Module 3 Places and activities Unit 7 At school 第三课时教学设计


名称 Module 3 Places and activities Unit 7 At school 第三课时教学设计
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-06-27 14:56:06



Unit7 At school 第3课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2011年版)四上Module3 Unit7
【主 题】Enjoy a story, Learn the sounds
【课 时】第3课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
通过阅读故事Animal School,帮助学生进一步巩固和运用核心句型。
用That’s not true .Come on! Go and try.等日常用语表达观点或鼓励别人。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
语音:o (photo,rose)
词汇:animal, pupil, try
句型:There is/are ...
日常用语:That’s not true.
Come on.
Go and try.
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1. 出示学校图片并it问:What’s in our school? 帮助学生复习There is/are ...句型。
T: What’s in our school?
S1: There’s a library in our school.
S2: There’s a computer room in our school.
S3: There are four offices in our school.
2. 出示Enjoy a story的图片,根据图片向学生提问,帮助学生理解故事大意。
T: (point to Picture 1) Look! What’s this?
Ss: It’s the Animal School.
T: (point to Rabbit in Picture 2) This is Rabbit.
Look at her. Is she happy?
Ss: No, she isn’t. She’s sad.
T: Why? Let’s read the story and find out.
While-task procedures
1.出示问题,让学生带着这些问题阅读Enjoy a story的小故事,随后让个别学生回答问题,确认学生是否理解故事大意。
What’s in the forest?
(There’s an animal school.)
Can Rabbit climb trees? (No, she can’t.)
Can she run fast? (Yes, she can.)
Is she happy? Why?
(Yes, she is. She can run fast. She’s first.)
让学生再次阅读故事,然后完成True or false练习,帮助学生进一步理解故事大意。
True or false
(F) 1) There is a classroom in Animal School.
(T) 2) Rabbit cannot climb trees. She is sad.
(T) 3) Rabbit can run fast. She is happy.
(F) 4) Rabbit comes second.
2. 播放Enjoy a story的录音,可以先将故事中一些关键的句型和生词写在黑板上。
animal forest
pup try
first climb trees
What’s the matter?
That’s not true.
Come on.
Go and try.
S1: What’s the matter?
S2: I can’t find my pencil.
S1: What colour is it?
S2: It’s blue.
S1: Is this your pencil?
S2: Yes. Thank you.
3. 播放故事录音并指导学生朗读,先让学生模仿录音中的语音语调轻声跟读,然后让全班一起分角色有感情地朗读。还可以开展故事想象活动。让学生根据Enjoy a story的故事图片发挥想象,为其中的一幅图片自编对话, 能力较强的学生可以为每幅图片编对话。先将学生分为六人一组,让学生在小组内编对话,分角色扮演故事中不同的小动物,最后邀请个别小组表演自编对话。
S1 & S2: (act as the duck and the dog) Come on, Rabbit. Let’s swim together!
S3:(act as Rabbit) I can’t swim.
S4 & S5: (act as the monkey and the cat) Hello, Rabbit. We can climb trees. Can you climb trees?
S3: No, I can’t climb trees. And I can’t swim. I’m not a good pupil.
S6: (act as Mr Owl) That’s not true. You can run. Go and try. You can run very fast.
S3: (mime running) Look! I’m first. I’m so happy.
4. 出示Learn the sounds的语音单词卡片o (photo, rose),教师示范朗读,学生模仿跟读,感受字母o在单词中的发音。
T: o, /??/, photo; o, /??/, rose.
Ss: o, /??/, photo; o, /??/, rose.
播放Learn the sounds的录音,让学生跟读,并抽读、练习部分词组发音。例如:
T: o, /??/, rose; o, /??/, photo; the photo of a rose.
Ss: o, /??/, rose; o, /??/, photo; the photo of a rose.
T: o,/??, hold; o, /??/, photo; hold a photo.
Ss: o, /??/, hold; o, /??/, photo; hold a photo.
Post-task activities
1. 学生分为四人一组。教师把学校里的设施,如教室、操场等的小图片发给每个小组。然后,请学生根据拿到的图片,在反面的表格中填入相关信息。
1. What’s in it?
How many
2. What can you do there?
We can …
2. 将学生分成四至六人一组,分发给每组一张海报纸,给出海报主题:Our school,要求学生在小组内合作完成海报。学生可以先在海报纸上画学校的一些设施,或者贴上学校设施的照片,并在图片旁注明,如classroom,library, toilet, playground, office。接着,学生在小组内围绕学校设施进行口头描述活动,如:We can play basketball in the playground. We can read in the library. We love our school.随后围绕主题Our school,在海报上用英语写几句话介绍学校情况。
This is our school. It is nice. It has a playground. The playground is very big. We can play football in it. We can play basketball too. There are twenty-two classrooms in our school. We love our school.
Ss: Look! This is our school. It is very big. There is a playground in our school. It is big. We can play football in it. We can play basketball there too. There is a library in our school. We can read in it. We love our school.
Unit7 At school
o (photo,rose)
animal, pupil, try
There is/are ...
That’s not true.
Come on.
Go and try.