Module 3 Places and activities Unit 7 At school 第一课时教学设计


名称 Module 3 Places and activities Unit 7 At school 第一课时教学设计
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2018-06-27 12:25:52



Unit7 At school 第1课时教学设计
【内容来源】上海教育出版社(2011年版)四上Module3 Unit7
【主 题】Look and learn
【课 时】第1课时
一、教学目标(Teaching aims)
1. 帮助学生学习表示学校和学校设施的单词school, classroom, library, office, playground, toilet。
2. 学生用已学句型描述学校和学校主要设施,通过设计学校平面图等活动在特定情境下综合运用所学单词。
二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
词汇:school, classroom, library, office, playground, toilet
三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)
四、教学过程(Teaching process)
Pre-task preparations
1. 展示学校图片,显示正门及学校名称,通过问答引出本单元的话题。
T: Do you know this place?
Ss: This is our school,…Primary School.
2. 出示学校设施的图片,向学生介绍这些设施并让学生说一说他们在里面能做什么。
T: (point to the playground in the picture)
Look! This is our playground. Do you like this place? What can you do there?
S1: We can play basketball.
S2: We can run and play there.
While-task procedures
1. 出示学校的平面图,介绍学校的主要设施,如图书馆、教室等,引出生词library, classroom等。然后出示Look and learn 的单词卡片,示范朗读,让学生跟读并拼读单词。
T: Look! This is a library. Library.
L-I-B-R-A-R-Y, library.
Ss: Library. L-I-B-R-A-R-Y, library.
2. 将单词图片放在学校平面图的相应位置,并给图片编号。用英语描述学校的某一场所,让学生根据教师的描述找出对应的图片,说出图片编号,随后教师让学生拼读单词。
T: It’s a room for the teachers. The teachers can work in it. What is it?
S1: It’s No. 1.
T: Yes, it’s the teachers’ office. Office. O-F-F-I-C-E, office.
Ss: Office. O-F-F-I-C-E, office.
3. 快速反应。将单词卡片贴在学校平面图的相应位置,随后让学生闭上眼睛,教师抽掉部分卡片,让学生快速说出平面图上缺了哪些卡片。
T: Open your eyes. Classroom, library, toilet, playground …What’s missing?
S1: Office.
也可以将学生分成四个大组进行抢答比赛。哪个组的学生最先说出答案,教师就在该组编号后面画一个“ ”记录。获得“ ”最多的小组获胜。
T: Open your eyes. Library, office, playground, toilet... What is missing?
S1 from Group 2: Classroom.
T: (draw a beside the group number 2)
4. 出示一张学校的平面图,提供文字范例并示范描述学校的某个设施,让学生仿照范例描述其他设施。
T: This is our school. It’s very big. It has a playground. We can play football in it.
S1: This is our school. It’s very big. It has a library. We can read in it.
Post-task activities
1. 学生结对进行“听并改错”活动。教师分发给每组学生A、B两张纸,一个学生朗读自己纸上的内容,另一个学生根据同伴所读,对自己纸上不相符的内容进行改正,并将自己改正后的内容读给同伴,校对答案。例如:
A. Read this to your friend
This is my school. It’s very big. It has a playground. The playground is very big. We can play basketball in it. I like my school.
B. Now listen and correct.
This is my school. It’s very big. It has a playground. The playground is very
small. . We can play football in it. I like my school.
big basketball
2. 将学生分为四人一组,发给每个小组一张学校平面图。要求各组成员发挥想象力,设计学校平面图,将图片上不同的设施,如教室、图书馆、操场等重新组合,设计一张新的平面图。最后,请个别小组展示新的学校平面图并向全班介绍。
S1: Look, this is our school. It’s very nice. It has a playground. The playground is very big. We can play basketball in it. It has a library. We can read in it. I like our school.
Unit7 At school
school, classroom, library, office, playground, toilet