow. Let’s make a snowman, Peter.
T&S1: OK.
S2: Look at its nose. It’s funny!
4. 要求学生三人一组分角色表演对话,鼓励学生加入以前学过的句子,改编对话。然后请几组学生上来表演,让全班其他同学当评委,选出表演得最好的一组。
S1: (act as Peter) Hi, Ben and Kitty.
S2&S3: (act as Ben and Kitty) Hello, Peter.
S1: It is cold.
S2: Yes, it is. My face is cold. My nose is cold. My ears are cold. My hands are cold. Cold! Cold! Cold! Let’s make a snowman together!
S1&S2: OK.
S2: Look at the snowman. Its face is long. Its eyes are big. Its ears are big too. Its nose is long. Its mouth is small. It is funny! S1&S3: Yeah!
Post-task activities
1.在黑板上(或用多媒体)出示四季的图片,让学生仔细观看,然后做练习Read and write (阅读短文,填入所缺单词)。
There are four seasons in a year. They are Spring,_______, autumn and ________. In ________, it is warm. In summer, it is ________, it is cool. In winter, it is _________.
2. 让学生做Read and trace, 在四线三格中正确仿写句子。
Unit12 An animal book
It’s cold/cool/hot/warm
Unit12 An animal book 第3课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2013年版)三上Module4 Unit12
【主 题】Colour and say, Learn the letters
【课 时】第3课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
1. 帮助学生复习26个字母。
2. 帮助学生复习本单元所学句型,描述四季的特征。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
1. 复习26个字母
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1. 和学生一起朗读一首关于四季的歌谣,复习本单元所学的单词和句型。
2. 带领学生拼读本单元的核心单词,以此复习单词,同时复习学过的字母。可以让学生玩拼读接力游戏,即第一个学生拼读一个单词以后,说出另一个单词,让另一个学生拼读这个单词,然后再说一个单词,让下一位学生拼读。
T: Summer. S-U-M-M-E-R, summer. Spring.
S1: Spring. S-P-R-I-N-G, spring. Warm.
S2: Warm. W-A-R-M, warm. Cold.
While-task procedures
1. 用挂图在黑板上呈现四季的图片,描述其中 一个季节。
T: (point to the picture of spring) Look, this is a picture of spring. In spring, it is warm. In spring, grass grows and grows. Trees grow and grow. Plants grow and grow in spring. Wow, 1 can see green everywhere.
1) What season is it? (It’s spring.)
2) Is it hot in spring? (No. It’s warm.)
S1: What season is it?
S2: It's autumn.
S1: Is it hot in autumn?
S3: No. It's cool.
2. 让学生分组做Colour and say活动。学生四人一组,每人先将图片着色,然后在小组内用所学英语句型说说这几幅图。可以鼓励学生用其他句型来说,如:Look! It is spring, Spring is warm.等等。
3. 出示26个字母的卡片,让学生一起朗读字母和相关单词。
Ss: Aa, apple. Bb, bag.…
4.播放Learn the letters的歌曲录音,让学生边听边跟唱。最后让学生一起合唱字母歌。
Post-task activities
It is spring. In spring, it is warm. I can see grass, trees and flowers. Plants grow and grow in spring. The grass is green. The leaves are green. Spring is beautiful.
2. 让学生做有关四季的海报,提供一些模板和标题,如I love spring/summer/...! Spring is warm.等供学生选择,让学生四人一组制作海报。每组学生根据主题选择一些相关图片贴在海报纸上,配上简单的单词或句子说明。例如,以春天为主题的海报上可以呈现绿树、花草、春雨等典型事物,让学生充分发挥想象力,使海报内容丰富、生动。最后,请几组学生上来展示并介绍他们制作的海报。
Unit12 An animal book